Dinner Past and Future, June 2, 2024


It was a thrifty week of using up items we had on hand for meals, but all were tasty and a good amount of variety. Summer isn't a big take out month because we're happy just whipping up easy with items on hand, though I did bring food home one night for my son.

Sunday- BBQ pork and assorted sides at my sisters, Son worked helping his cousin so probably ate pizza

Monday - Lentil Bolognese over spaghetti plus my son ate leftover meat my brother-in-law sent home. The girls were both here too.  

Tuesday -  Rainy chilly day, and just grilled cheese or grilled ham and cheese and tomato soup hit the spot. 

WednesdayPulled pork tacos, refried beans, and cilantro lime rice

Thursday-  Chicken and stuffing hotdish, mashed potatoes and peas 

Friday- Dinner out with friends- Mexican 

Saturday - Son ate leftovers, I ate at a graduation party

     I grocery shopped for the week. Some days we'll have different things due to scheduling so want to have leftovers, not a lot, but for lunches or the oddly timed meals schedule. Here's a few ideas. 

  • Italian sausage,onions,  zucchini, and tomato over rigatoni 
  • Cheese ravioli and marinara
  • Tuna cakes, rice pilaf and vegetables 
  • Salmon or for me, veggie burger, roasted potatoes and green beans
  • Italian herb Chicken and mashed potatoes with vegetables 
  • Chicken tacos and Spanish rice 
  • Chicken and broccoli stir fry with rice noodles 
     I made sure to buy healthy snacks like veggies, plain pretzels, and hummus. I've been popping more popcorn to have ready for the quick crunchy handful. Chips of any kind are dangerous for me. My son works today but at least one daughter is going to be here so think the rigatoni, with sausage on the side, might be dinner. Pup and I might go out and about later.  There will be leftovers for my son for Monday.  No one has to state that groceries seem to continue to rise. I'm hoping by being planful and maximize everything either of us buy, we're not wasting anything and eating a healthy variety. 


  1. We have a fridge full of leftovers that will need to be eaten before I even think about shopping. We went out to celebrate DD’s new job and about 15 minutes into our meal, the power went out and stayed out. Our meal got comped and we took it to go, as the vent fans in the kitchen went out, the place filled with smoke, fire alarm was going off, firefighters showed up. I did leave a tip though ;) all you can do is laugh, it was a meal we won’t forget. Once we got home, we realized we were full from our appetizer, salad and rolls so we saved our entrees for today. There’s pizza, soup, some boneless ribs and a bag of salad that have to go on top of that. It’s cool and gloomy today so maybe we’ll bake something. Later this week I’m thinking pasta of some sort, tacos, maybe a chicken stir fry, maybe pork bites in the air fryer. JoAnn

    1. I thawed thee Italian sausage thinking it was breakfast sausage for biscuits and gravy. That's why it has to be on the menu early. Oh, and the biscuit dough, I cheated,needs to be baked soon too. What a pain for the restaurant. That was good of you to still tip. Poor servers didn't ask for that.

  2. When it comes to eating, my main focus is variety and healthy eating also. Our farmers market opened last week and the garden is producing which are two things I do love about summer. I took an inventory of what I need to put more of a way this year so as things become available I will be freezing or canning for Winter.

    1. My garden if it can be called that, is a long way from giving any produce. I won't likely have anything to freeze or can but jam.

  3. I try to plan my meals as I find it limits visits to the store and thus I spend less money. I like having the plans on hand (not rigid, just a week worth of dinners) so I'm not tempted just to pick something up or eat out.

    1. We've been much better at using up things. I took like options not a rigid plan.

  4. My menus seem to get hijacked by clearance produce and meat finds at Kroger every danged week. We don't mind though as it's fresh stuff so we just adjust to include it and other items in the freezer stay put. The freezer stuff gets used eventually. And in the long run, we save on costs. 8-)

    1. Nothing is ever clearanced here. I think all stores just donate goods to food shelves.

  5. I plan then change my mind, but still try to use the items I planned for, just in a different way. Or there are days when things just go to pot and we do takeout. As long as we don't waste food I am Ok with it.

    1. I seem to be more a list rather than menu planner. I've just been disappointed with the odd take out too often so doing rarely.

  6. I am not good in planning ahead more than a day - and that is only if I need to get something from the freezer. I use up everything in some way. I don't mind leftovers at all.
    Your meals sound tasty.

    1. I get bored with too many days of the same thing, then I'll eat what isn't good for me.

  7. Tut! No eating near the laptop lest there are spills !


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