Serious Slow Spending Mode

No doubt about it...I have too much stuff. My daughter's and son have too much stuff for the spaces they are living in, and the spillage is into my space. To be fair, my older daughter is good at not bringing it in or keeping excess, my son has limited temporary quarters, and my youngest's apartment is small. Still, after cleaning up from Christmas, the every day items are just too much. We all need a pruning of our wardrobes. I can cull my kitchen and not miss 1/3rd of the items and maybe more. No, I do not need to spend more on stuff so that's one area I can put an immediate halt. I'll moan like everyone that the cost of every day living is going up faster than I can update my budget. I compared my utilities when bills were paid Friday to last year. Gas is up 6% and electric up 11% from December 2023. Internet goes up $30 month in February after the two year promotion ends unless I drop speed and bandwidth. Car and house ins...