Thrift and Stuff to Start April


Good Thursday morning. I'm going to give this weekly blog theme another try, using Hawaii Plans template to help account for any thrift or frugality in my life. I've got a household of two again, plus frequent visits from my daughter's, and assorted pets that live here full or part time or visit. I've had a recent drop in my take home pay as I increased my withholdings to plan ahead for challenging tax return for 2024, so being money focused, while still living a decent life is essential. This is for the period of Thursday, March 28 to Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

Saving on Things We Buy

  • I took major advantage of a 43¢ per gallon rewards and filled my tank- just over 13 gallons. It's the one benefit price wise to shopping at the local grocery store as the cents add up on fuel rewards. 
  • Tuesday got very hectic with the office, my son moving back, and the kitten transfer. I'm generally avoiding take out, but took advantage of the Tuesday specials and got a family size specialty take and bake pizza at Papa Murphy's for $15, when regular menu price was $19.99. Neither my son or I had eaten since breakfast so this hit the spot plus leftovers for several meals for son. 
  • My quarterly water bill was down $54 from last period. I'll have to watch to see if it was a quarterly fluke as essentially I lived alone or if it will increase again with my son here. I'm hopeful the new water efficient toilets and showers are part of the reduction. 
  • My gas bill also went down. I'll need to call as I'm supposed to be on a budget plan, same bill each month, so it's surprising that it was lower for the last two months in a row. 

Avoiding Spending 

  • Unscribed from Peacock, savings $8.99 month. It will not renew next month. I'm reviewing all my subscriptions now that weather should be improving and I hope to have more outside entertainment rather than inside. We might rotate. Amazon Plus might be the only one we keep ongoing since used for shipping things that save us money in other areas of life. 
  • This might be controversial and I might change my mind, but I decided I need to dial back some of my charitable giving. There's just not a lot of extra wiggle room in my new take home pay budget. If I have opportunity for more cash, I can do one off donations, but I officially decreased a couple automatic donations. 

Earning Money

  • I'm trying to get better at the Fetch and MS Rewards. Ibotta still baffles me as I'm not going to put in the time to hunt around for product's and buy things I won't use in the house. I have earned enough Fetch to put towards a restaurant gift card, which will help for a future meal out. I'm a long way from my next Target gift card on MS Rewards as I'm too inconsistent. 

Eating (Using) What We Already Have 

  • My son had some room to tuck shelf stable items from his apartment, such as rice dishes, dry chick peas, quinoa and pricey seasonings. We'll put them to use in meal planning. 
  • Monday night too was hectic and I was tempted to just go grab a burger. Instead, I just made boxed Mac and cheese and broccoli. Leftovers were my lunch on Wednesday while my son had leftover pizza. 
  • I used the remnants of shampoo to put in a used up Bath and Body works soap dispenser. While not the best hand soap, diluted it will be fine for a week or so and no waste. 

For Others 

  • I took kitty to the vet for stitches removal so my daughter didn't need to take off work. I could flex my schedule, working into the evening. 
  • I sent her home with the remaining kitten food and cat litter I bought. I'll restock both to have backup here, but felt helping her was more important than just storing either. Anyone know how to get Tidy Cat coupons? 
     There's been some bleeding in meals out though. Last week, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday included restaurant meals. Last night was a meet up with the volleyball ladies, a throw back from our women's league days. I need to stay put for the weekend, and spend little or only on essentials. 


  1. It’s a balance isn’t it ? My daughter is still with me - waiting for her house purchase to complete - and I have had bigger than expected heating bills , caused not by particularly cold weather , but both of us have flu and feeling dreadful

    Milo is due a health and vaccination appointment- I hope he is ok but money in the cat fund if he is not

    I am trying to be cautious with my money - I no longer work and only receive 50% of Tonys pension , and I worry about overspending a lot - and sometimes you do need to treat yourself ( even if it’s just a coffee)

    I hope your sons move home is a boost for all of you - certainly my kids have wanted to be close to home since their father died -
    Siobhan x

    1. When we're not feeling well, comfort is needed. I turned up the heat when kitten and daughter were here. She thinks my house is a refrigerator. That's exciting that your daughter is buying a home. I didn't realize that.

  2. My bills definitely went up when my son moved back home. Logical I suppose and while I could handle it, it made me realize just how low I'd gotten my bills previously! He's just had quite a shock at his new monthly debit for electric. Ha, I TOLD him he could't keep heating his appartment like that and to put some bloody clothes on. I guess we all live and learn (hopefully) though don't we!

    1. I feel like I live off little- but of course everything goes up. My son is a huge shower taker, plus works out a lot. Between showers and more towels/ laundry, I'm worried water bill might double!! Funny how the realization of paying utilities changes behaviors.

  3. I don't think you should feel that pulling back your charitable donations is controversial. The saying is 'çharity begins at home' isn't it? You're in a position you never thought you'd be in and navigating strange, and rough, waters. Be gentle on yourself. If your circumstances change you can easily rethink and re-donate. Slightly different, and being an atheist some will say I can't relate, but it pains me to see when people are struggling but still tithing 10% to a church.

    1. While I do donate to my church, it's other organizations in my community that I reduced as well. Yes, right now, I might need to be leaner in generosity, but that motivated me to be a better citizen in other ways.

  4. I remember when I decided to leave paid employment back in 2006 and to live on my eBay profits - the first to go was buying The Guardian every day, cancelling the organic veg box and my monthly hairdressing appointments. Jon's brilliant at phoning companies when renewals are due and haggling down the cost - today he managed to get the house & contents insurance down by £60. xxx

    1. I'll be making more choices like that, as will my son as he figures out a new freelance/ gig economy lifestyle until or if he decides to get a regular job. I doubt I'll miss anything I cut back on. More opportunity to read, go for walks, and meet ups.

  5. My bills have reached never before seen levels since my daughter and her family moved in. The little one has to be kept warm, so that has meant having the heating on day and night at times. The washing machine and oven are being used more, and they don't seem to know how to have a 'quick' shower!

    1. You added three people-no doubt the utilities are high. We do what we can though, right? Your daughter's young family has to be grateful you and your husband figured out how to make sure they had a safe place for all of them.


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