I've missed blogging. I blogged for nearly nine years in a previous iteration. It was a daily ritual during the long hiatus from regular life that the Covid pandemic created. Even as the world, my world, opened up again, the clicking away on my phone or computer keyboard, reading comments if something I said had any resonance, and reading and commenting on other blogs in return became my morning norm. Life sure is unpredictable. A year ago, just after Christmas, I had read of the tragic loss of my blogger friend's husband who passed away on Christmas morning, then read one of her readers lost her husband the same week. Never would I imagine just a few weeks later would I be joining that unasked for club, faced with my own widow story. But there it is. I've had to try and figure out life in this unplanned and foreign place. I'm not a young widow, having raised and launched three children, but at now 58, feel too young to be thought of in the same space as my 8...
A light dusting of snow can be so lovely. We definitely don't get any here in the bay area, but when we go to Lake Tahoe to ski, it's beautiful. As long as I'm not driving in it! (Hawaii Planner)
ReplyDeleteIt's lovely to look at from the warmth of indoors! Having dodgy hips and back, I really don't like going out in snow, too afraid of falling over.