Friday and Weekend Ahead

      I'm off a few hours early this afternoon....we'll see. I haven't checked the weather but I think all weekends supposed to be good. The fence posts went in yesterday. No date for the remainder but it's a start, and the young man that is managing the work thought it looked like two weeks out rather than the up to four. 

     I realized that on my May intentionality list, I put going to the cabin for an initial cleaning the same weekend as my Chippewa Falls get away. So, I'm scheduling my floating holiday for May 17, and plan to use that as the day. However, I just got Pups sedated groom, shots, and full physical exam scheduled day before so he might be a little loopy still. As my son may or may not be here, the cabin may need to wait. But that's next weekend to figure out. 

     This weekend is Mother's Day, never the same since my mom passed 14 years ago. We'll join my husband's family for brunch out with my MIL. My son suggested taking me to a movie Saturday night if that works for my youngest. If it's very nice, I'd prefer not to be in a theater. These perfect spring days of not hot and no longer cold call for different activities. I'm fine with just a nice dinner at home and a relax outside. He's a good cook, except he prefers my over easy eggs and grilled cheese. Funny how he associates those two simple items as my specialty. I guess she's going to come for the weekend with her cat. 

     As I have grandpup all weekend, we'll have a few treks to the dog park. He really needs opportunity to full out run. We give him plenty of walks, but it's pure joy when he really can go fast. This is his sweet face after he's had a good play and is exhausted. He's been getting up way too early because he's sleeping too much in the day. 

     We didn't get the predicted sprinkles yesterday, which would have helped with the flowers that I forget to water at night too often. I have to remember to do the vegetables now as well. I like when we get light rain over night, everything is fresh in the morning. When they dug the posts, there was a few large buckets worth of dirt so they put over where I had spread some yard waste compost. I plan to get that raked into a rectangle and get those pumpkin and squash seeds planted, then cross my fingers. 

     I have to read up on grass seed. We're finally getting a little growth here and there, but the wind and hard rains disapated the seed in clumps or totally away from the dirt. Do I carefully airate where there's some growth and put more seed down, giving a few more weeks before the fence is done to hopefully get a bit more started. Is there a variety that can just be added on top and will root, blending in with the new growth? I just don't know, but hope to learn. I'm as ignorant a homeowner as I  was 37 years ago when we bought our first house. Yard maintenance was my husband's gig. I've got no choice but to learn. I hope you all get nice weather and have an enjoyable weekend. 




  1. My (not very expert) advice re planting grass: wait until the fall! We have seeded our lawn so many times (in the 27 years we have lived here) and fall is definitely the best time to do it.

    1. Yes, I know fall then being patient is best but hoping for more this summer instead of just lots of dirt patches.

  2. I'll try to find the grass seed we use. It's for shade or sun. No aerating necessary and is guaranteed to grow. I hope you enjoy the weekend.

  3. If you don't have one, convert your standard mower to a mulching mower and do it every 1-1.5" of growth. It will feed the soil nicely and it will all fill in over the next year. I'd spend the $ there not on more seeding.

    1. I think mine will mulch, but need to mow often. I just have a lot of bald places from the deck removal.

  4. Once after I divorced, I was too busy working and everything else there was to do. I told friends at work that I was not going to rake grass or leaves because no one raked the leaves in the forest. Next spring, I had no grass and bemoaned that fact. People reminded me there was no grass in the forest. So, I am not a good role model for grass or leaf removal.
    Once I grew St. Augustine, I never had that problem.
    I got a $35 Dripline irrigating system for plants. They sell all kinds on Amazon.

    1. I'm sure growing conditions are different here in the North.

    2. Oh, I would never suggest St. Augustine grass for your area. It is the only grass I know about, though.

  5. I don't know anything about grass care. The two little patches of lawn that I have are mostly weeds. A neighbor mows it for me for a little extra money, and I'm very happy with that! I keep enlarging my flower beds and planting trees.

    1. I want the dogs to have a nice space and me to be able to relax while they play. This year might be a mess.

  6. Happy American Mother's day. I hope you have a nice time, whatever you do.


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