Thrift and Stuff and Nice Weather Coming

      I've just been blogging away- it helps me. I feel like it gives me a mental challenge plus it's like I'm talking with friends. I really appreciate all you who've been hanging out with me. 

     Since I'd much rather spend money on travel and gifts for others than junk and bills that could be avoided, I'm watching my spending. I'm going to keep going on weekly, Thursday-Wednesday, focus on thrift. It's sort of been a beautiful week- after Monday being rain soaked, though today's predictions are for rain. We need it so not complaining. I appreciate that we don't  need much heat right now, plus no air conditioning. I'm a bit wary of how much bills might escalate with my son living here, water and gas in particular, so saving elsewhere is appreciated. 

Saving on Things We Buy

  • I skipped most convenience items when I shopped and stocked basics for pantry, fridge and freezer. With two to cook, we use the time to chat and share the duties. 
  • While I'm not one to chase ads, I'll make an on route stop for a good deal. Sunday it was eggs at Kwik Trip for $1.49 dozen,  quite a bit lower than Aldi. I had a text message so was aware of the price. 
  • I found two sets of three meal prep containers for $2.20 each. They're not the glass I wanted (and will still buy) but the price was good. Technically they are microwave proof, but they will be better for cold food items like salads, meat and cheese, veggies, hummus, and sandwich or wrap fillings, with a large and small section. I like to pack fillings, particularly if wet, seperate from the bread. 
  • The tree guy ended up getting back to me, plus stopped by for estimate about 6:00. I was blown away when the email came- quote is less than 1/5 of what I set aside, plus he's grinding three stumps from old trees that wasn't even part of my original plan. Now, I am truly excited for the back yard project. 

Avoiding Spending 

  • Unsubscribed from Acorn, saving $6.99. I still need to figure it out for Disney Plus.
  • No meals out or take out. 

Earning Money

  • I found  a few pennies in the washing machine. 
  • Did the MS Rewards games and loaded receipts in Fetch. 
  • I chased down an old and very small pension from an employer over 30 years ago. It'll pay the grand sum of $46.13 a month at age 65 for the rest of my life. Better than a poke in the eye for something I hadn't really thought about or thought I had. 

Eating (Using) What We Already Have 

  • I made Chipotle style fixings for burritos Tuesday and utilized a cilantro lime rice packet my son hauled back with him. After we ate Tuesday night, he portioned all leftovers into three burritos bowls. Wednesday he fried an egg and used it on top one of the bowls for a hearty brunch bowl. 
  • Hard boiled the 6 remaining eggs from last week's carton for egg salad and reserved a couple hard boiled to go in salad. 
  • Made a crockpot of potato, vegetable, cheese soup using up so many odds and ends yesterday. It's just nice to have on hand for lunches or to supplement a dinner. 
  • Packed travel mug with coffee, breakfast and lunch for my office day. Even gas station coffee is hitting close to $2. My "splurge" coffee grounds give me 5-6 pots of coffee for under $6, each pot probably holds three large travel mugs worth, for a cost of about 40¢.
  • Finished the little bottles of red wine from my gifted birthday Advent calendar with weekend meals. It was a nice treat to enjoy at home. 

For Others 

  • I sent my youngest daughter home with lunch and breakfast for Monday. She also did her laundry here for free. 
  • Dropped off at our local family service a small box of assorted Valentine's, new markers, and sticker packets found cleaning out a cupboard. 
There wasn't much in the way of splurges, or non-regular extra expenses. I'm going to try and capture these though when I have them as ways to track the budget dings. 
  • Scheduled and it was gone by mid morning yesterday, to get the old garage refrigerator hauled away. It cost $20 and freed up quite a bit of garage space. 
     What's the expression? Small economies, this week, but economizing none the less. 


  1. There’s a saying here - watch out for the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves . You sound proud and excited about your achievements and so you should . The tree guy estimate is amazing - isn’t it fantastic that you have saved more than you need - and the garden will I am sure look amazing
    Well done you !
    Siobhan x

    1. My achievements are calling the right people ( recommended), writing the check, and not having a melt down. Yes, I sure hope it all turns out how I want in the back yard.

  2. Small economies! That is what I call them after another blogger called the little things so easily spent that really add up after a while. That is great about the tree guy prices. The $46 for the rest of your life will be like a little surprise every month. My boss one time unenrolled me from the Georgia Defined Contribution Plan, so no little extra for me every month. He forged my name. I would like to see those egg prices. I am happy for your accomplishments!

    1. That sounds just wrong and illegal.

    2. SAM,
      It is. It was. But, do I want to pursue justice and more money for me.

    3. For something of that magnitude, yes, it would be worth it to me to pursue retribution. I don't know your age, but even my tiny bit that was tracked down will yield me over $5,000 in just 10 years of payment after age 65. Left alone even after taxes, could pay for a trip, or a one off project.

  3. I do not chase ads, but I do go to three stores regularly. If one or more of them had no ad items I want or need, I will cross it off the shopping list for the week. Except for Aldi, and I do go there just about every single week because most things are usually cheaper there.

    1. I don't seem to get ads anymore. But, if I see posts or texts, I'll take advantage. I just hate shopping in general though so avoid more trips if possible.

  4. It all adds up, penny by penny! Keep up the good work, Sam! I loved your category "For Others."

    We did a small "stock up on a few things" quick stop at Aldi. Afterwards, I pored over the receipt. Raisins cost how MUCH now? Oatmeal costs WHAT? I told Warren that from now on I will watch the Big 3 (Aldi, Kroger, Meijer) ads and when I see oatmeal on sale, I will leap! (Just did that with butter; our central Ohio Kroger stores have butter right now: buy 3 or more and the price drops from $4.29 to $2.29 per pound. Yes, I restocked our butter!)

    1. I noticed that on my last oatmeal purchase too. At least it's a good hearty food item.

  5. I challenged myself to spending $50 this week and I kept just under that for detergent, freezer bags, a few food items, a treat for the bunny and a Goodwill run. I was dropping off a lot more than I brought home and I did wonderfully with my shopping. I needed a dressier outfit for DD’s banquet and found $98 J Crew pants and $89 Anne Klein blouse, new with tags-$8 total! And an Adidas hoodie because I truly am a slob at heart for $8 as well. Finally knuckled down and did FAFSA, although not sure how to classify that, lol. I will say they did make it easier with the recent changes. I stayed very close to home this week, the best way for me to not spend money. Great news on the tree estimate! JoAnn

    1. Well done! I reimbursed my daughter for a Trader Joe stop and there were a few other odds and ends, but shouldn't need anything until next weekend now. My son eats a lot!!!! But, it's all good stuff.

  6. It sounds like you're having some really good meals and savings money. Every bit counts. I just caught up with your previous post. Your garden plans should work out really well. That planter is very nice. I need to start planning my flower garden and order seeds.

    1. I think I'll get some pepper and cucumbers started inside. I'm so not a gardener but have hopes!

  7. It is surprising how things add up. We got rid of our cable subscription so have a few of the other television subscriptions (including Acorn and Britbox) which I watch a lot. We never watched the cable channels anyway and the cost kept going on. We don't miss it at all and save about 150 per month! (we got rid of the landline at the same time).

    1. I still have too many streaming servic s, but the change from satellite and no land line is saving over $100 a month.

  8. Great news on the tree guy! It's nice to be pleasantly surprised isn't it!

    1. They were amazing. All done, including haul away in under an hour. I'm still in awe.

  9. Ellie in AR.
    1st time commenter, Sam. I follow many of the same blogs that you follow and participate with 🙂 I'm not tech savvy, so I rarely comment.
    You are great at keeping an eye on "the bottom line " and have inspired me to get multiple quotes for the windows that I need to have replaced.
    Thanks so much for your well written blog. I enjoy it and regularly look for new posts. Wishing you a wonderful week.

    1. I haven't always gotten multiple quotes when I had a strong referral. Windows, I'd definitely get quotes.

  10. That's brilliant news about the tree surgeon's quote! xxx

    1. And worth every penny. They were so fast and thorough.


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