Saturday Recap May 25, 2024

      This has become a weekly journal of sorts. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. I hope to capture something positive each day. This is for May 18-24,  2024.

Saturday: My sister picked me up by 8:15 and we were off for a 30 hour or so mini trip. We had breakfast out, mine was strawberry cream cheese pancakes with eggs and sausage and loads of coffee. Indulgent and I regret nothing. We shopped downtown Chippewa Falls before our tour of the Leinenkugel Brewery followed by a tasting, and cheese curds from a food truck. 

     Our guide was a knowledgeable 19 year old, multi generation employee. I mention her age because she shared she couldn't partake in the free case of beer each employee gets each month. I highly recommend if you're in the area. It was about right, and the lodge for tasting a good after spot. It was getting on 5:00 so we checked in to hotel and had a night playing cards and snacking on things we'd brought plus ordered pizza. 

Original barn now used for storage.

I couldn't resist getting the
pallets ready to ship in a picture. 

Just because I thought it was cool.

Hidden mural- tour guide said she
had it pointed out to her even though
she'd lived in the area her whole life.

Oh would this be cozy on
a cold December day. Maybe a
winter road trip is in the cards.

Sunday: We slept in a bit, after 8:00! A few of us took an unpicturesque walk, as hotel was near nothing interesting, but nice to stretch. We had a leisurely breakfast at the hotel, followed by a nice winery visit. We got back to town by 3:00, and I hung outside a bit despite a bit of sprinkles, with my son and pup. I was tired but got to book club at 7, then home to see the Timberwolves win game 7 against the Denver Nuggets. Go Wolves!
Local Frontenac grapes. 

This was the rosé of which two
bottles snuck home with me.

Monday:  I'd like to skip Monday, but the good was my daughter joined us for dinner between her jobs. There was chaos with the dogs when the step railing guys came unexpectedly already on top of a bit of friction. Later, things settled but not without some hurt feelings and frustration. 

Tuesday: But, the evening and morning brought clearer heads, and more rational thinking. My son and I made Risotto together, experimenting a bit, and had a good talk about different options he can explore to be more fulfilled after moving back to this area. It had been a very wet rainy day, stormy but all in my family were safe, and secure. 

Wednesday: I had day one of my retirement planning seminar. I thought I knew so much, but realize I knew just a touch of what I need to. I have several meetings to set up, one that might be a challenging one with my financial planner as it might make much more financial sense to move the bulk of my money from previous employers and my husband's, under my employers plan. I didn't know that was an option since it's self managed. I still joined two hours of regular work meetings after the seminar. I was wiped out mentally, so a long walk with grandpup helped me tremendously. 

The guys came and started the railing after 6:00, so didn't get that far. I'm a fit in job, so not sure at that point when they'll finish up. (I'm a bit annoyed as they started Wednesday but haven't been back since and it looks half assed right now.) My son got home and we made turkey burger patty melts and just boxed shells and cheese. The Timberwolves had a disappointing opening game, but aren't out yet. 

Thursday: Day two of the seminar was just as overwhelming, but now I'll think through all I need to plan for that I haven't yet, at least not  properly. I plan to old fashion print and put in a binder all the handouts and presentations. It was gorgeous weather wise, almost too hot. I used the little breaks to give dogs quick walks or a ball chase. I had my lunch outside and the dogs got some carrots. I met my daughter with her dog, even though I was going to get him again Friday as she had plans. 

Ugh, the bald spots, but he doesn't mind. 

I'm looking forward to local cucumbers. 

Friday:  I decided it would be a good morning to contribute to the cabin opening and went to cabin to do a top to bottom refresh- dust, vacuum, bathrooms, and hard floors. Something stressful reared up with my daughter, so I spent some time with her before doing some shopping for house and the lake. We watched the Timberwolves game and it was another tough one, lost in final seconds. We're not out yet. Go Wolves. 

     I'll spend today weeding and other yard tasks, in addition to indoor cleaning. When it gets hot, I got plenty of jobs indoors to tackle. My sister is having a Sunday afternoon BBQ. My son is working with his cousin and younger daughter has plans with friends, but older daughter may join me at sisters once she's back. I'm glad Monday is also a non work day, though I have work to do. Maybe I can work outdoors. Pity this wouldn't fit to take home. 


  1. Sounds like a fun time. I love the looks of that building. You had a lot accomplished this week.
    Relax and just enjoy peace and quiet this weekend.

    1. It was a very hectic week, but intentionally slow weekend.

  2. The beginning of my week was stressful work-wise. I just don’t understand why so much workload falls on me. Thursday was the Night Market and it was incredibly packed. Last night DD and I went to the drive in and the movie was unwatchable as people just let their kids run and yell through the whole thing. We’ve never seen this happen before. It was disappointing. I work the rest of the weekend and the holiday, and not surprisingly, I have the worst schedule. DD has an interview today and I’m not crazy about the possible commute but excited for her nonetheless. I’m not a beer drinker and probably will never visit Minnesota but I love the pics and stuff you shared! JoAnn

    1. I'm so sorry your job is always so stressful and you get the brundt. The people I work with are great, it's circumstances and budget and the slow as mollasse decision making process while having external pressure to do things fast, where my stress comes from. It was fun if you like the product to begin with, and I do!

  3. Love your tour recap! We're actually headed to Santa Rosa tomorrow to do a day trip & will hopefully do a tasting or two. We're exploring future places to live, and Santa Rosa is on our list. The fire & chair set up looks like it would be the perfect place for a cozy day. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. I'm so happy for you getting these little trips away. I find short getaways are easy to prep for, but still get me in a different head space.

  4. People I know with dogs live with bare spots in the lawn and don't seem a bit bothered. I suppose it takes a bit to give up on grass dreams. Pretty dog! Whose dog is that? I think I remember yours is white. You had a very busy and nice week. Do you know any history of the mural under the bridge?

    1. That's grandpup. I know nothing about the mural but I'm sure you could Google it to learn more.

  5. Italian friend makes the absolute best. She swears by adding the liquid to the rice a teaspoon at a time for the best consistency. She also uses top quality olive oil, but the cheapest, starchiest rice she can find. I don't have the patience to add the liquid so slowly, unless I am at her house, sitting at her kitchen counter and sipping wine, watching her do it,, so I cover a myriad of culinary sins with lots and lots of grated Asiago, or Kerrygold Dubliner cheese at the end of cook time. Let me know what you have tried!

    1. I can't imagine that slow a process. This still took 45 minutes adding 1/4 cup at a time. Yes,cheese hides the discretions.

  6. I’m so glad that you had a fun getaway-and I LOVED the photo of you in the Leinie Lounger!

  7. Pity you couldn't get to take that lounger home. It's great!

    1. It would barely fit in my yard- very fun.

  8. I love that ginormous lounger and the sound of your trip to the brewery. I hope you got lots done in the garden. xxx

    1. The back yard and side yard are jungles. Trying to tame a bit.


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