New Week-Productive???

      I tried to be productive on Saturday and made a long to do list.

  • Dust and vacuum
  • Bathroom 1
  • Bathroom 2
  • Hard floors mopped
  • Purge pantry and organize 
  • Clean refrigerator and freezer 
  • Purge computer hutch for sons use
  • Suggested meals plan (options)
  • Grocery store 
  • Post office, just drop off to mailbox 
  • Washing office day bed comforter ( dogs like to lay up there and occasionally one of the girls sleeps there, so wash frequently
  • Spread the yard debris compost pile- hope there wasn't a wasp nest in it, or if so, done before stirred
  • Rake and seed front yard patchy spots 
  • Clear entry bench
  • Clear porch clutter 
  • Shift more things and purge more in garage to fit both my and sons car
  • Take a good walk
  • Make lasagna for supper 

I crossed out what got accomplished and add to it for today. Yikes, so much not crossed off. If more purging goes to evenings or next weekend, I'm good with that. 

  • Bake muffins
  • Church
  • A good walk
  • Help daughter 2 with taxes and some Roth paperwork 
  • Finish book club book- book club tonight 
  • Watch Women's NCAA final (no skin in the game other than would prefer to see Big 10 school Iowa with win)
  • Put on work calendar to remember to get old garage refrigerator scheduled for pick up Wednesday (must be two days before garbage day precisely)
  • File last months paperwork, purge what's no longer needed
  • Tidy my office 
  • Make curry for dinner

     My younger daughter is coming today sometime. She has both running shoes and soccer cleats, socks, and shin guards sent here as it's hard to get packages at her apartment and stopping at the storage lockers aren't that convenient with her schedule. Plus, she can join us for dinner. She joined a rec soccer league that starts next week, plus upping her running and desperately needed better shoes. My older daughter is coming in the afternoon as well, then will leave her dog with us. She takes a yoga class on Sunday night.

   I've another busy work week. I'll have my office day Tuesday, but Friday I need to drive to St Cloud, about two hours from my house, to do two of the same presentation at an education conference. I'll log in between sessions to stay on top of work, but it was supposed to be my flex day off. Sigh, maybe next Friday. Thursday I'm meeting my former colleague who retired last summer after work. I haven't seen her since last June and looking forward to it. I should add meal prep to my list, but my son can handle nights I'm busy if he's home, and if not, I'll find something tucked in the freezer to reheat. I'm trying to figure out order and purpose on weekends. 


  1. Isa 'good' walk measured by distance or time? You certainly got a lot done, very productive! . I thought you only had one bathroom. Those bits tucked into the freezer save us many a night.

    1. Different days, different definition of a good walk. Yesterday was time because pup is old and distance isn't far, but lots of meandering and sniffing. I took a brisk walk alone later as well to get a bit of actual exercise but that was only 15 minutes. No, we had both bathrooms updated this fall, so maybe I referenced only one useable at a time in that period.

  2. Crikey Sam you got loads done! Arilx

    1. It was a big list and not all got done.

  3. That is quite a list. You accomplished much and have great goals.!

    1. The list will continue into Monday, but yes- there was a lot needing to be done.

  4. You have inspired me to make a list for my day off tomorrow! I want to be out and about early and then home for the afternoon. We are near the eclipse and people seem to have lost their damn minds over it. Schools are closed, people are traveling, it’s wild. I’m not all that interested in it so I’m staying in and away from the madness. JoAnn

    1. I guess not being in the direct path, I just hear around the edges. Stay safe with the eclipse chasers out and about.

  5. Oh wow - that is quite the to-do list! I just found this blog, must have missed it when you started this one. Sorry.
    St Cloud is right by where daughter lives. In fact, when she first moved to Minnesota she moved to St Cloud as her office was there. They now live in Foley.

    1. It seems to be mid point for Minnesota wide conferences. I used to travel there monthly for meetings.

  6. That is a huge to-do list, you'll need another weekend to get over it! x

    1. So many things will just be rolling week to week. Anything with purge in the line is a never ending task, but a few things have more importance.

  7. I should make a list for tomorrow, but we have had houseguests for the past 4 days. I imagine I will spend a good part of the day laundering sheets and towels, then getting the bedrooms back in order. I'm tired just thinking of it.

    1. It was a list of what I brought was doable - but ran out of steam. Having guests is much more fun ( I hope.)

  8. I totally get the lists. I have a friend who is a list-making (and following) whiz. Me? Better than I used to be!

    1. I feel like if I don't list things out, it's too easy for me to divert too much time to non-essential activities, and then I get overwhelmed that things aren't complete.


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