Saturday Recap June 8, 2024

        This is my weekly journal of sorts. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. I hope to capture something positive each day. Some days it's a stretch and I hate that, but accept figuring out my life alone and have regular joy again is going to take some time. This is for June 1-7,  2024.

Saturday: The weather was wet and dreary so we had a slow start, but made little waffles plus extra for the toaster. My son turned two into McGriddles  by adding egg, cheese, and turkey. I had grocery shopping and errands to run, and by the time I was done, the weather turned nice. I got grass seed down that was meant for patch repair and supposedly will see some growth within seven days. This will be the last I'll attempt until fall, then cross fingers over the winter, the seed will do it's thing after aerating the soil then seeding.

     Later, I picked up my Mother-in-law and we went to an extended family members graduation party. The parents we're related to live in North Carolina with their two other children, ( graduates mom and dad never married) but they've all been good at co-parenting. In fact, the grandparents most often have the younger brothers of their grandson for fun activities as well. Nice to see that people can put kids first. It's always a bit sad at these things on my husband's side for me, but was good to see the family from out of state. We were home by 8, and since I was the driver so no alcohol, I treated myself to a beer on the patio while pup played. 

Sunday: Today was a good day for weeding the side of the house by the garden. My daughter came and helped me, well, did twice what I could accomplish. I had a ball with the weed whacker. I'm going to attempt to keep it all clear and in fall, put down a weed barrier so in the spring can reseed or sod that section. Still, just the weeds knocked low it looks better and can get to my raspberry patch. 

Monday: Work was work, but I'm slowly getting things done to be more prepared for the new fiscal year. We're still getting rain, and had a lot later. Dinner was a successful quinoa and cucumber salad with marinated chicken thighs. 

Tuesday: I had a very busy in office work day, but finished with meeting my good friend N, for a hybrid for fun-for work coffee catch up. Our work intersects from time to time. We got caught up on our kids- hers are both also looking at expensive grad schools in an expensive living city. Difference is, her husband is from money; lots of it. Her kids grandparents are funding grad school. N is almost done with her PhD program from USC and will defend her dissertation this summer. I'm so pleased for her. We've been friends going on close to 20 years I think, meeting by happenstance through a project, then hitting it off and reconnecting over and over. She's completely brilliant and down to earth. Grand pup was exhausted, but still got a good walk in with both dogs before ending the night. 

Wednesday: We originally were supposed to meet the boat guy for delivery but now pushed to Monday or Tuesday. My daughter came again because she was going to be with the dogs. I almost got the whole front and side mowed before the battery went dead. Then, we got another downpour. I don't know if my peppers or zucchini the planters are going to make it. Maybe it wasn't enough space or deep enough soil? Still keeping hope. I see the first green little tomatoes on the tomato plant and the cucumber seeds, pumpkins, and squash seem to have some action. 

Thursday:  I finished the tiny little patch of mowing. It's such satisfaction to see the yard neat. I never mowed before this year- someone else was always the responsible party. I guess a victory for independence, though I don't like why I have to push myself to be more independent. I met my daughter with her dog for the week and stopped for just a few needed items to get through the weekend and spent some of the night after dinner tidying up. Grandpup leaves a bit of a wake behind him. I suffered the last two nights from insomnia and repeated Charlie's Horse's, so went to bed early. 

Friday: Work, despite being tired and frustrated after an already long couple weeks without my day off, was fairly productive. I had multiple extra mail boxes to cover because of vacation schedules, but often I get the messages forwarded to me to verify the answer so wasn't that much of an extra.

     We had a critter control guy come out again. We think a raccoon might have gotten in the attic. I can't believe I've had to deal with this twice now since my husband passed away. Even nature wants to mess me about.

    We had dinner and watched the last Wheel of Fortune with Pat and Vanna- 40 years as hosts. We tried to be outside but was challenging with bugs. More stuff occurred this week that I just didn't want to write about and I was spent. 

    I'm not sure what the weekend will bring. My younger daughter will be coming for the rest of the weekend. I've got some yard work and a little home project to tackle and general cleaning. I'm continuing to purge. My brother-in-law is going to set up a garage sale for June 21 and said anyone that helps and brings their own table can join in. I'm setting aside items then that I can maybe get a few dollars for. Every penny helps my cause and every item gone from the house is a win. I hope you enjoy your days ahead.


  1. Did not know Pat S. was retiring. Made me think of my late dad, who very much enjoyed watching Vanna turn the letters.

    1. The show I think reminds so many of us of our parents- then I became an older regular watcher. My kids will say the same.

  2. You do so much now that you didn't have to before, I guess none of us knows what we can do until we have no choice but to try.

    1. Yes, things have to get done. I can't afford to hire everything out.

    2. Jre I’m interested in, if you don’t mind what type of battery lawn mower you have and how you like it? I have a riding lawn mower at my home (huge lot ) but at the lake (small lot ) I don’t have the strength to pull start my small mower and kids bickering about who mowed etc. has me on edge. Just got in a ? Fight with my daughter who says she’ll drive over there and do it this afternoon “ cause no body else does” oh some days it’s a Calgon take me away day!!!! I thought parenting adults would be easier!

    3. JRE I think this is the model: Sun Joe 24V-X2-21LM 48-Volt 21-Inch 1100-Watt Max

  3. We have been on the road most of the week (Sunday early morning thru Thursday late afternoon) so I am just catching up a little on blogs I love to read, like YOURS!! It will be early in the week before I get anything posted, but nice to see that your life and times have been moving forward.

    1. Time will not stand still so I guess I move with it. It was a challenging week, but productive.

  4. I also enjoy the satisfaction of seeing a recently mowed yard. My kids would have said mowing was my hobby. Well, that might be a stretch, but I truly enjoy the job being done. When I make a bed or cook a supper, I need to do the same the following day. If I finish mowing the yard today, I do not need to mow it tomorrow. I like a task that stays done for a few days! --Angie

    1. I need to move quicker so I can finish the front in one charge. That's my goal for this week's mow, probably by Friday.

  5. Good luck with the yard sale. If you get to sell everything it will be such a plus!

    1. I need to get things pulled aside today. I've a small box of things already but there's so much more to add.

  6. It sounds like a pretty nice week for you. A fresh cut lawn is always nice to look at. It sounds like you're doing well.

  7. It's been a busy but super good week for us, with my family in town to celebrate Sam. I'm heading to a class this morning, and then will hustle home to get them to the airport. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. It was graduation weekend in our town. Two of my brother-in-laws grandchildren had a duo party today. It was very nice. Another great nephews party is in July. Four graduates in the family this year, plus a friend's daughter, and a neighbors.


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