First Real Taste of Snow


  We'll get a White Christmas. The 3-4 inches expected is a nice amount for me. It covers the ugly dry, brown, dead vegetation with fresh blankets of white. It's enough for those that like sledding or ski runs to enjoy their hobbies, and I like the freshness of the air after a snowfall. I hate shoveling, but this is a manageable amount. My daughter shared this photo of grandpup looking out her living room window. It was too cute not to share with you all. 


  1. A light dusting of snow can be so lovely. We definitely don't get any here in the bay area, but when we go to Lake Tahoe to ski, it's beautiful. As long as I'm not driving in it! (Hawaii Planner)

  2. It's lovely to look at from the warmth of indoors! Having dodgy hips and back, I really don't like going out in snow, too afraid of falling over.


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