
Dreams or Just Plans

    I don't remember where this photo came from and why it's in my phone. I guess I saved at one time because it felt like my life- broken pieces but so wanting to hold together.    I'm still not in a good place mentally, but at least am moving towards realization that this is now my life, without my husband, and navigating however many years I have ahead alone. To say life has changed in two years for my family, collective and individually is an understatement. My focus is on supporting my kids, and trying to find a new direction or purpose myself.       I'm burnt out in my job and have officially given a retirement date, even earlier than the original July 2025. I refuse to put myself through the spring chaos of budget and policy season. I thought long and hard about not going back after my knee surgery, but there's too big a financial miss to justify that due to hitting a milestone anniversary on March 3. Plus, I do like my colleagues and having a clean retiremen

Little Miss Ruling Life

           Two weeks ago, this little miss was either lost or abandoned at my son's work. As I had been cat sitting for my daughter, we had cat provisions so he brought her home hoping she'd be chipped or the owners would reach out. Two weeks later (and a hefty vet bill) and it looks like she's now part of the family. She'll be my son's pet; she runs for him when he comes through the door. When he moves out she'll join him, but until then, she's established herself as princess of the palace.       My son said it's my fault he rescued her because, " you didn't raise us to be &_#holes."  True...we've cared for wandering pets in the past,  but ones that were full grown, and just came looking for meals and eventually moved on or were found by owners. The vet estimated she was about 11 weeks and just in case she became ours, we scheduled spaying at 16 weeks, per vet guidance.       I've never been a cat person, but between little mis

A Check-in

      I'm amazed how people that I've only met virtually can become such good friends and a support system. I've not been feeling like blogging for several months and not sure when I'll resume. However, I feel I owe so many of you that have checked in by comments or emails to at least let you know I'm still here, still getting from day to day.      I had a successful knee replacement back on August 7th. Recovery has been slow, but is progressing in the manner the surgery and PT team say they aim for. Getting the 0° leg extension, and the 120°+ bend has been the challenge. I'm battling fatigue when trying to walk as long as I'd like and restlessness at night, but pain has been very manageable. I'm working intermittently and will through the rest of September. In October, I'll work around weekly formal PT appointments and daily rounds of  continued PT exercises on my own. A few other health issues came to light or resurfaced in preparing for surgery, m

So Very Tired

      Apologies to Michb as I think I deleted her comment from my last post. I've never read anything but kindness from you, so please know the lost comment was not intended. I'm just really tired- who knows if others were deleted too. Any supportive comments are appreciated, though likely won't be discussing my in-laws in my blog much in the future. It's not fair for me to write about them or have any expectations.      We think the raccoon issue is resolved, but not before yet another call. It's not cheap to have critter incursions resolved. I was lamenting to my son that maybe I shouldn't try and keep the house. He's a help of course, but this isn't his long term plan, or quite frankly intermediary plan. His response was that yes, it is a lot of house and property to take care. He knows my husband handled the bulk of house maintenance and outside care. My son's been a city living apartment dweller since his junior year of college. He'll be a c

Struggling in Year Two as a Widow

           If you are not in the mood for a post like this, I will take no offense. Skip on over and hopefully another day I'll be a bit better spirited. This is for me really after another challenging weekend trying to cope. I'm really struggling in this second year of being a widow. Maybe it's the season; this should have been our first summer to really enjoy the extra time together. He was to have retired Labor Day weekend last September, and we'd be spending nights going to music by the park events, weekends and my days off either on an adventure or at the cabin, happily tooling around in the boat that he waited decades to buy. I can't stop thinking about the wasted opportunities when we had them and took time for granted. The planning for my own retirement almost sickens me to see the unused financial sacrifices he made to secure our future.        I focus on my kid's happiness but they each seem just as stuck, but in different ways. I know they will be hap

Dinner Past and Future, June 9Week

      Slowly we're eating more salads and less comfort foods, though I love a good salad.  Sunday - Son worked and ate there. I had miscellaneous items found in the refrigerator and made a big Italian pasta salad with vegetables and loads of olives.  Monday - Chicken thighs with a quinoa and cucumber salad Tuesday - Sausage, onion, and mushroom Rotini pasta Wednesday - Salmon, son, with avocado toast, baked potato, brown beans and broccoli  Thursday - R anch and parmesan crusted chicken vegetables. Friday - Tuna Cakes on French Rolls,  pasta salad, green beans Saturday - Odd meal day, but eventually we had toasted ham and cheese with cucumbers and tomatoes to use up the French rolls      I've got another graduation party today. My son's working. My younger daughter has been here off and on for the weekend, so not sure what she'll want. She has more mouth work tomorrow so will need a soft diet again. I'm not sure yet if she wants to stay here or her own apartment

Saturday Recap June 8, 2024

           This is my weekly journal of sorts. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. I hope to capture something positive each day. Some days it's a stretch and I hate that, but accept figuring out my life alone and have regular joy again is going to take some time.  This is for June 1-7,  2024. Saturday : The weather was wet and dreary so we had a slow start, but made little waffles plus extra for the toaster. My son turned two into McGriddles  by adding egg, cheese, and turkey. I had grocery shopping and errands to run, and by the time I was done, the weather turned nice. I got grass seed down that was meant for patch repair and supposedly will see some growth within seven days. This will be the last I'll attempt until fall, then cross fingers over the winter, the seed will do it's thing after aerating the soil then seeding.      Later, I picked up my Mother-in-law and we went to an extended family members graduation party. The parents we're rela