More of Life-Recap

      I am trying to think each day about things that currently or will add bits of joy to my life. I go in phases of optimism and a bit of fear that more shoe (not just the other one) may drop. Here maybe is a good place to focus on the hints and when there, good things. 

Week of Sunday- Saturday, April 14-20, 2024.

Sunday: We had sad news that my sister's FIL passed away late the night before. He was 92, and had outlived two wives. He was blessed with a large beautiful family. I had a successful Menards run and looking forward to getting my yard improved. I planted starter flower and veggie seeds. Had all three kids for dinner. 

Monday: After the beautiful weekend, we got one more day of milder temperatures before the rain came in. We need the rain after the barely any snow winter. I had a break in my day so got the big dog to the dog park for a good mid-day play. 

Tuesday: I was impressed with the knee specialist. He was up beat, but honest, and took the time to make sure I had my questions answered. I can't formally schedule until  late May ( 3 months out) but looks like the knee replacement will be August 14,15, 21, or 22, based on his surgery center days. He'll minimally write the medical leave for a full six weeks, but will update should I need it. 

Wednesday: It was cold and patchy rain. My son got more seed down for me and a couple other projects. I had a challenging work day, so felt no guilt at all watching Survivor and Amazing Race. I treated myself to a beer with dinner and I got the dogs out for another walk though between/ overlapping shows, which helped me sleep well. 

Thursday: I joined family to celebrate my BIL's father's life.  As my daughter has a loaner car, she can't transport the dog without an added cost, so I brought grandpup to her for the weekend. I got to see the work she did last weekend on her yard. She really has created a beautiful and zen like retreat. My son's helping her Sunday assemble a piece of outdoor furniture and will bring her dog back with him.

Friday: Picked up my friend and we joined others from the church group for a service project followed by stopping for beverages and snacks afterwards. Finally, though it's horrible it took so long and he endured two weeks of pain, the young relative had another surgery and the right plan for healing is underway. 

Saturday: I got to sleep in a bit this morning. My brain slowed down and that was a simple joy. I have plans with my youngest today, so will quickly get my house tidied and meet her early afternoon. 

     I'll recap what we got up to at some point, but no agenda other than I want to see the sweet kitty. I hope your week had some good joys. 


  1. A snoozing kitty picture! Love the recaps of the good things you have going on. Sounds like a good & busy week. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. It's going to be a busy next two months with work- plus year ahead. I'm trying to find some things that will help me manage the stress.

  2. Loaner car? We cannot get a loaner car for love nor money. We have had to rent a car. Tommy had to take a Lyft from a mile away because the garage had no loaner car. That would be a joy.
    I wish I could go for a walk to sleep!
    It looks like you and kids are a good team to get things accomplished for each other.
    I hope the young relative heals and is free from pain.

    1. Not all companies offer loaners. He's got a long road ahead.

  3. Lots of positives in your recap.I'm so glad to read that your daughter has created a beautiful, restful space. I hope you enjoyed kitty cuddles and enjoy the rest of youd weekend xx.

    1. She really is making a nice space. I hope the other two land where they're in good places too.

  4. I so appreciate your Saturday observation that your brain "slowed down and that was a simple joy." Totally, totally understand that.

    1. It slowed down, then revved up. More later.

  5. I wish I had words to express how much I love both my knees. A new lease on life so I am excited for you!!!! I'm glad you have a plan. Knee pain sucks!

    1. I'm admittedly scared of how painful it's going to be, but hope the promise of being active is worth it.

  6. Kitty cat looks so peaceful and relaxed, what a gorgeous photo! x

    1. He's just an adorable menace. I of course got him a new toy and he was thrilled.

  7. I'm glad your relative is finally on the up and up - poor young man!!! And good for you for getting your knee surgery planned while you're still working, so that it will be done and dusted by the time you retire!

    1. Well, more set backs yesterday, but we're all trying to be positive. He has a long road of healing. I'm hopeful too the knee replacement will go well.

  8. The place that works on Hubby's truck 30 miles away actually had one of their staff bring him home and then come get it to go back and get truck. Said it was cheaper to hire someone to do transports than it was to cover loaner cars with insurance.

    Sounds like a really good week. Hope it continues and glad you have a date for your knee. Now make a list of what you want done before then and one for things for you to do so you don't get bored while down

    1. That was good on the shop. I've got a list started for before and after. If I can tolerate work, there's always intermittent things I can do.

  9. Your kitty is indeed so sweet! I always appreciate good kitty pictures and stories! I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's FIL. It's always so sad, even when people have lived good, long lives. I'm glad to hear your family member seems to be doing much better after surgery. I remember you mentioning that a while back. Hope you have a great start to your week!

    1. My step niece gave a beautiful talk on behalf of the family. He's doing better- but it's been a scary back and forth and a long recovery.


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