October Fall


     Fall has always been my favorite season, with October being my favorite month. I was so pleased my husband felt the same and we chose this month for our wedding. Years later, my second child arrived a few weeks early, getting in on the month under the wire at 9:57, October 31. That solidified the ordinary magic of October for me. 

     When I started my knee replacement experience, the surgery team and Physical Therapists wanted to know my goals. "October" I said. "I don't want to miss October." The Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) at six weeks almost derailed my goal, but I worked and pushed myself hard. As the month winds down, I reflected a bit about those things that I have been able to get in on that feel special to me, enjoyed in the fall/ autumn season.

Fresh local apples. While no trip to pick apples this year, as I wasn't the steadiest, I still got in on the tastes and smells of local varieties. I've used in baking, side dishes, and my favorite snack, sliced apples and peanut butter. 

Pumpkins and Fall Decor. With Little Miss having no boundaries, all my breakable pumpkins and other fall pretties are staying packed. I get to still enjoy the outdoor variety in all the fall hues. 

Backyard fireplaces. We have drought conditions so no one should be firing up the big fire pits as everything is so dry a bit of wind could create scary havoc. But, twice I got to enjoy contained fires within outside safe fire places as opposed to pits. Firewood both my daughter and I have stored will wait for next spring. 

Open windows, just a bit, for sleeping. I like being under a nice quilt when I sleep but I run hot. This time of year with no heat or AC means I can take advantage of nature's climate balance. Granted, we've had an unusually warm fall. 

Dog walks and shuffling in leaves. Finally, I've got my walking balance back. Both the old dog and grand pup like to shuffle about and sniff in the ever falling leaves. Their joy in it is infectious. Pup in particular gets all in, with drying leaves clinging to his fur before he vigorously shakes them loose. With sunset before 7:00, I'm donning my head lamp for later walks and we follow the glow cast, but they both veer off if there's leaves blown in any concentration to walk or jump into. 

Not a walk, but grandpup loves playing with his ball in the back yard leaves. I need to start raking but many more to fall. 

Seasonal Transition Meals. I've been using up the last of zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers given to me while starting to enjoy the richness of acorn and butternut squash at the same meals. It's seasonal change on a plate. 

Just the views. The office I now go into one day a week is bland. However, it's a shorter drive than my old office by 15 minutes each way, and one that takes me over the river and past several forested areas so I get the morning and afternoon views of the changing colors. There's one set of windows in the office building that if you look just right, a view of trees that line the Mississippi River in St Paul is a nice visual break from boring office walls. 

     Is there something you like about fall, October in particular? Alternatively for our friends in the Southern hemisphere, what do you like about October spring? 


  1. October is a feeling in the soul.
    It's sunrises with fog rising among the trees.
    The smell of smoke drifting on a the breeze.
    Hot chocolate with marshmallows and spicy chili warming you inside .
    The smell of cinnamon rolls wafting through the hose early in the morning.
    Handing out candy to costumed goblins .
    Snuggling in a fuzzy blanket with a bowl of popcorn watching old scary movies late on all Halloween Eve.
    And snarfing down the leftover Halloween candy!!!
    Happy October.

  2. You mentioned so many of my favorite things of fall as well. All those little things can bring smiles to our daily lives - just enjoy each one.

  3. Autumn and Winter are not my favourite seasons - Spring is, all that new life springing up everywhere. But I do like the changing colours of the trees in Autumn, I will admit they are beautiful.

  4. Oh I love your fall favorites too! I think fall is my favorite season too, and I love that I live where we can enjoy all the seasons even if I don't always enjoy the heat of summer or the ice of winter, but the mountains do make me happy.
    Some of my favorite fall things: drinking hot apple cider with a gingerbread cookie, a little taste of Williamsburg. A drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the fall colors, and I am so happy that much of the parkway is open again after the hurricane damage. Apple butter making and tasting. Cooler nights and better sleeping.

  5. Apple cider anything! And wearing cozy sweatshirts and sweatpants at night or when I don’t need to leave the house.


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