It's Worse Than I Imagined

      The shit show since January 20th has been a big reason for my reclusiveness the last few weeks. Let the comments fly. Create a crisis. Lie that you resolved it. Get your sycophants to suck it all up. Rinse. Repeat...for four F' ing years. Oh, and let's shout, "but her emails" while a foreign oligarch is raiding our private personal data with his hoard of teenagers. Let's pardon January 6th criminals, several of which immediately committed additional crimes.  I said it was going to be my only political post election post but man, it's even worse than I could have imagined.


  1. I feel the same way you do! It’s all sickening, frightening, disgusting! I feel so scared & depressed for our country! 😞 Kathy in Maryland

  2. It's really just very disheartening. I honestly don't understand it at all :(

  3. I try to read what is happening, but it coming in so fast and hard that I cannot read it all. Now, he wants us to take Gaza and the people living there can just go live somewhere else!

    1. So much for "America First!" There is no doubt a financial opportunity for The Orange Felon in this Gaza deal - should it come to be. Not a doubt in my mind. He does nothing for nothing - it's always in his favor. Those documents he stole? Not a doubt in my mind he sold some of them already to our enemies.

  4. It just feels so confusing from here (UK). I hope it settles soon. Praying for you all.

  5. I'd forgotten what it was like to wake up every morning and wonder, What's the orange one done now? x

  6. Don’t let it keep you from living. He’s throwing all these things at us to see what sticks and becomes ‘normal’. Write your congressman, make phone calls. It all helps. I have to back off from all the crap, too. But then i get back to it so he doesn’t take away our democracy!

  7. I texted a few friends Monday: "There isn't enough F-ing Vodka to numb this $hit$how". I am torn between being informed, which takes many hours of news intake daily, and saving my sanity/mental health! I feel ya girl!!!

  8. I guess when the demented old man was ruining, I mean running the country, things were better? Y'all can go fu**k yourselves . Trump is stratening out this country once and for all and the reason why you don't understand is because you're morons. The left still can't figure out why they lost the election. Like duh?

    1. I'm going to let this stand as an example of the caliber of dim wits that reside on planet earth. So the constitution, separation of authority, and trilateral government only matter when a Democrat is in office? I'm well aware who has the title President right now- but he's who you all decided was the best choice to represent your party? Clowns and Jokers. So proud of your comment to own us "morons" that you sought out a very random blog with a handful of readers, to post anonymously. You're schooling us big time.

    2. Brilliant graceful response Sam - from I note an anonymous person who cannot spell . All the US citizens I know are good, honest , moral people ( I clearly don’t know your anonymous commentator , and neither would I want too ). This space that you have created is a safe one , where we appreciate and respect each other . Even if we disagree , we do so with Grace . Please don’t let ignorant idiots stop you blogging .
      Siobhan x

    3. Anonymous the first, you are so brainwashed you like the dismantling of our Democracy? Sad cultist.

  9. Dido to your post! It's going to be a very l o n g 4 years... 47 months to go.....

  10. So David Hogg? And the new far leftists chair of the DNC? The democrats refuse to see why they lost the election even now. And these people are going to fix your very broken party?

    1. And, if we stay on topic, as a Libertarian, you're cool with how Trump is executing? My original post was a fueled charge to the Republicans that thought Trump was their salvation. I stand by that charge, which is completely aside from what and how the Democratic Party does their own stupid things.

    2. So answer my question if you can. And while I'm at it how are we last in all the metrics to measure school success in 40 developed countries yet we spend by far the most per student out iof all countries. What exactly does the Dept. of Education do? It doesn't seem to help educate our kids. And frankly, you have no clue where Libertarians stand.

    3. Give it a rest already. Go search for your bargain basement finds and bitch about everyone on your own blog. Quite frankly, if you're defending any of this, just move along. Clearly we have little in common and if your intent is to be a miserable bugger, do it elsewhere. I've humoured your piss ant attitude because I know you've had a tough time health and family, but please just go away. I guess only Sluggy knows anything about everything and the rest of us are just stupid.

    4. I never comment - but I have to heart this a million times!!!!!!!!

    5. All you have right is that the Dems cannot see why they lost.

    6. No, I never said anything about why the Democrats lost- if you read the last post , I full on stated in comments that Biden re-running, then no primary after he pulled out, was not smart. I'm trying to figure out how Republicans put this inhuman person in an untouchable position of power.

    7. Oh no, I meant all that Sluggy had right, LOL. I think they have no clue and need to get to work, I by no means support Trump or the Republicans!

    8. The Dems lost because we live in a racist society. I do agree our educational system needs fixing. Look how many morone voted for a rapist?

  11. it is indeed frightening what is happening. I'm very afraid of how this is going to continue without some collapse of our democracy. Then you get people like your commenter, who thinks trump is god, and saving our country and I just want to scream. Wake up!! he's destroying democracy along witht he nut job musk. Ruth Marcus had a good op ed in the WP about how some of what trump is doing is going to irraparable. Very scary. hey, trumpers,above commenters, how's the price of those eggs going for you?

  12. To clarify to anyone that wants to defend Trump's actions with "but look over here", I've spent decades debating policy at a local, state, and federal level with multiple changes in party leadership. Point out where I've ever said the Biden Administration had no flaws, that the Democrats run a smooth government. Never. But hey, if those that want to come here to attack my opinion about what a man that said he plans to be a dictator and now appears to be fulfilling that plan, you do you.

    1. Trump never meant he wants to be a dictator. Idi Amin, Mao, Maduro, Hitler, Chavez, Pol Pot, etc. those were dictators. If you are waiting for the government to come round you up into camps, you will be sorely disappointed.

    2. I'm aware of what hyperbole is, but he admires absolute power. Are you done now, Sluggy? I know your opinion is so much more valuable than others, but us plebs can talk and commiserate together.

    3. Commiserate all you want it doesn't change the fact that the majority of Americans are not with you and some of your "facts" are untruths. I guess nobody here is interested in a discussion so I'll leave you all to your little echo chamber. Thanks for the condescension. Always appreciated.

    4. You haven't discussed-just argued, insulted ,and did your own cherry picking of your interpretation of facts, and were rude from your first comment. You realize blogging is for our own personal reasons, sometimes to just get thoughts out, find like minded people. The world isn't going to change from an echo chamber of comments on a lowly read blog. But it might help some of us questioning if we are really hearing and seeing what's before us, to know it's not just us. Then, we can each decide how we want to respond in our individual lives. If you feel I was condescending, my words refected the tone and words you chose. Telling people they have no clue, throwing accusations as if I directly made Democratic Party decisions, doesn't really invite dialogue.

    5. Well said Sam . I hope that Slugmama takes her diatribe elsewhere . She’s clearly from the shallow end of the gene pool ( sorry that was a low blow, but this liberal lefty could not resist- and I doubt that Slugmama would understand it anyway
      Siobhan xxx

    6. ha ha ha! Love you, Siobhan! Yeah, sadly Sluggy has been indoctrinated into the cult of Trump. Doesn't matter what a gawd-awful person he is - that he lies, cheats, bullies. He's their man! How sad is that?!?

    7. Again I never comment but as a Canadian I have to say I agree with everything you said Sam. I used to read Sluggy but I think she maybe has a brain worm like RFK - she is totally whacked now.

  13. The derangement of Maga Amerika is on full display. The Christian right has a large responsibility for this. Deport migrants and American born criminals to El Salvador jails; thank you Marco Rubio for your compassion. Not.
    Rescind citizenship for native born Americans including NATIVE Americans. How convenient.
    Annex Canada, Greenland, Panama Canal and Gaza. Poor Gaza, the future Riviera for Kushners and Trumps and the Palestinians can just be erased. Trump and Netanyahu, what a team.
    Can Americans know how much contempt is felt for them for bringing this scourge to power again? No, I think not.
    Be assured that as Trump destroys old alliances, new alliances are being formed to fight what is coming. Who knew that Trump could be such a unifier?

    1. You have no compunction for companies to send jobs overseas so why not hardened criminals who are beyond reforming overseas, to countries who will take them since it will save money to pay these countries to house them there instead of here?
      Nobody has said one word about rescinding Indigenous Peoples citizenship, prove it.
      We gave the Panama Canal to Panama in a treaty. Panama has violated the terms of that treaty so yes, we can take it back.
      Nobody is deporting LEGAL migrants.....people who stood in line and filed to be here the proper way. They are deporting people who broke the law by coming into our country illegally.
      Nobody is annexing the countries you mentioned.
      Obviously the majority of Americans are good with transparency in government and who runs it now as that side won the election.
      Get your facts right before running off at the mouth.

    2. You're assuming this regime is giving transparency. Many of us believe it's a cover for other actions, with the richest man in the world picking and choosing what's revealed. You know best though, right Sluggy. Only you can run off at the mouth.

    3. Dear Slugmama
      Please read some history - particularly about the Panama Canal , and its creation and ownership . Sam is my friend ( and not yours ). I have no desire to read anymore of your deluded and defensive comments . Just stop . The supporters of this blog will never agree with you , not you with them . So enough. Hang out with your MAGA mates and keep supporting your idiot President who thinks that the genocide in Gaza is a real estate issue .
      Sam I am sorry for replying so much to this person . I feel like I have hijacked this post and I do not want to . In future if this person posts I will do my very best to ignore her . Promise
      Siobhan xxx

    4. I don't like that I got snotty. My buttons just got pushed to overheating. No one has yet to explain why of all people, Trump after the last tenure, was still crowned a king? How could not one person than ran in the Republican primary be a better representation for their party? How can a man that has been proud of his history as a lying cheating scum bag (Trump University, Trump Foundation, documented sexual predatory behavior, racist and cheating real estate bad actor, bankruptcy after bankruptcy) win the the souls of 77 million? That's what terrifies me- these people walk among us. I can disagree and have meaningful conversations with the Republicans or other party philosophy holders. I just can't with a Trump sycophant. I'm not even a registered or party line Democrat. I think Biden was barely mediocre as President. Even so, I'd vote for my kitten, trusting her pushing random buttons would have better outcomes than Trump actions will have for regular people.

    5. I'm laughing at Sluggy posting above "They are deporting people who broke the law by coming into our country illegally."

      Since when the fuck have you cared about "law" & things being "legal" Sluggy?
      WASN'T JANUARY 6, 2021 enough for you? Was that "legal?"
      My gawd, your stupidity is baffling!

  14. I sleep better in the past 3 weeks than I have in the past 4 years. The hatred you are joining in spreading is one sided in all your views - it's how you see it and perceive it, but it doesn't make you right. It doesn't matter if President Trump would cure cancer, you would find a reason to fault him and find blame. I'm watching with interest because as I dig deeper into some of the things being done I find the real reasons for it... there is so much more information to all these actions. Doesn't matter what I thought of either political party, I'm looking deeper into researching issues and finding I am supporting the actions once I delve deeper. It's been hell for the last 4 years, scary, stomach turning hell. I feel we are on a better path and getting common sense back. And it's only been 2+ weeks.

    1. He is not curing cancer, LOL. And he is not saving anyone but him and his closest friends/family. When the time comes and you suffer at the hands of his policies, who will you turn to?

    2. Brave anonymous, you know, there are times in life I'd love to be wrong. You're right, I think Trump is evil and have no belief his unqualified cabinet is anything more than boot lickers put in place to soothe his ego and act on his vendetta against those he felt did him wrong. But it's my blog and I can write my perception. I bet you were fully spreading unbiased views the last four years- doubt that.

  15. As a Canadian, I worry as I worried before. I have young nieces growing up in this world, and this is not what I envision for them. He is continuing to incite a lot of hatred, racism etc. Folks support him, but they will literally DIE because of his policies. Then what???

  16. I feel the same, Sam. So many feelings. Angry, sad, anxious, stressed, worried, hopeless.
    Went to see my primary care doctor a few weeks ago & talked with him. He looked me in the eye & said "You are not the only one feeling this way."

    One QUESTION for the Felon supporters here: What makes you think a man who has lied to & cheated on EVERY WIFE HE'S EVER HAD (**THIS IS A FACT!!!) is going to be honest & trustworthy in his role as president? WHAT? EXPLAIN THIS TO ME LIKE I'M A 5 YEAR OLD!

    It seems his MAGA supports know the above, but they just don't care. Because they carry the same mean, revengeful, hatred in their hearts that he does, which makes him A-OK with them.

    It's sickening.

  17. It's going to be A LONG four years. I don't put politics on my blog because I don't have the appetite for all of the crazy that gets unleashed, but it's not because I don't care. I care deeply & it affects me deeply. But, for my own mental well-being, I have to decide not to engage on my own blog about it. (This isn't a criticism of you AT ALL, this post is the perfect example of the crazy getting unleashed in the comments). Really trying to balance the desire to be an informed and active citizen (have been calling my representatives regularly) & my own sanity and well being. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Admittedly, not my finest blogging hour. Once in a while, though, I feel I need to speak my mind, even if it brings out the crazy. Geesh, people can just scroll and not engage if I m such an idiot about politics.

  18. And in answer to your question about the Dept. of Education, the federal government is prohibited from exercising control over k-12 curriculum, that power lies with the states, but here’s an article about what they do:

    1. Heaven forbid linking to NPR...what radical leftist rhetoric might you be spewing? Better that we have people digging in the dark web to find the "experts" that confirm their "facts."

    2. And while they are there they can buy drugs from Ullbricht, since he is now pardoned to appease the Libertarians. But by all means, millions of drugs sold to the U.S by him, resulting in many deaths. But it’s Canada who needs to stop fentanyl. ::eye roll::
      I wish people would see the EXACT parallels with Hitler and the Holocaust….something The Felon doesn’t want taught in U.S. schools.

  19. And this for Sluggy,by%20ESSA%2C%20and%20ESEA's%20restrictions

  20. The lack of knowledge and actual current events demonstrated here by Anon and Slug is unbelievable. I have made this anonymous only because I don't need either of them filling my inbox with their bullshit!

    Sam, it's your blog and you get to write what you want here. Speaking our minds is necessary sometimes to lighten the stress load. I honestly hope you'll block them. Enough is enough.

    1. If you were referring to the anon comments with the links and then the reference to Ulbricht’s pardon, that was me, Meg. I show up anonymously on this device and don’t always catch it.

    2. Can’t even own your shit - bhahaha. Sounds like a Liberal.


  21. Best part about all this in addition to getting what we voted for is watching you Liberals cry everyday. A truly beautiful thing…


    1. Melissa
      As a mental health professional I am concerned for your health . Your aggressive tone suggests to me an undiagnosed or untreated personality disorder , which will
      not I fear resolve itself with professional help . Maybe you have access to that in the vibrant mental health system in the US, in which case I urge you to make use of it . What cannot help is target ing people through this blog . Your views are clearly not shared by the majority, and frankly , it’s embarrassing to read . Shut up . Go get some professional help . And stop trying to find some external validation for what ever troubles you

    2. Siobhan - I am going to pray for your Liberal Ass to wake up crying for the next 4 years. Brings a smile to my face.

    3. Anyone want to wager Melissa, or Anon, who ever, claims they're a Christian and sits so piously in her predetermined pew each Sunday, while looking around judging with a smirk on her face those she feels are beneath her lofty opinion and beliefs.

  22. Oh dear. I don’t even know what to say about the “remarks” made on here. I will say that folks have a right to their opinions and engage in free speech and all. It would be nice if it were civil, and polite but alas, that is not the case since the internet has come into being. My lowly two cents is that the only politician I know of on the recent national stage who appeared to actually care about this nation was Mitt Romney. I am mot saying I know him personally. I will say of the literal hundreds of both lower level and higher level politicians I have know, they are almost all narcissistic. They suck.
    Do not let your personal political feelings cause ugliness among friends. Do not go to their level. Be kind. Be respectful. Be rational. Also I have worked for and with both Republicans and Democrats and both sides have thrown me under the bus for their own benefit. In other words, I have been told to do something that I thought was reasonable and when it became heated politically, I was blamed , called crazy, Incompetent, stupid, and castrated. Well maybe not, since I am a girl, but you get the point. . I suppose Romney probably feels the same way but I cannot speak for him. Ok, as stated above, I said my lowly two cents. All politicians suck and don’t let them divide you from friends.As always, please pardon typos. I have slight PTSD from the experiences, and from dealing with other issues going on. Much love to all. I humbly request that you carry on politely please. . Cindy in the South

    1. I forgot to say I hope everyone takes a deep breath, and has a lovely evening wherever you are. We in the U.S. also don’t have to listen to folks elsewhere adding unnecessary fuel to the fire. While they have a right to their opinions, it is still our country. I do not trlll folks in other countries how to run their country. Cindy in the South

    2. Cindy- Thank you for adding a voice of calm and composure. True, dividing and fueling antagony towards each other will not solve anything. Quite frankly, when I hit publish this morning, I thought it'd be letting out a bit of steam, nothing more. I've seen Sluggy post opinions videos, links to biased sources, and just kept scrolling. I thought others that disagreed would do the same
      I took the bate and for that, I'm regretful.

    3. I think it's hard to say someone is your friend, when they actively support folks in office who go against things that hurt you/your family etc. People are really just very mean/vindictive/selfish in the real world :(

    4. I agree that we need to be civil, but I think the whole world is going to be affected by this madman, so I do think other countries can voice their opinions. Do you really think tariffs/trade wars are a good idea against our allies? Canada? Or how about the communications blackout? We have seen how quickly a virus can spread across the world. But hey we will never know now since any news will be censored...I could go on, but I know I am not going to change anyone's opinion.

    5. Kathy, The most benign information on Federal sites was taken down. Maybe staff over did it, but I'm sure they have no idea what will put them in the firing line when the directives are so overarching but no thought to implementation. If I hear the term "plandemic", I'll scream. I highly think my husband had it before there was admission it was in the US- he was sick all of December, 2019, with no doctor being able to give a diagnosis, and every thing he experienced aligned with Covid. I have young relatives still with the impact. Bodies couldn't be managed. But, his administration won't date let us know what's going on unless it fits his agenda. How can anyone say this is proper leadership?

  23. I hope we can all survive these four years. It makes me so sad to see what is happening to our country. But we aren't alone...I was heartened to see the peaceful protests today. build the resistance.

  24. Sluggy is a horribly depressed woman. You are a functional widow.

    1. So I am not the only one who has noticed Sluggy’s deterioration? It’s not just her political ranting/borderline racism and lack of social/ historical perspective. She has made terrible comments to people on their own blogs about other things, like buying vacuum cleaners, as if she is insulted they dare say something she disagrees with. And the way she had maligned her own children on her public blog? Oh my. Meanwhile, SAM is forging ahead in a world of uncertainty with dignity and grace.
      I would feel bad for Sluggy, but having read her for a while I daresay she has brought much of her misery on herself.
      And fwiw, SAM and I have had several sociological, political and cultural differences, so I am in no way a “fan girl.” (Our chronicled differences on early childhood education is one such case that comes to mind.) SAM us an educated, well spoken woman, who was being insulted by a nasty “bugger” who I believe called in minions to help. (Or maybe those anon posts were hers too. Wouldn’t surprise me.) In any case, I heartily dislike bullies.

    2. I remember some of those good debates, Meg. And yet, here we are years and years later. I can handle different opinions. Hell, I have no problem being proved wrong. I'd love to be 100% wrong this time and in the years ahead smile and say, isn't life grand for every one. I wont hold my breath.

    3. As a result of our conversations, I found myself in our public library researching the science of teaching reading! That led me to serving on our local school district’s citizens’ committee. Last year I was assigned to the capital facilities advisory committee, this year I am in the academic advisory committee.

    4. Anon wrote: "I would feel bad for Sluggy, but having read her for a while I daresay she has brought much of her misery on herself". Absolutely agree. 100% victim and everything is someone else's fault. Any experience/knowledge I shared was unequivocally wrong. I quit reading her blog long ago.

  25. Good for you, Sam! Speaking up. There's little points in arguing tho, as Sluggy knows she is always right. Sluggy, Anon and now Melissa are clueless and cruel. Anyone who supports the end of funding AIDS medicine to CHILDREN and their parents, and gutting US Aid, is just plain cruel.


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