Dinner Past and Future, May 19, 2024

       This was started  Friday night since I was gone and chipped away a bit over the last couple days.  I appreciate so many comments from my Saturday post- you flatter a girl, but I think there's some sort of filter I'm not sure about, because I see more wrinkles and signs of wear than pointed out My hair was chaos in the breeze and long overdue for a cut and color. Still, so kind of you all to not point that out. I had a lovely weekend mini trip, perhaps with too much adult beverages and food for for a college freshman, but back on the healthier eating bandwagon. Here's the past week of dinners.

Sunday- After huge Mother's Day lunch, it was just Fend for Yourself if hungry

Monday - Chili over rice, corn bread

Tuesday - Take and bake garlic chicken pizza and salad 

Wednesday- Pork roast, mashed potatoes, and California blend vegetable ( frozen 1)2 roast for future) still so much leftover for him

Thursday- Pizza hot dish using up sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms, and mozzarella, green beans

Friday- Chicken stir fry with noodles

Saturday - Out with my sister's on mini trip (breakfast out, snacks, pizza later- I know, three days- no four- of mine involved pizza) 

     The vet bill was a few hundred more than was  planned because I forgot about the annual  flea and tick and heart worm meds. The fence was bigger and I paid for stair railing supplies. I bought assorted specialty beers and wine back, but those will be for future enjoyment and entertainment. While budgeted, I'm motivated to rein in spending this week before a holiday weekend. I must meal plan options bit to ensure we use all we have while fresh, and more healthy than the last week reflects. I'm not sure everyone's plans for Memorial Day weekend but if I go to the lake myself, it'll be just for a day.

  • Risotto with vegetables 
  • Sausage and egg quiche 
  • Chickpea and vegetable curry with rice 
  • Tuna hotdish and vegetables 
  • Chicken and stuffing hot dish with mashed potatoes 
  • Burgers and hotdogs for grill, pasta vegetable salad
  • Fajitas with rice and beans on the side 
     This of course may change, but getting a few ideas with what we have and minimal shopping will keep take out at bay. Vegetables will be my focus too. I got back a couple hours ago and am quite tired. Pup had a walk, and I took a rare nap. I've got book club at 7:00, so going to get this posted before heading out. 


  1. Nothing is wrong with pizza or pizza flavored meals as many times as you want them. If TheHub were not so adamant about eating different types of food regularly, I would make 2 maybe 3 things a week and we would eat them until the next week.
    It is past casserole weather here, so those go on hold until the fall, but thankfully there are a lot of veggie nights on the horizon.

    1. I'll do hotdish year round, but either stove too or microwave if too hot to turn on oven.

  2. Glad to hear you had a nice time! I made some bbq pork in the crock pot yesterday and that will last for a few days as sandwiches and pulled pork nachos. Snagged a 50% off ground beef at Aldi so that will be something for Wednesday and honestly not sure of the rest of the week. Thursday we have plans, and I work most of the holiday weekend so that’s up for someone else to deal with. JoAnn

    1. There's still a bit of pork- need to use that so thanks for the reminder.

  3. I believe I could eat pizzas everyday and not get tired of it. I feel that way about tacos too. LOL

    1. I mean different day, different toppings whole new meal.

  4. Jon would eat pizza every day if he could! xxx

    1. It wasn't that intentional, just circumstances but I didn't complain.

  5. Oh yumm everything sounds so good!


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