Saturday Recap, June 1, 2024

       This has become a weekly journal of sorts. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. I hope to capture something positive each day. Some days it's a stretch and I hate that, but accept figuring out my life alone and have regular joy again is going to take some time. This is for May 25-31,  2024.

Saturday: My son went to the cabin to do dock/ outdoor things plus staying over as he's helped at the relatives Brewery/Pizza Farm. I got housework and laundry done, plus a bit of outside stuff done in the nice weather. with anticipated rain, even though my son was planning to mow Monday, I got that done -at least front and sides. I'm finding I actually enjoy mowing the lawn. The back has some work needed to get bits and stuff out of the way to make sure the mower is safe, which I intended to do until... Early afternoon my indecisive daughter wanted to meet up because something changed with a friend that was supposed to be in town. She hadn't made arrangements for the cat, so needed to stay localish. I was sticky and icky-I hopped in the shower, then she changed her mind and decided to come down. She didn't get here until after 5:00. She has her own kind of time management. Regardless, we had a nice night and she went home about 9:00. 

Sunday: My older daughter sent an early text that she was now home with a friend but they decided on plans that couldn't include the dog. So, being the nice mom I am, I hauled over and picked him up. I am fine with having him-I miss him when he's not here. I did more weeding, walked the dogs, played outside with them. I went to a BBQ at my sisters for a bit before getting home for another good play. I was in a gloomy mood when I got up, but the day improved. Unconditional dog love is good that way. 

Monday: It was good having a day off, despite the somber occasion. My gratitude to all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice serving our country. I did more outside work, but it was wet and icky, so the dogs both got messy when outside, so tried to take more walks dodging rain. All my kids showed up by dinner and I had made a lentil Bolognese in the crockpot which sufficed to feed us all. 

Tuesday: It was an office day. Later afternoon I got a call from patio guy- the hand railing was done. It looks great. The yard, not so much but as my daughter picked up her dog and was going to stay over to both let me work later and avoid her road construction, she did a bunch of yard work for me, making it look moderately better. I apologize that I forget who leaves what comments, but she double mulched so hopefully the grass seeds from clipped grass start taking over as was suggested. Full pictures yet to come. 

Wednesday: Work was intense. I started the day with back to back meetings then had a series of four, two of which I was the presenter, from 12:00 until 4:00. Then, I had a major budget project to complete. My son had a project that he was head down on too. The dogs really needed good walks. 

I got the mail and a real kick in the chops. The ambulance bill from my husband, which last year came in July and  per directives by them,  was turned into workman's comp. I was told they'd get it paid. Today's said it was denied. So, going back to the contact and drawing board. At this point, don't even know if regular insurance would cover so late, but I guess tomorrow I file a claim there too. I need another $1,000 bill like I need a tooth pulled. This stuff still happens every few weeks, things long supposedly resolved, but not. It's exhausting and painful. 

A highlight of the day though was seeing the inaugural season of the Women's Professional Hockey League end in a championship for our Minnesota team. They do not even have a name yet. I hope they get the big celebration the mens teams would have. 

Thursday: I had a little breather from nonstop meetings by 11:00 so could actually get some work done. By days end, while not caught up, I didn't get farther behind so I consider it a win. I give myself stretch breaks after too much sitting and now with the fenced yard, use it to toss balls around with the dogs. They're such good boys- getting better about not letting sounds beyond the wall start a barking fest, well sometimes. My daughter picked up grandpup later and my son and I after work had dinner together. I wanted to try out this mosquito detractor and it came today and I charged it. I also bought some Coleman citronella candles to try. 

     Hoping for another major comeback, we had the basketball game on but pretty quick were deflated. Let's just say, there's always next year for the Minnesota Timberwolves. Hard to come back by over 30 points down at half-time. My is Dallas good! 

Friday:  Work was a big catch up day. I got a call from the workman's comp, with apologies and a promise the last of the bill would be paid. She sent a screen shot that it was put in for payment. I got all bills paid and my sinking fund deposits made, plus took out money for graduation cards. I later met my mom friends for dinner. My friend in treatment for breast cancer looked so tired, but she was still her smiles and laughs are brilliant. I'm so sad for people I love being sick. I can't do much to help but try and be a good friend. All five of us made it, rare that it works out for all, and we enjoyed margaritas and Mexican beer, with our dinner. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we cried and laughed more. I'm so lucky to have this group of friends. My son had no plans so was going to be home so I brought him home a meal as well. He was very appreciative and that made me happy. 

     I've the regular Saturday catch-up activities to do today. Later I'm bringing my MIL to my late father-in-law's, cousin's grandsons graduation party. It's an hour drive away. The family was my FIL's only family on his dad's side, so more like an uncle to my husband and they were close. My MIL gave me a great picture of G at about 11 and my husband at age 1. I don't particularly want to drive that far for it, but I know it would have been a challenge for MIL to go driving so far on unfamiliar roads alone. Her two remaining kids live 30 minutes away, though on route  sort of, so a lot of back tracking, though I suppose she could just drive to their houses, which she does frequently enough. My good deed for the weekend, plus this family has always been kind to me and my kids and it's good to see people at celebrations. I hope you enjoy your days ahead.


  1. Pup is so cute. I didn't recognize him with his summer cut. It sounds like you had a pretty good week. I hope the weekend brings you many joys as well.

    1. Thank you, Lori. He's a very different looking dog trimmed up.

  2. All right on the workers comp coming through after all! Relieved for you!!! And am intrigued with the Thermacell Mosquito Repellent; have not seen that before. May you get good results.

    1. I'll check with the ambulance service at the end of the week to make sure it was received and credited. I'm still not sure if the thermocell will help.

  3. I have had the Thermacell in my Amazon shopping cart for almost a week, so when I saw your pictures I assumed it was them reminding me that I had looked at them - funny that you are interested, too!

    1. Verdict still out. I'll try this week and let people know about the thermocell.

  4. I cannot imagine how awful it is to keep getting things about his death 18 months later. It is like it never ends. Sorry for your pain over these things.

    1. It was sad to receive, plus all the other mail.

  5. I love mowing the lawn and then sitting on the porch swing to admire it. A freshly mown lawn always looks so good.

    1. It's instant gratification for the effort.

  6. Oh Sam, how horrible to get that bill through the post. Sending you a big hug.
    The best thing I've found for keeping the mozzies at bay are Pestects bracelets, which are impregnated with citronella. We've wore them in Greece & the Canaries and not had a single bite. Not sure if they're available in the US yet but we love them. xxx


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