Little Miss Ruling Life


     Two weeks ago, this little miss was either lost or abandoned at my son's work. As I had been cat sitting for my daughter, we had cat provisions so he brought her home hoping she'd be chipped or the owners would reach out. Two weeks later (and a hefty vet bill) and it looks like she's now part of the family. She'll be my son's pet; she runs for him when he comes through the door. When he moves out she'll join him, but until then, she's established herself as princess of the palace.

      My son said it's my fault he rescued her because, " you didn't raise us to be &_#holes."  True...we've cared for wandering pets in the past,  but ones that were full grown, and just came looking for meals and eventually moved on or were found by owners. The vet estimated she was about 11 weeks and just in case she became ours, we scheduled spaying at 16 weeks, per vet guidance. 

     I've never been a cat person, but between little miss and her cousin, my younger daughters posh cat, I'm hooked. That makes four people, four pets- two dogs, two cats, in my immediate family. The holidays will be a houseful. Life sure is different than I could have imagined two years ago. I keep hoping my kids find what they are looking for in life, kind and caring partners and friends that make life meaningful. Who'd have guessed my hopes are materializing in the shape of four legs and full of fur. 

Little Miss and grandpup like to
share neighborhood watch duties. 


  1. Not raising kids to be $&&holes is the pinnacle of parenting success, and I am not saying that in jest. That accomplished, they’ll definitely find what they are looking for. They can’t miss. They don’t things in quite the same static, linear manner we did back in the day, do they? Add a tragedy, and, well, face it, not being an $&&hole in young adulthood is A LOT to be achieve. Enjoy your family. All the best to you!

  2. sweet! We love our four legged friends here too.

  3. The best kind of love.
    True and enduring.

  4. What a cutey bug!!! Thank you both for taking her in. They find their people I do believe. Our hopes do change as we get older and circumstances change - who'd of thunk? LOL
    Have a good week.

  5. You and hubster have achieved the pinnacle of parenting. Compassionate adults. Congratulations!

    And cheers to cat-life from a fellow crazy cat lady :-)

  6. This post made me smile at the newest addition to your home.


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