Thrift and Such May 30, 2024


      Here's my journal for the week in thrifty actions. My tracking week goes Thursday to Wednesday as I like to get a post up on Thursdays. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I topped up on Thursday when the Holiday stores discounted by 40 cents a gallon. Then, a man walked around with 10 cent off gas cards good the whole summer. I even got him to give me a couple extras so I could give to my kids. 
  • When I was at my daughters, the holiday near her was already 25 cents less than my town, so I used the card, and topped off again, saving another $3 or so on gas. (Read below on splurges why this was necessary).
  • The railing was $75 less than originally quoted. That is as a nice surprise. I assume supplies were less and he passed savings on to me. 

Earning money

  • Received a $16+ rebate from Menards. I do need things-grass seed, hose real or holder, so it will go to good use. 
  • Loaded receipts in Fetch. This is the only scheme I do right now as the rest feel like I would need to chase and plan deals. 
  • This is for Sluggy. I found the ugliest penny in the driveway, likely from either delivery or tradesperson. I don't even know if it's legal tender at this point, but found $$ all the same. 

Avoiding spending

  • I so wanted to grab a coffee Sunday morning out but filled the trusty travel mug instead. 
  • Packed both travel mug of coffee, a muffin, and my lunch for the office from items at home and avoided the tempting food truck, different options every Tuesday.  
  • I figured out how to reset my garage door openers. This was bittersweet as I has spent $60 each on the remote and programming back in November when had I known, I could have bought the remotes and done it myself for 1/4 of the cost.

Eating/Using what we have

  • I meal planned as best I could with items in the house. 
  • I did a thorough check as to what was needed for the summer at the lake and communicated amounts to all, ensuring people didn't buy more of stuff not needed and that we use up old product. 

For others

  • I helped my daughter with her dog through the weekend as her plans moved and changed a few times. 
  • My friend had purchased a couple dresses from a cute consignment shop near my work. I am not quite sure why she couldn't take them when she bought them, maybe online purchase? Anyway, I picked them up for her a dropped them off, savings her a trip. They are costume type little dresses for her photography business. She specializes in young children, though does senior year photos and family too. 
Thrifty Bonus 
  • I updated my home fiscal management system to have a by day spending log. I set it up in Excel with formulas to track by category, by day, and rolled into by month. My leaks are too many so I felt I needed to spend a bit more time each day and week understanding where all my money is going. 

     And ..some purchases without thrift involved.  Here's the extras.

  • I found a four pack of a Paloma/Tequila flavored hard seltzer that was ridiculously expensive. However, it tasted like the Paloma drink, and those are a small fortune in a bar, and even the Paloma and Tequila costs a pretty penny to mix up at home. I thought it was a good way to indulge without having too much at the ready. Of course, had they not been good, I would have been disappointed. I know I have had a lot of alcohol splurges, but I really don't drink more than socially, and then it's never more than 1-2 drinks, 1-2 times a week. I know I don't need to defend my alcohol consumption choices but being open. 
  • Scheduling last weekend was confusing, and I ended up with an extra trip to my daughters. With the detour due to road construction (until September) it adds 12 minute and 8 miles each way, using even more gas. I was glad for the one day discount and the added gas card. 
     Not the thriftiest of weeks, but nothing unplanned nor off the rails, no pun intended. I hope your week was not a bank breaker. 


  1. That penny is certainly still spendable. If you don't want it, I'll gladly give it a good home. ;-)

    1. Sure-spend 68¢ to send you a penny. I'll never retire with that math. 😂😂

  2. I think it can be fun to have planned indulgences at home (like the paloma), which makes an evening in more appealing than going out. I'm like you 1-2 drinks, 1-2 times/week. Unless I'm on vacation. We tend to have wine with dinner every day if we're on vacation. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. That's what I figure. I enjoyed 1/2 can last night watching dogs play outside.

  3. I have a cocktail every evening after dinner. ENJOY something you've discovered you really like!

    Yea for the gas discounts. :-)

    1. I refuse to not use some sort of discount even if just the 5¢ off honored by all stations in my town.

  4. It'll be lovely sitting on your deck with a drink in hand - if your weather allows! Ours is stinking wet still!

    1. Woke up to rain, but we've had some good days this week.

  5. Tommy and I were talking about doing something. I told him I had spent so much money on lessons in this life. Of course, once I know how to do something like the garage door opener fix, I don't have to spend that money again. When I got brave and put in a 220 outlet, I never had to pay to have it done again. Of course, I cannot get up from that kind of job anymore.

    I never see any cents-off on gas. We did buy some sort of card at Publix, but we ended up spending more to get to the station than we saved. He gets money back on his cc.

    1. CC rewards are good if bill is paid in full each month.


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