Friday-No Flex Day

      It's under four weeks until our fiscal year closes. There's so many year end clean ups to do, plus the prep for all new changes in July. My program moves to an online application process, no worries paper is still an option, but it's a major transition. I have two new grantee organizations in July to get trained. 

     I finally got the routing of applicants that supposedly met the minimum qualifications, 48, but so many did not and I did a second level screening to get down to 3 strong, 11 good, and 3 more potential interviews. With HR approval, I'll start scheduling for next week. My guess, since the application closed on May 1, no less than 1/3 will no longer be interested. It'll take the rest of June before can offer is made, then they'll need to give notice. I'll be lucky if they start before I'm in leave for my knee. 

     There's a sticky political situation that I'm getting sucked into. I have to do a report to dispel wrong information, change assumptions that have no merit, and present in a way that just states as fact, though can present with interpretation. Some of the data I don't manage, so need to work with a person who's challenging on the best of days. I ticked them off last month when I called out that they had in fact, been part of the discussion that led to a decision; a decision that was blown off by said person. 

     No flex day for me. I haven't had a true Friday off in ages- my vacation week probably back in February. I saw this in my Facebook feed. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's a stretch. I am not working on my day off, but rather taming the wild seas so that my boat has smooth passage. ( Yeah, doesn't really work for me.) When I waffle about retirement dates, weeks like this are a reminder of why I need to keep with the July 2025 plan. Have a good Friday. 


  1. I really hate to hear that you can't take your time off like you should be able to. I hope things slow down at some point for you at work. Work/life balance is so important. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It will not slow down- it will just hopefully be less chaotic and some sort of normal flow again. It's too much change in too short of a time frame to fit everything in.

  2. You sound like you are working in my Son's office but I know you are not in Ohio. He was suppose to transfer to his new job (level up and different dept.) but his "old" boss is dragging crap. I shared the owl at the library as his goldwing took a crap last night and he was to be on a memorial bike run tomorrow. Thankful he found someone else to carry the remains of the veteran

    1. Don't know why it didn't included

    2. It's just a case of too much work to get done in too short a time frame. Decision makers that are not implementers are clueless how long each step takes.

  3. Sorry to hear about not work being such a pain. Try to keep focused on the goal of retiring. Not a lot of help, but perhaps it will keep you going on really bad days. I really like that saying. So true!

    1. I am very focused on that, but still need to be here now. Life is not very happy now, but trying to find some reprieve each day from my stress and anxiety.

  4. I'm sorry that work is so stressful now. I hope things calm down a little, and I'm glad you have a retirement date to count down.
    I shared the "owl at the library" with my son. I told him I was going on a "quest" if he needed anything. ;) He enjoys playing video games and Dungeons & Dragons so he got a kick out of that. Thank you for the laugh.

    1. I thought it would as cute- didn't help me get through the day, but maybe another day the reframe will work for my mindset.

  5. What a pain that work's so demanding at the moment. I must admit that the meme reads like a different language to me! xxx

    1. Work pays the bills. That's about the positive right now. Your way of life in exploring and looking for the unique is already better than the meme suggests.

  6. Love that quote you included. I guess my life is all about visiting the apothecary to purchase potions, going marketing at the green grocers, with sides quests to the medical wizards and riding herd on the domesticated canine pack. 8-))

    1. Funny we don't use words like apothecary or even chemist like the UK uses. Pharmacy is such a boring word. Domesticated canine pack - love that!

  7. When I had (many) days/weeks like that, I'd just take a shotgun to that smug-arsed owl, but then I am normally so placid it would shock so many people. Hang in there!

    1. Yes, only so much reframing crap a person can do. The work is always going to be too much, but it's the chaos that causes me stress- other people's chaos.

  8. Oh my gosh!! Love love love the meme at the end. Perfect!!!!!!


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