Planning to Live in Retirement Edition 2: Travel Options


     I think the research and planning for a trip is part of the fun of the adventure itself. I spent nearly 6 months researching before we went to France, Belgium, and Germany and even then, had some miscues, but overall it met all our hopes. Since you all were supportive of my yammering about retiring, I want to devote some of my blog journaling to each of these buckets, and preferably, those that cross over multiple. In that retirement quintuplet of ensuring my fiscal, mental, physical, social, and purpose containers are aligned in retirement, figuring out travel opportunities can check a lot of those spaces. 

    This is the first of many research type entries devoted to future travel, near, middling, and far, alone, with just family, and with others. Your own experiences and suggestions are appreciated. Today's just a starter list. I may lose interest or determine one is not practical as I do deeper dive, but I need a starting point. This really is just a starter glimpse. 


Minnesota Lighthouse and or Waterfall Tour- We have some great lighthouses along the north shores of  Lake Superior. The drive north is also dotted with rivers and multi level lakes with terrific waterfalls. I can plan either camping in state parks or more comfortable hotels or a combo.

Minnesota Mississippi River scenic tour-Alternatively or additionally, can make the trek south, following the Mississippi River. Again, state parks and beautiful natural features line the drive. 

Great River Wine Tour- This could be a couple staycations worth of travel, or combined with a night or two in a hotel. I'm surprised that there's some really tasty wines made locally. I guess wine snobs will disagree, but I say drink what you like, not what you're told you should like.


Drive the old Route 66, or approximate route. I've not been to the Southwest, but think in the throws of a cold winter, might be a great road trip. 

National Parks- Again, I've done way too little sight seeing of my own country. Zion, Glacier, Yosemite etc. I would love to see the beauty that's out there. 

Mississippi River route to New Orleans-. This road trip was on my and my husband's list for his retirement days. The path goes through small and major cities like St Louis and Memphis, neither of which I've really been too. My sister was extended two years for her work through a Memphis hospital, but now only travels a few times a quarter. If I time for her location weeks, I've an invitation to stay with her saving perhaps a night of hotel in one direction. 

Washington DC to New York by train, totally as a tourist and not for work or other people's agenda. I'd fly in to D.C. as from what I've seen, more affordable, and probably back, maybe doing some sort of different route. I don't know really what I'm talking about, but that's where the research comes in. 


The United Kingdom, London and beyond. I yammer a lot about going to the UK, both London again but farther afield. This is a multiple trip item, particularly if I add London as the jumping point for Continental Europe, maybe for a few more days in Paris so other France trips are in other parts of the country. Like...

French Mediterranean Coast- I was generally in the area as an 18 year old exchange student, but want to really get back to places like Aix En Provence and Nice. Really though, I want a tiny village with bus access to the city, but a bike to ride to get bread, wine, cheese, and fruit daily. 

Norway and Denmark- We've got reciprocal open ended invitations for visits between Norwegian and American family. Visiting my mom's family is definitely on my list, hopefully with a sibling. 

Greece- Everywhere Vix has gone and written about! I think this will likely be the big splurge family vacation in about 8 years when I start drawing on my pension. This definitely is an outlier unless I go just myself. Who knows what my family will be- maybe still the four of us, or maybe expanded. I try not to imagine differently, hoping I just appreciate my kids as their future lives unfold. 

     This is just a brainstorm start. Some are more likely than others and others may be scratched entirely in planning something else. Minimally, these give me things to research, explore, and budget for. There's multiple options and opportunities in each. Do you have a goal destination in mind? Have you already achieved it?


  1. We did the North Shore a couple years ago. The waterfalls and lighthouses are amazing. Especially Split Rock!

    1. My husband and I spent the weekend of our actual 30th anniversary in Grande Marais and did a stop at birth Split Rock and Gooseberry Falls. Both are such great Minnesota assets.

  2. Sounds exciting! Definitely fun planning an adventure!
    I love your travel ideas!
    An Alaskan cruise was on our bucket list, so I am glad we were able to go.
    I would like to go on a fall New England/Canada cruise maybe next year. I would love to travel cross country by train, with stops in Utah and Nevada to visit some canyonlands, but that will probably have to wait until retirement.

    1. I took want the New England Trip. I don't know if cruise or maybe a group Tour- My mother-in-law did a New England to Novia Scotia trip I think the gall after my FIL passed away. She enjoyed it a lot.

  3. We started about 20y ago, doing what we call "brown sign trips". Those local attraction signs along the roads be it the interstate or state highways. To date, only one has been an overnight and that's because we kept going to one after the other away from home and it was 930pm. Grabbed a hotel room for the night.
    Goal: every NASCAR track. To date: 11 of 37.
    Goal: every National Park. To date: 7 (I think)
    Goal: drive the entire Route 66 from IL to the Pacific Ocean (have been on the CA piece but still).

    Something to Love.
    Something to Do.
    Something to look forward to doing!

    Cheers to planning :-)

    1. I like that Idea. A good trip doesn't always need to be far as my sister mini trip proved.

  4. I have a LONG bucket list-and unfortunately fall in love with almost any place we visit! I'm mostly retired, and we have been using cruises as a way to visit a lot of the places on our list. We usually stay in the departure and end of cruise areas for a period of time so we can spend more time in a region. Sign up for every frequent travel program that you can. Points and miles have really helped us. One of our bucket list items is doing a visit to every Major League baseball park. We're about to do number 21 next week. We did a 6 week baseball themed trip through the Midwest 2 years ago. We went to 6 stadiums, but also did a lot of other sightseeing. One trip that you might consider is a loop through Michigan. We started in Detroit and then drove around the mitten, stopping in Saugatuck, the Traverse City area, the Petoskey area and Mackinac Island. It was a really pretty part of the country, and there are lots of wineries in the Traverse City area and some nice lighthouses. I bought a book call "Staying at a Lighthouse" by John Grant. We did not stay in a lighthouse, but the book lists a lot of lighthouses in the Midwest. I also bought an annual Friends and Family membership from the St. Louis Art Museum. It gets you into over 900 museums around the country, both art and non-art related. It is cheaper than some of the other museum memberships with reciprocity programs and may come in handy if you travel.

    1. I took see the appeal every trip I'm in. I love imagining what every day life is like. I think that's why I'm a blog and vlog ( YouTube) nerd.

  5. I have always wanted to see ( and swim near to ) Orcas in the wild . I almost booked a solo trip last November- but for five days in Norway the cost was approximately £8,0000
    - and the additional costs mounting up - like the hire of a dry suit . Ultimately it wasn’t the right time - and the thought of appearing in public in a dry suit was too daunting
    Siobhan x

    1. Maybe, Siobhan, we can plan together. Wouldn't that be something our guys would see in awe. I say who cares what we look like. We earned our bodies and if they can still do good things, they should.

  6. If you do go to St. Louis, be sure and go to the Botanical Garden, it is amazing.

    1. I love a good garden spot- I appreciate them more as I realize it's hard work getting the beauty to come through.

  7. I’ve never flown or left the country so the goal is to do both, regardless of the destination. I would like to see Vancouver and/or Toronto. The Amalfi Coast is my dream trip that will never happen. On a positive note, we leave for the beach next week. We’ll spend a few days in beautiful Presque Isle State Park later this summer. I am planning a nearby trip to Cucumber Falls, about an hour away. It’s a reserve that has ties to Mr. Rogers’ family-yes that Mr. Rogers lol and you can walk behind a waterfall. Keystone State Park is also nearby and has a nice lil beach for swimming. I would love to rent a cabin there sometime. We never traveled when I was a kid. My dad was always working, my mom had terrible anxiety and we rarely had the funds for anything extra. Sometimes even as an adult, I forget that travel exists. And that I can just hop in my car and go somewhere new, just because I want to. It doesn’t have to be an ordeal, or a financial burden or something to feel guilty about. Whew. This turned into a therapy session real quick! JoAnn

    1. You talk away! This is the space to share as much as you want. Life gets too isolating and sometimes we don't or can't tell those closest what's on our mind. Never say never on those trips and goals. While my plans and dreams crashed, they didn't fully burn. Bit by not I want to do things my husband will be pleased that I did.

  8. Oh, I do hope you get to Greece in the not too distant future, Sam!
    I loved reading your travel plans. As you know I love to travel and waste hours researching places and trawling the internet for cheap flights and cool looking places to stay.
    We've been offered the use of an ancient village house in the Burgundy region of France by Jon's uncle who bought it years ago and rarely visits any more (he lives between Cyprus & Southern Ireland). I'm rather tempted with that! xxx

    1. It will be if I'm on the earth long enough. I'll never say never to possibilities even if I'm a sad sap most of the time. There's glimmers of possibilities. Oh yes, do the France villa house! My brother is joining friends to clean out and sell and old family homestead in Ireland. No one is getting there enough for them to justify keeping, so their having one big adventure before.

  9. How exciting for you, Sam. I think your travel plans are going to be fun and exciting! Once I get my knees replaced I would love to do more of this too. I would love to visit more lighthouses, such fun.

    1. Exciting to think and plan
      Nothing is immenent withy darn knee, but once I'm bionic, I'll. E on the move I hope.

  10. Ooh this is fun, so much to look forward to! I have done 3 countries in the Caribbean in the last year- Bermuda, Bahamas and Barbados. I have Trinidad and Germany planned as well :) but there is so much to see in the US and Canada too - I am still trying to figure out what kind of tourist I am! Do I need sights, adventures/excursions, or just relaxation? The conversion to USD/ anything stinks for Canadians, it really brings down the fun LOL.

    1. Cruises let you see Island countries. I 💕 me to note what's unique and talk to the locals if possible. They need our tourist money too, though I know cruising is environmentally charged.

  11. I have a long list of places! I'm a beach person, so any beach destination is on my list. Plus, Iceland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Banff/Lake Louise, New Zealand.... the list goes on!

    1. Oh yes- beautiful beaches, sunrise and sunsets! I hope you get to all!

  12. Oh, and that was Hawaii Planner for the beach person comment.

  13. A friend did the 66 for her retirement. She loved it

  14. Jre I did the Great River Road trip several years ago solo and loved it! I did it in the fall and beautiful!!! They have these cool road signs you follow (plus a map and travel brochure you can order). I started in the cities but do live up towards Itasca so every year we camp there and go to the Mississippi head waters. I like to drive and I love Amtrak trips. Last month I went to Seattle and SAN Francisco and then stayed in Chicago one night for the trip home. There’s just unlimited possibilities! I love Door County in Wi. And if you haven’t been there I’d recommend it!! It’s only a few hours from cities (I stop and spend the first night at my daughters there). Actually for my 70 birthday my family set up a trip there on the 13th of this month! A splurge at an actual resort! Ha!

    1. We've done bits- not the full route. Your plans sound great to me. Like the idea of a train to Chicago. My parents did the train to Seattle and really enjoyed it.

    2. JRE I will add that I did the Seattle, SF trip 5 months after my TKR and it went well. Also two weeks ago I drove from MN to Holmes Co. Ohio roam around the Amish stores… and then drove to Pittsburgh where I attended “Cookie College” for a day and explored the city. I’d never been there. I had so much fun. I love retirement, work very part time and love my new knee.

    3. I love hearing people like their new knee. I just feel like I'm too young to have it done, but too young to be in constant pain.

    4. Jre. I had by new knee the end of November. In September my daughter and her husband as my Christmas present from last year took me to Duluth for an overnight and the Northshore train excursion. I was in so much pain I could hardly walk from a parking lot into a restaurant. That trip did it for me and crazily three weeks after seeing my orthopedist it was done. (I originally just went into interview him and discuss things but after another xray look I just said go for it!). He cautioned me that it would take 6 months before I was sure it was worth it, it was the truth ha! (Do your exercises).

  15. Most of your destinations would interest me, too. Until I get my back fixed, nothing too far is possible. Check out the Natchez Trace for another drive. Have you ever been to a cave like Mammoth? I know you will have wonderful travels.

    1. I want to do a lot before I have physical limitations.

  16. The French Alps are beautiful, and you can get to Switzerland (30 minutes), Italy (1 hour) and Germany (probably about 3 hours) easily. Mind you, I think it's a huge mistake to try to do "Europe in a week"). Probably better to just concentrate on one place. Oh and my bucket list just seems to be getting longer, not shorter!

    1. I'll need to pick your brain if I add this part of France to my list- which of course now I want to do. I do want to stay and do a deeper dive in a place. We crammed a bit too much in the Paris-Belgium- Germany trip.


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