Saturday Recap May 4, 2024

Another week done. I think this means the countdown to  retirement is 62 weeks, unless the sky falls on my plan. Work has been stressful situation upon stressful situation and I'm so ready to be done. I can't see it getting better in the coming year to want to change my mind. Still, I need to try and make the most of my days and try for some balance, and appreciate a simple joy or pleasure to share. This is for April 27-May 3, 2024.

Saturday: I went to a matinee at the Chanhassen Dinner theater performance of Beautiful The Carol King Story. It was entertaining and I learned so much more about her songwriting history than her album Tapestry. The food was the same pretty much as has been served for 50 years, in fact, there was a fact about the tens of thousands of Chicken Chanhassen meals they've served. My youngest came with her kitten and hung out with my son. Later all three of us went to an impromptu cookout at my sister's. It was a good day. 

Sunday: I got a little puttering done and made double meals for supper, prepping intentionally to have leftovers. Both girls were here for dinner and stayed over. I bought a few flower flats and put an old shelf on the porch. It made me happy. 

Monday: I took a few hours off and took a shift helping my niece with child care pick up, babysitting, then stayed overnight. I brought her two boys, almost 2 and almost 4 to child care the next morning. I was glad I could help out. I was ready for bed though myself after they went down. Kim, accolades to you for how often you have two toddlers all day and overnight. 

Tuesday: The boys were really well behaved getting to child care and J confirmed I didn't forget anything on his mom's list. She left a thank you with a coffee gift card, so that was nice. There were plenty of leftovers still and my son both emptied dishwasher and loaded later, plus did any hand dishes. 

Wednesday: The dryer duct got cleaned out fairly early and it was a success! The dryer works like new again, though is 10 years old. Work was long, but I got the front yard mowed before feeding the dogs. My son was home then so I met my friends for trivia. It was nice that a friend and his wife joined after he had run into one of our regulars in the grocery store. We're rusty, just finishing third. 

Thursday: It was a total soaker, but I'm always ok with rain mixed in with nice days. We've been on an every other rain/ nice day. Everything is getting so green and lush. Despite getting soaked myself, I enjoyed the walks with the dogs, smelling the fresh spring rain scent. I was happy that I used up more freezer finds to make tortellini Alfredo soup, which hit the spot on a damp chilly day. 

Friday: Since I haven't really had a flex day for some time, I knocked off a couple hours early. My son had gone with her dog to my daughter's to help with a home project, so it was just pup and I. We spent time outside with me reading and him being annoyed by the world, barking when something bothered him. My son came home later, but had joined my daughter for dinner. I haven't had much time without others or eating dinner alone, so I just made a nibbles kind of supper and continued to enjoy outside time. 

     If I ignore work stress, it was an ok week. The neighbors are about four weeks ahead of me with same fence company and their panels went in on Friday, even though their posts were just put in on Monday. I'll be happy if the up to four week process is as quick as theirs is turning out. 


  1. Sorry about the work stress. Looking back, it's just an absolute shift in life, stress levels, etc to not have that to worry about (even if it's unexpected, like in my case). It's hard to describe, because this ongoing & constant stress is just hanging over you, and then one day it's gone. You're in the home stretch! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. I'm not having second thoughts and looking forward to not dealing with others poor decisions.

  2. I am glad your week was threaded with good moments to help (I hope) deflect some of the work stress for a little bit.

    1. I need to make the most of non work hours.

  3. It sounds like your son is being quite helpful. That is good!
    day on day off with the rain is good. We have had that kind of weather in spurts of three or four days of rain and then four days dry. It changes all the time. Then, the yard mowing schedule gets off. But, it is summer, so not much can go wrong in my opinion.

  4. I've watched people on TikTok clean out dryer vents - it's always amazing how much comes out. You may have prevented a fire by having that cleaned out!

    1. Yes, it needs to be a regular job. I'll plan at least alternate years.

  5. Sounds like a good week to me. Lots accomplished.

  6. I agree with Cheryl. Your week sounded okay. Mine was so-so.

    1. I hope things get better for you in all areas.

  7. Sorry about the stress of work. Keep focused on that countdown! Maybe it will help you get through the weeks knowing that an end is in sight!
    When I was with granddaughter I forgot how tiring it was to look after a baby all day! I'm not sure how I did it with three children four and under lol.

    1. They kept me hopping! Yes, the countdown is on

  8. Work. I hear ya. Broke out in hives for a week and had to play it off as an allergic reaction to new shampoo as to not give the real reason any satisfaction. It’s not a terribly high stress job but just one person who is ruining everything. I’m struggling with my own emotions while trying to diffuse situations that aren’t my fires to be putting out, on top of doing my actual job. And that’s not even the whole story. JoAnn

    1. That sounds horrible,JoAnn. I know changing jobs is tough, but I hope either that person moves on, or you get something new.

  9. The countdown to retirement gets more "annoying" the closer you get to it. Hang in there and soon you'll be away from all that stress for good!

    1. I'll keep that in mind. Maybe plan fun things the last 6 months so I've got a blend of now and the future.

  10. I hope your work life calms down a bit. It makes a huge difference when you don't have that stress to deal with. I hope you get your fence sooner than later. You'll really enjoy it. My backyard is my sanctuary. Have a great Sunday.

    1. It won't, and likely will get even more so. Too many expectations that are not reasonable in the time frame or amount of resources to put towards the tasks. I'm really looking forward to the privacy and being able to get work done on the yard without worrying where the dogs are.

  11. We try not to let that work stress affect us at home, but sometimes it just does, those twisting turning thoughts that just don't seem to go away. Sounds like you had a pretty good week other than that. Keep counting down those days to retirement. Yay!

    1. It's hard not to have them at home and when falling asleep. It's big stuff and someday I'll maybe say more about my work. I do try and compartmentalize as best I can.


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