Thrift and Such June 6, 2024


      Here's my journal for the week in thrifty actions. My tracking week goes Thursday to Wednesday as I like to get a post up on Thursdays. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I use my credit card and pay the balance in full at the end of the month as I get limited rewards. However, I calculate the fee that's passed on if there is a cash or credit difference.I paid in cash Friday with my friends because the reward was 2% but the cash discount difference was over 3%. I'm carrying cash more often than we ever used to fit that reason. Every penny and dollar saved helps stretch the budget. 
  • Bought birthday and graduation cards at the Dollar Tree. I know they're not as cute or funny, but at still $1, much better than anywhere else. I had a pretty large stack of them so the savings adds up. 

Earning money

  • Received $5 in CVS Extra care bucks in my promotion emails. I put towards a 2 for $5 Cheezit deal making them a freebie for grab and go snacks. 
  • Did another MN Opinion Survey for a $2 Amazon eCard.

Avoiding spending

  • Packed my lunch and travel mug for the office. 
  • Grandpup had a free day this week for doggie daycare. 
  • I keep old towels by the back door to clean the dogs up when they come in. I thought about getting another muddy paw rug but realized the just really need their feet cleaned, then can step on the one in the door. Neither are a fan., but they're so cute now, almost waiting to get their paws cleaned to humor me. 

Eating/Using what we have

  • Even though I did a big shop, I used up all the little bits for Saturday and Sunday meals, essentially not wasting any food items this week. 
  • The waffle recipe makes so many, so froze 6 for the toaster. One box of even generic waffles are over $2 for six and these are just as nice after toasting. 

For others

  • I drove MIL to graduation party. She appreciated the ride and the company.
Thrifty Bonus 
  • I don't know where to put this, so adding as a bonus. Remember I'm still learning things that were not in my wheelhouse when my husband was alive. I had a panic that I needed to get the fence insured or add to the policy. Storms are plenty and that's all I'd need. Well, turns out I'm automatically covered at 10% for outside structures and this falls in that. Good to know no additional cost and I have coverage. 

     And ..some purchases without thrift involved.  Here's the extras.

  • This might be thrifty in the long run, but wasn't at initial purchase. I spent $40 on a second hose reel/ storage box for the non-kink flexible hose I bought back in April. I hope it means the hose, a pricey purchase even on sale, will last longer. My son got the hose set up right away with it. 
  • This will be the last bag until late fall, but spent another $35 on grass seed. Now, I need to let it go do it's thing for a bit, which means a delay in mowing. I'm hoping between this grass repair and mulching up the grass that's there, I'll have at least more coverage than I currently have by July.
  • I misread the price on a 2 lb bag of salmon. Each fillet came in at a whopping $4 per fillet. Of course way cheaper than eating salmon out, and only my son eats it. Still, he can devour two at a meal, so do the math. He reported the fish was delicious so that's good. 
     As I  get closer to finalizing a retirement date, learn my younger daughter's plans, help the other two if I can and if needed, and try to be prepared for the unexpected, I'll keep watching how I spend. Wish me luck.


  1. I love salmon, but rarely buy it because I feel like it doesn't get too many meals kinda like shrimp? But yummy! Glad you didn't have to do anything extra for insuring the fence!

    1. I don't like it, so it's just be person eating it. My son was mostly fish and chicken dishes. I was relieved about the fence coverage. Someone mentioned a fallen tree and that got me thinking.

  2. Sounds like a good week for financial wins.

    1. I didn't have too many extra expenses.

  3. I won $100 gift card from one of my receipt scanning apps that I use! That’s my big win for the week. Trying to use up the perishables here and what’s on hand before vacation. Almost broke down and bought a new mop today because I hate the design of the one I have, but really there’s nothing wrong with it. So why spend money on something I don’t really need and it saves the current one from the landfill. Put out my nice new summertime garden flag that I got for pennies using kohls cash and a coupon. JoAnn

    1. Congratulations on the big win. That's definitely a good money win. I haven't done much Kohl's shopping for a while. I can get sucked into their clearance deals.

  4. When my neighbor's tree fell on my fence and ruined it, I was told that fences were not covered by homeowner's insurance. Now, I am not happy. It also smashed a really nice birdhouse that was a house with gables, plus it fell on my wooden picnic table. Nothing was covered, and I had to pay to have the tree cut and removed. I think someone cheated me.
    Maybe your dogs can learn to do their own wiping. I saw a video of a large dog wiping his mouth on a towel left crumpled next to his water bowl. It was so cute.

    1. You maybe had a different policy for coverage.

  5. I always say one of the biggest things that helped me pay off my mortgage so quickly was always taking lunch and drinks to work, rather than buying them. I always overcooked anyway so it was actually "free"!

    1. Options at work are either the same Mediterranean counter or the coffee shop across the street, the random food truck, delivery, or going somewhere, wasting time. All are expensive and as you said, it's almost free bringing food that might have gone uneaten. Coffee has really increased. Coffee out must be an event for me now. 😊

  6. You're so good at keeping on track with your finances. xxx

    1. I feel like it's going to be a necessity the next year and beyond.


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