Saturday Recap, May 18, 2024

     This become a weekly journal of sorts. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. I hope to capture at least a single joy or simple pleasure each day. This is for May 11-17,  2024.

Saturday: The nice things included having grand pup and lots of walks, homemade pizza with the two kids here, and Northern lights chasing even without finding them. 

Sunday: Mother's Day lunch with my husband's family was a bit overwhelming, so I was glad to be outside and have sun glasses on. My nephew came and actually was able to eat so that was so good for him. Once home, we had nice dog walks, then I picked up my older daughter from the airport. It was nice to know she got home safely. 

Monday: oh, Monday work days are a lot, but I tried having an attitude that Monday is an opportunity to refresh. The weather was beautiful, not as hot as Sunday, so walks were pleasant. My youngest came back after work so her and the kitten stayed over again. She unfortunately is having a lot of anxiety and facing more oral procedure. I'm trying to support her by helping her figure out navigating insurance, for both dental and mental health. 

Tuesday: Getting the fence in was the big news! To celebrate,and because we both had stuff going on, I picked up a take and bake white sauce pizza and salad. 

Wednesday: Letting grandpup get his zoomies out in the back yard was a joy to see! Normally I have to be creative with toys up and down steps, but that's very chaotic. Using 10 minutes of time to throw a ball bought me an hour of uninterrupted time. My son hosed down the patio and he mowed the front and side yards. Despite the amount of work back there, the little changes are being enjoyed. 

Thursday: Bright and early pup I took pup for his vet appointment and sedated groom Despite his age, he got a moderately good bill of health. He's got a topical for a slight skin infection, plus being 13, his teeth may need some help. I need to get more information on how much what they are proposing will really enhance his quality of life. He was very tired, bald,  but seemed good Thursday night. My youngest dropped in to get things she forgot on the weekend and had dinner with us. Her best friend from highschool had a sad breakup from her long term boyfriend. She had thought they would be getting engaged. My daughter went to spend some time with her before heading back to the cities and cat. My older daughter has helped her food truck friend for an evening event and picked grandpup up around 9 and headed home. She was looking forward to being in her own house with her dog since he'd been here since the 5th. 

Friday:  Pup just hung with me most of day. I did not go to the cabin nor took my floating holiday. Friday work days are not the catch up days of the past, but I pushed through. Because I was leaving earlyish Saturday morning for my mini road trip with three sisters, I used Friday night to do the miscellaneous house work tasks not done during the week due to the excitement of the fence. My son and pup are bacheloring it for the weekend so hope the house looks like I'm leaving it. We finally got the patio furniture out, so I read for about 90 minutes on the little love seat in the late afternoon shade. Bliss. 

     That's what I managed to capture each day. I'm off shortly as a sister is picking us each up so no one needs to leave a car. We're starting with breakfast out, then wander a bit once there before our tour check in at the brewery. We've a couple wineries bookmarked too. Maybe Monday I'll get a few highlight pictures from the weekend. 


  1. First, you look fantastic! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. It also sounds like an overall good week, and glad older daughter is back home. Hope younger daughter's dental procedures are less painful & intensive than expected - poor thing! (Hawaii Planner)

  2. You look beautiful! I’m so glad you get to start really enjoying the back yard. I’m jealous of your nice weather. It rains every day here, and a small tornado touched down about five miles from my house yesterday. No damage but that just doesn’t happen here! Enjoy your weekend, I’m off but have no plans. The kids invited me to go golfing with them out of pity but I’m going to pass. I’m sure there’s something I can clean around here. JoAnn

  3. Good week. Enjoy that backyard! You look great!

  4. Great picture!!
    So glad you and the pups are enjoying the fenced in yard. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. You and the fence both look fantastic!(At lease I put you Have a great trip!

  6. You looks so young! It must be happiness for the very young fence. Wth all that is going on here, I never fail to see something or hear something that makes me happy, even delirious with happiness. I never have to look. I feel for your daughter. How old is she? I think she is the one with same name as my daughter. A dental problem not taken care of when I was young is now a big problem. I fear the cure.

  7. Great picture! I hope you're having a good time this weekend. Enjoy!

  8. Such a good idea to think of a joyful thing or simple pleasure each day. Nice pic of you, you look relaxed. Have a lovely family weekend.

  9. I showed Tommy your picture and asked him what age he thought you were. He looked and said 50.

  10. I too smiled to see your face and smile.

  11. I am convinced if you look for joy you find it. I have been keeping my joy list for several years now, and I love re-reading the year's joy on New Year's Eve.
    Your picture is just lovely!

  12. Sounds like you have a wonderful week.. and good weather as well.

  13. Lovely to see your beautiful face, Sam! xxx

  14. I enjoyed your week's recap. Lots of good things going on to share. Good to see you.


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