My Only Political Post Election Commentary


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

     It's been almost a week since Election Day in the United States. Today is Veterans Day and I am proud of the service of so many of my family and friends. I thank you and all veterans. 

     Perhaps this post is not appropriate today, or maybe it's the best day. Maybe I'm lazy, or tired, or just feel I'm without the right words to relay my utter disgust at the results of the election. This video has been posted multiple times on Facebook, Twitter ( I just can't call it Musk's letter), and other platforms so perhaps you've seen. He has the words my tirade won't really capture.  

One Man's Retrospect Post 2024 Election

      For some of us, the disgust in the election started before 2016 when the Republican Party even put this person on their ticket. It continued through his first campaign when video of his behavior and opinions of women, the poor, and people of color came to light, but weren't deal breakers. I was pained through his first presidency, the mishandling and gaslighting on the pandemic, and the unprecedented shit show between the election and the 2021 inauguration. You remember, the day when the cry baby slithered off with now we know boxes of classified documents to store in his golden bathroom. Four years in between, and the Republicans sold their souls and put him back on top of their ticket. 

     Don't tell me it's about the economy, the border, or any other salieable justification for putting this immoral cheat and scoundrel as leader. There were candidates that ran in the Republican primary to disagree with, but at least respect that they truly did have the country's best interest in mind. There were multiple chances to have him go away, live out his years on a golf course, with lifetime secret service protection, muttering about how he really won in 2020. Post all the anti Kamala Harris videos, interviews, and memes you want. They don't dismiss the insanity of Trump regaining power. My rant is how that sociopath that I doubt ever did a thing for another human if there wasn't a pay out for him, got back to represent our whole country. 

     Every person that voted for him better put him under the same microscope you had Harris and Biden under. Think about his incoherent ramblings for what they are-incoherent ramblings, not some "weave" of brilliance. When those he brings in, then "fires" because they will not pander to him, talk about how unhinged he is, listen this time. Pay attention to who he praises and admires- and who he throws under buses. Look who he's made deals with already and what foxes are rewarded with what chicken coops. (I will be sad to see polio, measles, mumps, and rubella make a come back.)

      Mostly, remember that he must be out in four years- do not let him become the dictator that gets unlimited terms as President as no doubt he's got people trying to figure out a way, with a majority in the House and Senate with members apparently afraid of him, willing to pass a ludicrous change. Plus, I figure he's got a Supreme Court that's so tainted politically, lawsuits to stop him will be pointless. I know he's already an old man, but Darwinism has failed.

     I debated turning off comments, and might regret not doing so but I guess if someone took the time to read, I will respect their right to have different views and share their words. I hold the right to unpublish any or this whole post. This is a post written for my mind release on all that's been built up. Call me chicken little. I'll be happy to learn the throbbing pain in my head is just a bop from an acorn and the sky is really not falling. That's up to all of us to literally put our heads and hands up to stop the collapse, but mostly I'm pointing to anyone that voted for him to be the first ones climbing the ladder to push them back when the stars and clouds start to come down. 

 Edit: I added that I'll post comments as a respect to the right for different views. Honestly, there's some views I will not give any respect to, but it's important to not only read comments from those that share my views. It helps me know what I'm facing each day. 

Edit 2: This post has more than ran it's course. I'm closing comments now. Thanks for participating. 


  1. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you wrote. Many hugs to you and your family.

  2. He’s putrid inside and out.

  3. The Democrats attempted a Coup putting Harris first of all.

    I voted for Trump so that my daughter will not have to share a bathroom with boys or play on the same team as boys.

    DEI is racist and needs to go away.

    Illegal aliens need to but cut off on any public funds they are receiving and if they commit a crime they need to go back now.

    Best part of the Election he won both the popular and electoral college so there is no doubt our country is about to change for the better. Beautiful Veterans Day for the dawning of America taking our country back.


    1. Back from who? Was he really your preferred candidate in the Republican primary? Please explain how creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive society and government is racist? I'll concede the way the Democrats handled the ticket was dumber than dirt, and Biden should have kept his earlier plan to be a transitional president and there should have been a open primary process started a year ago.

    2. Also because the majority that voted chose orange, how does that dispel doubt that the country will change for the better? To me, it affirms doubt that humans are fundamentally good and caring about each other.

    3. Sick Melissa. You've been brainwashed thoroughly as he intended. Enjoy "I will be a Dictator on Day One".

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with you! I posted a link and one person said she is never coming back to my blog. Oh well. Did you read the last two links I posted two days ago and three days ago? Blacks are receiving texts that they will be picked up and will have to pick cotton. Young men are telling women--your body my choice. This has happened immediately after the election. Both instances involve many people. I find it hard to believe that these egregious acts are not the result of an immoral man influencing our country. Trump is not just wrong-headed; he is the most selfish person and out for himself, influencing our country in the most abhorrent actions. He targets people with less power.
    Practical Parsimony

  5. You said it beautifully. I'm concerned about how this will affect my daughters and and grandsons and all future generations. Lynn

  6. I agree with you 100 per cent, Sam. Thanks for sharing the video. I am going to do my best to channel my devastated post-election feelings into being a more positive force in the world. So often we rush about our days without offering people a kind word. But no one should fault anyone else for being kind.

  7. You could not have stated this any better. These are exactly my thoughts. I am scared for our country. Lori

  8. I was stunned to wake up and see he won and not in a good way. I’m afraid for our futures. JoAnn

  9. STUNNED on Nov 6 doesn't begin to describe my reaction (I turned off news election evening). I 110% agree with everything you wrote. The manipulative Narcissist-elect achieved his cult development. Heck, he had more years than it took Hitler who was also elected. I wonder how many of his voters paid attention in high school to the history we were taught. Or did WW2 get removed from textbooks?

    May we be strong. May we survive with our sanity intact. Hugs to you Sam.

  10. Sadly he and his administration will hurt everyone in the country and many in the wider world except those of the super rich who support him. Climate change, health care access, people’s rights and on and on will be under attack. Of course they will blame everyone but themselves. So sad here.

  11. Thanks Sam! You have stated what so many of us feel. Sad for our country and the free world.

  12. Ugh. I think I accidentally deleted my comment. If I didn't, my apologies for posting twice. I am sick over the election. I'm physically drained and in disbelief that tRump was elected again. I am surrounding myself with my family and friends who feel as I do, and hoping we can survive another four years of that disgusting person. Glad to see that this is a safe place.

  13. I agree with you. Folks voting for him are just plain racist/ignorant/ transphobic. They say it's for the economy / good of the people but really they only care about themselves and their loved ones. It feels like we are in the end of times, those who voted for him last time are suffering but all they care about is that they are "victims"

  14. You are braver than I am, I posted something about being careful about things going up in price with the tariffs Trump is saying he will impose and got a hurtful comment in reply, so I deleted that portion of my blog post. I think there was fear on both sides, some were afraid of the changes Harris was suggesting and some were afraid of the changes Trump is suggesting, which tells me that we are like minded letting fear rule our decision making process. Not everyone, but some people. I'm going to hope and pray for our leaders and hope for the best for the next four years. I'm going to continue to educate myself and be aware of any changes coming that could have an impact on our lives.

  15. I had a really, really long response, but I'll just say that I'm very concerned. I also know that the next four years will bring a lot of pain for a lot of people, many of whom voted for the person who will gleefully cause them pain. The fear of equality is really something. I hope I can continue being a positive person who looks for the good in everyone, and works to make the world a better place... but, it's going to be a ride. In California, I can't imagine the costs of goods dropping when we remove a huge chunk of the agricultural labor force. (Hawaii Planner)

  16. Adding, I don't want to live in a fear driven society, and I see so many people consuming news sources that intentionally breed fear & make them afraid of anyone & everyone, including their fellow citizens. That is really concerning to me. That's not "news", that's propaganda. While not exclusive to a specific party, there's a lot more of it on one side than the other. The anger and fear driving many people is really disheartening. Particularly as much of it is not factually correct. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Agreed. I think fear had a lot to do with the way people voted on both sides.

  17. Trump and the people, who voted TWICE for a convicted felon who boasted of grabbing women by their vagina, are depraved people. However, elections have consequences. The majority of people voted for Trump KNOWING EXACTLY WHO HE IS. They wanted that level of immorality, perversion and selfish corruption. Let them have it. Let Trump do whatever he was mandated to do for the next four years. Afterwards, we would pick up the pieces of whatever is left. Most likely secede. I see secession from these unspeakable degraded people as the only answer. The forefathers spelled this out in the Declaration of Independence : "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. " We are at the end of one phase of existence as a people and it is time to evolve into another.

  18. This election caused me to look at lifetime ideologies in a very different way. I have pivoted on a lot of things, or maybe my former party did. Family and friends have made remarks that were just very hurtful. Usually not about me, but about someone we (they) are supposed to love. The civility of our world has been compromised.
    So putting that aside I think we are on the brink of real change. (Good/Bad?) Some think they can see into the future and it is good, but I think that is shortsighted. Time will tell. In the meantime I am using all of the stategies that I have learned from my family, mom, Tightwad Gazette, and all of the frugal blogs I read. I believe that "we" are in a position of power, but the road will be rocky. Blame will continue to be tossed around. But I remember my family has survived worse times.

    1. Amy, you put this so well, "The civility of our world has been compromised." I'm trying really hard to remember my own civility, and that respectful discourse is the goal. So, even when not everyone is showing it, I aspire to have civility myself. (Hawaii Planner)

  19. May God bless you for posting this. America is not even 250 years old. We now have a dictator. What is wrong with people that they would support such blatant evil, a person who then turns around and sells Bibles!!?? If he actually read the Bible he would see what is coming for him. Remember: "...Not everyone who talks about God comes from God..." 1 John 4:1 (MSG). God is in control and these evil men in power now "...speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit..." Jude 1:10-11 (NKJV). "These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage." Jude 1:16 (NKJV) "Perilous Times and Perilous Men -- But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God...from such people turn away!" 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (NKJV). Have nothing to do with such people!!! And don't forget, Herod and Pilate, rulers that GOD allowed to be in power for HIS purposes, sent JESUS to be crucified after which the Bible says: "That very day Pilate and Herod became friends with each other..." Luke 23:12 (NJKV). Who does that remind you of? How long, O Lord? How long before the living see YOUR judgment on this earth?

  20. Read "On Tryanny" by Timothy Snyder. #20 Be as Courageous as You Can.

  21. Thank you so very much for this, Sam.

  22. Love this post, Sam. You so eloquently wrote about exactly how I feel. I sincerely hope that people that voted for him and say the reason was the economy or their concern about the influx of “violent” illegal immigrants will also be keenly aware, morally opposed and willing to stand up and make their voices heard if there are enactments of human rights violations. I have many LGTBQ family members and friends and I am scared as to the possibility of their rights (and others) being taken away in the coming years. ColoradoGirl

  23. Agree 100% with all that you wrote. I have been avoiding the news, but Dan Rather says we should not be doing that because it's what the Dick-tater-tot wants. So I peeked into AP News only to see the top headline is that Stephen Miller will be his policy director. We are about to go into some very dark times, my friend. Our daughter's futures are in grave danger.

  24. I also agree with you 100% and couldn't have said it better myself. I doubt trump will even live to fulfill the 4 year term and that we will end up with a younger and worse version in vance. It's gonna be a very bumpy ride so we all need to hang on. Thank you for sharing your opinion and allowing the rest of us to chime in. This is so much worse than 2016 in that we have a pretty good idea of what to expect.

  25. Oh Sam, I agree so much with you. You have the courage to write it. Bravo.

  26. Agree 100%. So much stupid in this country it's mind boggling.
    We know we're f#cked; MAGAs are about to find out. And i will never forgive those who voted for president Pussygrabber. We know who & what he is. And they voted for hi I'm anyways.
    God help us all.

    1. Yes. I also will never forgive them. Family, friends...nope.

  27. Read "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder. It's 20 Lessons. A small but powerful book.
    Lesson #1. Do not obey in advance.
    Lesson #20 Be as courageous as you can.

    Plan now to resist and fight back against any efforts to destroy our Constitution and democracy. Don't get stuck in fear and grief.

    Don't immediately resign yourself to "4 more years." On Nov. 7, 1972 Nixon won with 520 Electoral College votes. The whole map of America was "red" except for 2 states. Less than 2 years later he was no longer President. Midterm elections are in 2 years.

    Support with $$$ and time to organizations you believe in like the ACLU, your church, local political organizations, encourage everyone to vote in every election, support Media that will publish the hard truth. Read history and learn from the past.

    Never give up. For our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    Thank you for your hard work in advance. -Anne.

    1. I am sorry but the legacy Media has lied for years about so many things and people. They are no longer journalist but public figures who spout their opinions. Do not listen to them nor billionaire celebrities. Everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an asshole. It's really a case of Americans vs. Media. They are the Bogymen.

    2. And yet, a billionaire celebrity scam artist was elected.

    3. I wasn't talking about Trump, was I? Yet you have to go there. Only the well connected and wealthy have a chance of being elected anymore period. Show me definitively where he scammed anyone, any more than any lifetime politician has.
      I was talking about the Media. They are so corrupt and bankrupt. We are in a fight for our lives against them. Media drives the narrative we get fed and rarely do they give us the whole story. We need transparency in Media, be given all sides and then make up our own minds.

    4. LOL - you complain about the media yet you use them to publish obvious lies that suit your narrative. Oh the irony.

    5. I don't think it matters if you specifically were talking about Trump. You said, don't listen to "billionaire celebrities." Yet, a billionaire celebrity obviously was listened to. I never said you elected him, just pointed out the fact.

    6. Two words, "Trump University". Two more, "Trump Foundation." I will concede there's a heck of a lot of schemers in the current political sphere, and they sicken me as well.

  28. Great post also what scares me is if Trump does not make it thru the next four years is we have Vance to take over .

  29. This post and the comments from "most" of your readers restore my faith in humanity. I and everyone I know were appalled to wake up to the results last week. You must feel how we did after the travesty that is Brexit. xxx

  30. I am making a decision to remove some comments that pulled in another Bloggers name and past posts. This was for anyone to express their views or talk about my post. You have the right to have your opinion on other blogs, but I don't want my blog to be the vehicle for expressing that opinion towards someone else's blog or the blogger.

    1. Sorry, we definitely should not use your blog as a vehicle - my apologies.

  31. I am gutted. His supporters are so misinformed, so brainwashed it's frightening. His cabinet positions already are horrific. Kristi Noem as Secretary of Department of Homeland Security? Steven Miller in charge of immigration? I don't think any of your readers who voted for him understand what's coming.

  32. Actually the Dems did this to themselves. They are keeping a senile president in office instead of invoking the 25th Amendment (if they had done this Kamala would be president now). They didn't call the DNC together to vote for a presidential candidate when Biden stepped down. They could have picked any of a dozen of the candidates who initially ran for president in 2020 (they would have swept the election with Tulsi Gabbard or a few other top-notch candidates if they had chosen wisely). Instead they chose the candidate that "you can count how many people voted for her in the last presidential primaries on one hand...if that hand had no fingers" eeeekkk Finally, they picked Harris who literally doesn't answer a single question posed to her, who inadvertently kicked off the Russian-Ukraine war, who was the border czar but never went to the border, who is part of the machine that sends upteen billions so the Israelis can commit genocide against the Gazans, while old, sick, homeless Americans roam the streets living on the sidewalks like this is a third world country. That's why Trump won.

    1. I've conceded that Biden should have kept to the plan as the transitional president and the Democrats should have had the primary. Nothing you've stated though has any bearing on how the Republican Party could put him back on the top of their ticket. I'm still disgusted as anyone in that party that ran in the primary would have been better...and other than Nikki Haley, I found them all objectionable. She was tolerable.


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