Thrift and Such May 16, 2024


      Here's my journal for the week in thrifty actions. My tracking week goes Thursday to Wednesday as I like to get a post up on Thursdays. Yet again, thrift was minimal in the money department. 

Saving on things we buy

  • I mostly bought Aldi own brands for everything from hummus to canned tomatoes on my stock up shop. I feel buying store brand is my only hedge on grocery inflation while trying to eat a healthy and variety filled diet.
  • Used 10¢ coupon to fill up my gas tank. It's been higher than usual few weeks of driving.
  • It was on sale, plus I had a 10% e-coupon for another non skid muddy paw rug for back door. I'll probably need to keep a short pan of water to clean paws until grass takes care of dirt spots. This is a necessity purchase, not a want. 

Earning money

  • I did a survey to earn a $5 Target e-gift card

Avoiding spending

  • Splurge beside below, none of us wanted anything for supper Sunday after the huge Mother's Day buffet. We popped a few batches so popcorn, are some fruit, and we all drank tons of water, feeling both the effects of the hotter than an average day in May(86°), and what was probably an insane amount of added salt in the restaurant food. 

Eating/Using what we have

  • On Friday I finally did a grocery shop, but not before emptying the fridge of little bits and dabs of food for breakfast/brunch/ lunch. This included one egg, leftover "creative concoction hotdish", one French roll, and some prepared tuna with celery and mayo. 
  • I forgot again to replace kitchen trash bags. We've continued to use the abundance of plastic store bags, doubling if needed, and just take out frequently. It doesn't matter if I have a list, I still forget essential items regularly. 

For others

  • I picked up my daughter from the airport Sunday night.
  • It got late Sunday, so my youngest stayed over, and came back after work. Kitty just hung out with us. I sent lunch with her. 
  • She stayed Monday too. I sent her lunch, plus, I dropped off her kitten with her roommate on route to my office so she could go right to work. It took me maybe 5 minutes extra, but saved her probably an hour. 
Thrifty Bonus 
  • No luck seeing the Northern Lights Saturday, but despite the gas in the car, had a nice time with my daughter and grand pup driving out of town to avoid lights. We chatted and had a "spooky walk".
  • Yesterday morning while getting grandpup's breakfast, he needed to go out. The first absolute reward in getting the fence was not having to get dressed (or be outside in my bathrobe) and get his leash on to walk him- he just was able to run out the back door, do what he needed, and come back in. He'll still get walked plenty as we enjoy it and need the exercise. I need a garbage can though for back to put waste- I have an old step on covered one I believe. (Later found and put in a book in a book on patio out of way). 

     I had a few splurges to keep life interesting. To keep myself honest, here's the extras.

  • I used both time and money trekking to the cities to pick up the cat- long story short, cat was being uncooperative about getting in kennel, daughter would be running late to get her grandma. Splurge one. Second was needing gas, and seeing that the next towns local bakery, that has filled a gap since ours closed, was still delivering fresh donuts and raised rolls, I had to buy. It would have been rude to not get one for daughter, her roommate, and myself. Calories and money worth it! 
  • Mother's Day brunch was a splurge. I could not in good conscious allow my kids who have precarious employment situations to pay for a $150 bill for the three us plus part of my Mother-in-law's. They did argue, but I'd rather their help with projects and time with them is always a win. 
  • Did I mention that the fence ended up being 24 feet longer than the estimate? Even with discount still in place, brought the price up by $1000. This possibility ( could have been shorter too) was included as part of the plan. Fortunately between what I had budgeted for the fence, and trees, I'm still under overall. I can see where the added footage went and the yard is bigger than I had originally thought once the survey was done. 
  • And...I spent $1,000 on the supply deposit for the back patio stair railing. I'll pay for labor once complete, but this will be necessary as I get older and when others that need the handrail are here. It'll make the patio look more compete too. 
     See, no thrift in money at all. But the projects getting completed are and will make life easier and enjoyable for me. Now, "make do with what we have" must be our mantra. 


  1. A good fence will be priceless in the long run. So happy you were able to get it completed! And, totally agree on the Mother's Day meal out. When you're just in a very different financial position than your kids, their time is what you want - not to feel guilty about them spending money. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. My son took his grandma out on Wednesday for lunch too, so that would have been twice he tapped into his limited funds. He's been doing a lot of the work around here since fence went in, so that's very appreciated.

  2. Fencing is expensive but really worth it
    I love wandering in the garden in the morning , in my pyjamas, knowing no one can see me !
    I think you will not regret your fencing decision
    Siobhan x

    1. Once I get the dirt spots covered so dogs aren't so tempted to dig it'll be much nicer, but it's a start. I plan to work outside a bit today with my computer. Pup will love that since it's just him here today.

  3. I think improvements to our homes are worth it in the long run. If our homes please us, we are less likely to feel the need to distract ourselves by going out and spending. I probably would have paid for my Mother's Day meal too. Kids wanted to take me out, but our restaurant choices are limited. The one place I would have enjoyed would have been close to $300 for all of us. Instead, I made a nice roast chicken dinner here and baked a Key Lime pie. We also poured mimosas, which were made with Christmas clearance 75% off Champagne. The kids joked that the youngest, who popped the cork, was using our Christmas Champagne, and what were we going to do on Christmas?
    Thrift is on the back burner here again. I am a bit busy, planning for our state convention, (I am a delegate) and the attendance isn't cheap either. I am sharing a ride to the location, but chose a private room. Dd may join us, depending on her work schedule. No idea how they're going to manage, or what I will return to, though. Ah well, its only two nights...

    1. I actually have prosecco in the fridge from forever ago- that would have made nice mimosa's. We truly just want time with our kids more than them spending money. My MIL commented that the meal was fine, but being together was the best. Problem though is if we didn't go out, one of us would be stuck hosting.

  4. The fence looks great, and is so much nicer than anything I've seen available over here. Your splurges all sound like they were worth it.

    1. It's supposed to be guaranteed for life - even for new owners some day. Workmanship for 10 years. The next door neighbors is at least 15 years and looks the same. My daughter has same type. Longing for grass to grow.

  5. I know I would have paid for the Mother's Day meal. I see it as paying in advance for future memories of the day. Plus they are helping you with various things, and I personally had rather be "paid" with needed help.

    1. True for that. They both wanted to make me breakfast, but since we were going out, we had the homemade pizza night before.

  6. Glad you managed to get the fence done, well worth it. Sounds like the week wasn't too bad, money wise. I think the Mother's Day meal was a well deserved splurge!

    1. Ohh, it was. My checkbook is bleeding, and when the credit card comes, I'll be doing some shifting from various funds. But yes, I'm so pleased the fence is in.


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