So Very Tired

      Apologies to Michb as I think I deleted her comment from my last post. I've never read anything but kindness from you, so please know the lost comment was not intended. I'm just really tired- who knows if others were deleted too. Any supportive comments are appreciated, though likely won't be discussing my in-laws in my blog much in the future. It's not fair for me to write about them or have any expectations.

     We think the raccoon issue is resolved, but not before yet another call. It's not cheap to have critter incursions resolved. I was lamenting to my son that maybe I shouldn't try and keep the house. He's a help of course, but this isn't his long term plan, or quite frankly intermediary plan. His response was that yes, it is a lot of house and property to take care. He knows my husband handled the bulk of house maintenance and outside care. My son's been a city living apartment dweller since his junior year of college. He'll be a condo or townhouse guy when he buys.

      I looked a bit and there's some beautiful places in my buying range in communities I'd be willing to live. Most do not have main floor living as an option (master, full bath, and laundry with kitchen and living on ground floor), so I'd likely need to move again at some point. I'm staying put for now. 

     I'm just stuck in a circle of house stress, work stress, family stress, and health stress. My brain never gets to shut off. I'm going to resume therapy; I think I need to get a top up of any coping skills I learned but must have forgotten. I can't imagine going ahead with surgery in this mind set. But that's not negotiable as the pain in my knee is starting to impact my whole body. More to come. 



  1. Hoping you get to a calmer place sooner rather than later. I know from past experiences when things start to unravel it seems like they are never going to stop, and it is hard to find peace.

  2. I find this house too big for me too, but I love it here so I'm not moving either. It's just my feeling but I think moving would add untold stress at a time when you really don't need it. Good for you for going back to therapy. I'm sure things will ease up once you're retired - although I'm sure that seems like a million miles away right now!

  3. I'm sorry you have so many stresses in your life right now. Moving home is one of the most stressful things ever, I can appreciate that the current home and garden may be too big for you in the future, but moving now when you're already feeling stressed may be too much. I hope going back to therapy will help you.

  4. I'm sorry Sam. Coping is hard even though you put one foot in front of the other every day. If reading serves you, my sister said "Dance of Anger" was helpful to her to sort some of the feels and thoughts.

    Hugs to you.

  5. Being tired makes it that much more difficult to deal with everything. I've thought about what I would want should my husband pass before me, and I definitely will want/need something low maintenance. Even if I had an endless handy person budget, it still seems like a lot of work to coordinate jobs, etc. My husband does all of the repairs & the like, and I can only imagine how hard it would be to pick all of that up, especially unexpectedly. I hope therapy is able to give you new skills to use to manage this season. (Hawaii Planner)

  6. I know my 3000 plus sq ft home with 5 acres would be huge. Both of us handle maintenace and yard care because I was a widow at 31 and KNOW how bad that was (same size house).With Hubby having congitive disfunction (not quite dementia but some days could be), I am already stepping back in to the outside work. Look for a home that is handicap/ wheelchair so you don't have to move again.Might have a friend look at what you have to change it to less work ... that would be a big selling point which is what we did.

  7. Hey Sam
    You are busy , in pain with your knee , worried about your kids , grieving and trying to wrap up work , prepare for surgery and do the work of two around your home . Maybe now is not the time to be making big decisions- that’s how I feel and what I have decided to do ( but this might change ). I have great friends in nearby cottages and I know I can’t replicate the lovely street I live on . I have continued to employ a gardener , as when I do sell the garden will be a big selling point , and whilst expensive she has become a friend . Please be kind to yourself
    Siobhan x

  8. I am glad to hear you're returning to therapy. My friend did grief counseling for a few months after her dad died, and she found it super helpful - great to freshen up / sharpen those tools. As for moving, even if it does happen, I think you can wait until other things settle before you decide on all that. We are all sending you lots of strength and love.

  9. I'd just take your time deciding what to do with your house. You will know what to do when the time is right. I already know there is NO way I could take care of this place, unless I hired out the yard work, regular maintenance and snow plowing and trying to find people to do that in this rural area would be very hard. If something happens to my dh I will be living in a townhome or condo for sure.

  10. Thank you so much ...your reply made me feel so good..I will comment again , i am tired too ...dementia and crippled life partner for 10 years ..had a wonderful husband for 44 years (my partner makes it possible to stay in my house) and have a wonderful german shepherd...thank you again .

  11. I hope you can find some relief from the continuing stress you are under. Any suggestions I give are just thoughts. I've no experience with what you are going through. Take care of yourself, too.

  12. So sorry you're being so stressed. Please just take things slow. Do not make any big decisions while going through so many other things. Please take care. Hugs.

  13. I am sorry you feel so tired. Getting help is wise.

  14. I remember how my pre-op hip pain used to wear me down and you've got so much more to contend with. I hope you do decide to get help. xxx

  15. Good luck in all your endeavors. Resist the urge to hurry and resist the urge to 'get it all done'

  16. (((((Sam))))) My heart goes out to you. I'll be praying for peace for you in all these decisions and stress you have going on right now. I too, realize that this house and land is way too much for me to take care of, so the time will come when I need to move on someday. I'm glad you have your son there to help you even if it's just for a season.

  17. Thinking of you and the kids today. Sending much love. JoAnn

  18. Oh goodness, sounds like the knee pain could be the root of the much more added stresses your encountering & the downward spirals. When I don't feel good, especially with physical pain, it affects my whole being & way of thinking. Perhaps think about moving the knee surgery to the top of the list being something you can control in the moments for the healing of the physical pain stressor.

  19. Jre sorry but just checking in to see if you’re ok. Just concerned, the widow road is treacherous and for me also how to support my kids during it was so overwhelming. I still feel I’m only as happy as my saddest child. I don’t know how to change that.

  20. Stopping by to let you know I've been thinking of you.

  21. Hope everything is ok. Been thinking of you and missing your posts.

  22. Also just checking in - miss your posts.

  23. I've seen the weather problems in MN and I hope you are safe from all that. 8-)

  24. Whenever I feel overwhelmed it is because I am thinking or trying to do too much at the same time. I pause and take a few deep breaths and focus on one thing at a time, the thing needing done.

  25. Thinking of you SAM, and hoping some of the stress is easing xx

  26. I am not sure what part of the metro that you live in, but I truly hope you have not had flooding issues in your area. The rain had been relentless in many areas of the state and caused a lot of problems. From drought to flood. I pray for all those who have been affected. Ranee (MN)

  27. Thinking of you, Sam - hope you are hanging in there!! We miss you here in blog land! ((HUG))

  28. Hope you are doing ok , this ongoing heat does not help ...prayers for you going out .

  29. Thinking of you. I hope your knee surgery goes well.

  30. sending you love and positive vibes for the knee surgery. take it one day at a time.

  31. Sam, it's been a long time. Hoping you are doing OK this summer and your knee surgery went perfectly! Hugs.

  32. Hope you are doing ok, especially if it's hot where you live. If you had knee surgery, hope it went well. Home ownership was too much for me, I'm single. Condo or even apartment living rocks! Take care! -Zoe.

  33. Miss you Sam❤️ JoAnn

  34. Hoping you & your family are all well! Hope the surgery was as easy as possible, & recovering is going smoothly. (Hawaii Planner)

  35. Hope you and family are okay.
    🤗 Janie

  36. Thinking of you. Hope you are doing ok and thinking good thoughts for knee surgery and recovery.

  37. Thought of you this morning. Hugs

  38. Thinking of you. I hope you and your family are doing alright. Hugs

  39. thinking of you! hoping the surgery was a success and recovery is going ok. sending you love.

  40. Thinking of you, Sam! I hope that you are doing well. Not sure if you had the knee surgery, but I hope it has been a restful summer. Miss your blog! But I completely understand the need for a break, Hope to "see" ie read you soon.


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