Saturday Recap, May 10, 2024

     I guess this weekly post is sort of a journal. Where have I been and what have I been doing sort of thing. This is for May 4-10, 2024.

Saturday: My sister hosted a fun Derby day. I didn't really have a fancy hat, but seeing the pre- races, there was a style that looked like a headband, with big flowers attached. So, I made my own with tissue paper. Silly, but funny. 

We all put two dollars in the kitty, drew two horses. I had the two favorites. The favorite didn't even show, but my other horse, Sierra Leone placed 2nd so I won $5, a whole $3 profit. My sister M was voted best hat, but I got two votes.

Sunday: I knew I'd ache Monday, but we got a lot of yard work done, and prepped for fence posts. I splurged on more flowers to replant and a hanging basket, just because. I'm truly done now- need to make sure I water every night, so they don't die. My daughter put the planters I bought last fall together. They're smaller than I had in my mind, and shorter, but will work.

Monday: Work was.... I'm not going to whine, but just move on. My son  bought bags of black dirt to fill planters. I ran out of steam to plant my zucchini and peppers but one night this week. I have cucumber seeds too for a pot and placing by an old small trellis that's been in the yard for awhile. I'm hoping they'll grow and the trellis will work for the vines. Experimental container gardening. 

Tuesday: It was an office day, and also a staff appreciation. While the power people individually are nice and thoughtful, the work demands are beyond healthy levels, so even taking a break to be appreciated felt like a stretch. However, it was nice seeing those that made a trip into the office for the occasion and clapping for the years of service award recipients. I had two on my team, more from division, and colleagues we regularly work with honored. As my daughter was going to pick up her dog so she could spend time with him before leaving the next morning on a yoga retreat, I met the youngest and roommate for dinner. I got kitten cuddles in too. He's getting so big, but still loves to sleep on my daughter, or like this. 

Wednesday: I got my daughter to the airport by 5:00a.m. for her 7:00 flight. She's not a risk taker with travel times and you never know what security lines might be like with morning business flights. Grandpup rode along since he often wakes for a bathroom break( yes so early). I fed him when we got back and we both grabbed another hour of sleep. Later was informed she successfully arrived and met her group. After work, I walked the dogs and then we made a really successful vegetable pasta sauce on rotini. My son got the planter boxes filled with dirt and I got the started zucchini and peppers planted. Survivor and Amazing Race on TV, another last dog walk and bed. All and all not a bad day. 

Thursday: The fence guys arrived at 9:00 and went through the placement of the posts with me. I decided to go back about two feet on the one side and a foot in the other so that drain gutters were avoided, and would give a bit more fenced in space. After they were done and left, I notice the space for the single and the space for double side gates had a different type post, but nothing for the back that was to also have a single gate. I called and sure enough, miscommunication. The fence post  guys misread the plan and didn't see the back gate placeholder (that has a $500 charge, already 50% paid for). They had to come back and correct the type of pole. That would have been a mess if I hadn't looked and noticed the difference and called right away. While I might never use the gate to the park, it sure is a value added feature to have access to the park from my yard. 

     I used up the last of my flour, sugar, and an open jar of jam in a coffee cake. I really pushed the time between grocery shopping this month, having done nothing more than quick in and out stops. It's time, but there's also a certain satisfaction in knowing I maximized ingredients on hand and we ate well and healthy. I was mentally exhausted by the time I logged out and ended my work day. I managed a load of towels plus cobbled another hot dish, less successful but edible, together with freezer and pantry finds then watched some TV. Young Sheldon was expected, as I  knew the pending storyline from The Big Bang Theory, but a punch in the gut. Good thing I had the dogs with me for emotional support. 

Friday: I finally went grocery shopping. I have no idea what we'll do for meals as I was all over the place without a plan. But, there's lots of produce and that's what I need to eat more of. On the bad side, I got an updated invoice on the fence, which comes out 24 feet more than original estimate after the actual yard survey was done, so price jumped by 17%. Fortunately, I had overestimated in my budget so can cover the added cost. 

     I'm not sure what's in the horizon for the full weekend. We're going to brunch on Sunday with my husband's family. My daughter chang d to an earlier flight, arriving at 7:00 so I'll likely pick her up unless my son does. She's just going to sleep here and head to work from my house. My youngest may still be here too, but part of next week's recap. I hope you had a good week. 

     My younger daughter texted me Northern Lights photos. I love this stuff but I have as exhausted so did not go out to try and view myself.


  1. I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights, but chances are slim in central Ohio. Yesterday was a possibility, but it was an overloaded day, so we did not get up at midnight to try to catch them. Maybe tonight if the skies clear...

    On a personal note, I opened your blog this morning, saw your photo, and gasped, "Holli!" Holli is our niece on my husband's side, lives in the Minneapolis area (Plymouth), and is finishing school in the library filed (library services). You two could pose side-by-side. That made me smile.

    1. I think there's a lot of people who look similar but not related. We attempted to see the lights last night but no luck.

  2. Love the pictures you posted - and your hat looks fabulous and would not be out of place at Royal Ascot - it sounded like a great gathering

    Grand kitten is so beautiful ( don’t tell Milo I said so )
    We are too far south to see the Northern Lights - although I would love to -

    You sound busy and focused and whilst I am sure that there are many difficult moments very day , you are managing and doing in a magnificent way

    Siobhan x

    1. Glad I sound focused because my mind is everywhere. My hat was silly but in a fun way. I'd like to see the lights myself, we tried last night.

  3. Sounds like a fun day for Derby! Love the hat. Kitty sure is sweet.
    Hope you continue to have good days - so much to do this time of the year!

    1. The kitten is very sweet. He's not so sure of the dogs though.

  4. Love the hat! Grand kitten is adorable. I also get that feeling of satisfaction when I'm able to really optimize the food in the fridge. It feels so virtuous somehow.

    I didn't see the Aurora Borealis, but all of my Seattle friends have posted gorgeous photos on Facebook - truly stunning. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Isn't he funny? I brought him to my house and he just talked the whole way. My daughter said the pictures capture better than eyes alone.

  5. I love the hat, sounds like a lot of fun! I went outside probably a bit too late for the Northern lights, though it seems others were quite successful around here. Maybe tonight will be better. Honestly, I’m not at all happy with this past week. It was stressful, frustrating, busy, gloomy, disappointing. I’m digging deep to find the joy. It was still there, I guess I’m just feeling too overwhelmed to appreciate it. But I’m going to finish my cup of coffee, drag myself to the shower, neaten up this house and put on my happy face because I’m not going to waste a Saturday off grumping about things past :) JoAnn

    1. I'm sorry JoAnn. I can relate- don't know how I'll manage a full year plus at work. Day to day I guess. You're right to not let it ruin your weekend.

  6. The northern lights were beautiful! My sister posted some of them on my FB page. We've been doing yard work here too and know what you're talking about feeling sore. Derby Day sounds fun! And I like your hat, which is cute. I would have voted for yours too. The staff appreciation dinner sounds nice, although you could definitely do without the unhealthy work demands.

    1. My sister's hat was great- she had toy horses running the rim. It was more just a parking lot gathering than dinner, but something I guess.

  7. Great picture! Love the hat, and it sounds like a fun Derby day.
    Sorry about work stress. Glad you have a retirement date in mind to look forward to next year.
    Beautiful northern lights photos and sweet kitty picture.

    1. I'm counting down the months now. I can't wait for it to be days. She had some good pictures and yes, he's adorable.

  8. I did not feel like going out last night, but I will go out tonight since the lights can be seen here in AL. I hope there are no clouds, though. Love the hat. It is fun to do things like that, wear a silly hate or participate in games. I am glad you caught the fence mistake. You make me want to start planting vegetables! But, I fed too many critters on the porch! I knew what was coming, too, on Young Sheldon, but it still took my breath away momentarily.

    1. We had no luck last night. Probably too cloudy.


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