Thrift and Such May 23, 2924


      Here's my journal for the week in thrifty actions. My tracking week goes Thursday to Wednesday as I like to get a post up on Thursdays. Summer unofficially starts Monday, or is it the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, and so does, after my weekend mini trip, does my renewed focus to be more fiscally intentional. It's been a rough week, both financially and mentally, but the good thing about a new week, is I can try a bit harder and focused. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I went for a few top up groceries and grabbed some snacks and hit a 3 for $10 sale on diet Coke 6 pack bottles. It's a splurge I limit both for health and cost, so should last a few weeks.

Earning money

  • Nothing to share this week other than the medical reimbursement came in the mail and will go right in checking towards the credit card bill. 

Avoiding spending

  • When my daughter planned to save driving time and avoid traffic between her jobs, she offered to pick up lunch Monday. I resisted and told her we'd find plenty for lunch. She and I had wraps. 
  • We took advantage of the expanded hot plus continental breakfast Sunday morning. It meant sharing just a two single serve for the four of us, brick oven pizzas from the food truck at the winery rather than needing to stop for lunch.  

Eating/Using what we have

  • The pizza guy delivered loads of Parmesan and pepper packets to the hotel with the pizza. I saved them and used Parmesan in risotto, and chicken drippings for broth in the dish. 
  • I brought the leftover Saturday and brick oven pizza home. My son quickly scarfed it down for a late lunch. 

For others

  • I already shared that I used credit card points to pay for hotel and brewery tour tickets. My sister's covered several other costs for the weekend. 
Thrifty Bonus 
  • I won one of the trivia questions from the brewery your, a bottle opener key chain. Funny, we had just been looking for one the Thursday night before. 
  • Free four wine flight tasting at River Bend Winery. Well, I had a glass to enjoy too, plus two bottles, see below, to take home...but the tasting was complimentary. 

     I had a lot of alcohol splurges, but putting some towards entertainment budget since we'll be enjoying on other weekends. Here's the extras.

  • I bought a few souvenirs of sorts; beer bottle cozies, sampling glasses at the brewery. We had sampled some "brew-ology concoctions mixing varieties of beer and I thought it would be fun to have for card nights or with my adult kids. 
  • We sampled a Leinenkugel variety called Lakeside Cherry that reminded me of a delicious beer my daughter and I had in Belgium. I found the last two 6 packs apparently to take home last weekend. Like the mixer glasses, buying things to invoke good memories is worth the splurge. 
  • I also took home two bottles of a really delicious, not too sweet, not too dry rose` (I can't do the right symbol) from a winery in the area. Definitely worth every penny!
   One new aspiration in my life, even if trying to be frugal in many things, is to grab those glimpses of joy. Buy the beer. Buy the wine. So I did. 


  1. Love your ending thought: "grab those glimpses of joy." Beautifully said.

    1. I'm so trying, April. Life is hard some days, but then there's some good.

  2. I'm glad you bought the beer! and the wine! Love the glimpses of joy! Sounds like a nice mini vacation with your sisters.

    1. Me too. We're not big drinkers so I want to enjoy what I do have.

  3. Nothing is guaranteed to us so yes, enjoy every moment!!

    1. It sure is not. I hope TBG is still doing well after his surgery.

  4. Cheers to the little things for those become our memories :-)

    1. I tasted the beer and immediately remembered our lunch after getting to Belgium.

  5. It sounds like you've had some good times recently! Frugality is all well and good but having fun has to come first! xxx

    1. I'm trying to do both. Life is pricey and I'm sure not rich. But by saving here and there, I can have fun here and there.

  6. Love your recap, because it sounds like a great mix of frugality & fun splurges for later. I'm all about making memories & having things to enjoy later, so I think you did great. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. I'm trying to not stress when I do spend, but not be wasteful. It's balance, right.

  7. Might I add, "Eat the cake, lick the bowl" FYI make the é by hitting alt and then 130 on your number keypad and Voilà!, you are typing like a Parisian...sort of. 8-))

    1. I'm lazy lately and using my phone to blog. I'll have to see if there's a fancy French phone setting.

  8. Grab those glimpses of joy. What a great motto!

  9. This reminds me of the movie Dazed and Confused when Matthew McCouneghy’s character says, “you gotta just keep living man. L I V I N” I bought the desserts from the new French bakery in town tonight. And a slice of pickle pizza, because why not? If you have an iPhone, just hold down the letter E and all sorts of fun things show up ;) JoAnn

  10. Frankly, now that you have the bottle opener key chain, all you need is a new backpack and you're off!


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