End of an Ups and Downs Week

     I'll recap the week tomorrow- have been popping things in to remember as the week went along. I can say this week had a lot of ups and downs, and just "moments" that don't fit either place, but were "just life". 


  • The fence got completed!
  • Mother's Day lunch was nice, though overwhelming a bit. It was a beautiful day and I saw all the kids because my daughter got an earlier flight home. 
  • A project at work finally is able to move onto the next steps. It's been a major stress point and while a lot of work is ahead, there's a path finally. 


  • My older daughter either drove over, or something was already in her tire, but it went flat and couldn't be repaired. Another unplanned expense after she had a bit of a fender bender a few months ago. Not a great way to ease back after vacation.
  • Speaking of her vacation, while Zion and the hiking were spectacular she shared the yoga retreat itself was a bust. No daily classes, four women in a bunk room, with a single bathroom for 8 people. Others who had been on previous retreats with same studio said this was not the norm, and were very dissatisfied considering the cost. 
  • My younger daughter had a follow-up periodontic appointment and will need more oral surgery. The poor kid. It's just pure genetic bad luck, nothing that could have prevented her issues. 
  • I should have known this. My husband should have known this, but we don't have house numbers right on our house and it's a code violation. The fence inspector from the city called it out immediately so I'm sure I'll get a letter to remedy ASAP. She's a former neighbor, wife of an old highschool friend, but loves, loves, loves, to ding people. My husband called her a want to be cop. My son will take care of this over the weekend, but still bothered me. The first thing she said- no good morning, no how are you, was "did you recently reside your house, because you don't have house numbers showing."  I know we can't control other people's behavior, but it was so cold. Her husband is one of the friendliest, good hearted persons I know. He checks in every so often and was one of the first people I heard from after my husband died. They are an odd pair; she never socializes with his close or extended friends. It made the whole morning a bit sour. 
Just Life
  • Pup had his sedated groom with all his due vaccines plus annual and senior dog exams. Plus, he'll need some teeth cleaning and likely tooth extraction.I might need to take out a mortgage to cover all the fees and tests Overall, he's healthy, just getting old at 13. His breed/ mixed breed typically live past 16 so we've got more good years ahead with care. It's what we sign up for when bringing pets into our family. 
  • I noticed either a wasp or hornet flailing about the back steps- neither appreciated. I was horrified to look up and see a nest was forming hanging from the doorway. I don't advocate killing things outside, but I can't have the entry to and from the house a hornets nest. My son dealt with it, and possibly to make me feel better, said he didn't really see any other insects. Now, I'm going to be on the look out to see where others form. 
     Life is just like this. I try to just listen and support my kids, and request the same. I feel like we're a team of four, and together we'll experience the ups and downs of life. Hopefully the ups will include expanding our little team with more caring people. I never thought at my age, my kids ages, we'd be such a small family still, but I have to appreciate how lucky I am, we are, to have each other. 


  1. Your son was brave to get rid of the hornets nest. I've only ever seen a hornet once and was surprised at just how big it was. I don't think they're common over here. It's so good you and your kids are a team.

    1. I was surprised he tackled it right away too. They are really a problem at the lake.

  2. When we had new siding installed a couple of years ago we bought an address plaque and the individual number to go on it. Then only the plaque has to be hung. Lowe's has multiple options for both so you can customize and it's relatively inexpensive. I hope you enjoy your weekend.

    1. I know what I hope it looks like, but like the idea of just one thing to hang.

  3. How wonderful that the fence has been completed! You must be thrilled! I'm glad that project at work is moving on to the next steps and hopefully that will cause your stress level to go way down there. I'm glad your son will be able to put your house numbers on for you this weekend. There seems to always be someone who wants to stir up trouble. I'm glad your son dealt with the hornet nest. Neither of you wants to be stung by those rotten bugs. I'm so glad you have your children and you all support one another.

    1. Technically we are in violation so not stirring up trouble per se. It was the lack of tact I thought was a bit cold. I'm very happy with the fence and now lots of yard work and gardening to do. The work stress is lessened on this one item, but it was a biggy. Something new will replace.

  4. When we refinished our exterior, a local officer stopped and told us it's illegal not to have #s on the house. "The paint isn't dry yet dude". Sheesh. I guess I'm lucky it was an officer and not a self-professed neighborhood nosey.

    Life does carry it's ups and downs. You four are a good team! Wishing you a Blessed Friday :-)

    1. She does work for the city as a property inspector - so it is her job. She just likes to do above and beyond to find things wrong. She was there to do the sign off that fence was complete, not to examine the property. She once had a "courtesy" letter sent to people in the neighborhood about their dogs and city ordinances. We got one, months after our golden retriever passed away. It was just plain rude and busybodyish, and a misuse of her job. My husband was really mad because it made me and the kids very sad. Plus, she knew we lost our dog, so seemed cruel almost.

    2. Ah, so she feels entitled to be "that one neighbor". Argh!! That makes it double bad.

      Wishing you a fabulous and relaxing weekend :-)

  5. Some people have tact but she isn't one of them it seems. Lots of busy bodies in the world unfortunately who take pleasure in over stepping boundaries. Don't let the turkeys get you down. 8-))

    1. I've moved her out of my head. I think Mall cop vibe and smile.

  6. Your neighbour sounds like a regular busybody, you've got to feel for her poor husband!
    Sorry to hear of your daughter's dental problems, I had to have a lot of orthodontic work as a teenager, rubbish genes! xxx

    1. He's always good company, so must just be a case of opposites attract. I feel so bad for my daughter.

  7. I'm sorry for your daughters flat. Those are just plain irritating.
    We have wasps here and as much as I hate to kill them, I do if they are nesting near any of the doors to the house.

    1. I didn't want to be on the defense coming and going from the house. I know I'd be stung eventually.

  8. Some people just like to have their power trips. I was told long ago that I needed house numbers on my garage, facing the alley. I went to Menards, bought some peel and stick and slapped them on. They're supposedly removable, but I never got around to buying nice ones. Im sorry you daughter needs more dental work.

    1. I could just do that. I have wanted to do. Numbers, but hadn't added to my project list yet.

  9. The woman fence inspector is a jerk trying to lord it over you. Those people are everywhere, but it is not fun having them in your life, even for a moment. Sending you a notice about a dead dog was cruel.
    I cannot wait to see the rest of the fence. Even without grass or landscaping, it must look amazing.
    Dental work terrifies me. I am so sorry your daughter has to go through that trauma.
    Hornets made a huge nest over a window at my other house. From the inside of the house, I could see inside their nest. I bought hornet spray and asked a guy to get rid of them. Dusk or dawn are when most are in the nest, so best time to spray. Don't worry about killing them. They would cause pain and maybe death if one or more stung someone.

    1. The next was dealt with by my son. Yeah, she's a power trippy one.

  10. That miserable lady neighbour - just think how miserable her poor husband must be! Makes you wonder, doesn't it!

    1. He's not though...I think he just goes about his own social calendar and enjoys his life.


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