Humor in Life Challenges


Just a pretty photo from St Thomas - not a disappointment even through the clouds.  

     My boss is a unique, say what she thinks kind of person. At times, it's annoying because she may not know as much as she thinks about the subject at hand. ( Fortunately, she accepts when she was mistaken and corrects or apologizes.) Mostly, it's refreshing in a work environment that is guarded about every word choice, and anything said publicly has to be vetted by seven layers of communication approval. It didn't surprise me that she found the book, Disappointing Affirmations by David Tarnowski, who has an Instagram of the same name. She brought it to our leadership meeting to cut some of the tension, and later to a Happy Hour just because. 

Disappointing Affirmations Instagram

     I won't repost to take his ownership. But if you click the link above, it's to his account and you can fill your eyes with memes with some lovely photos, part of the humor. Now, warning, on certain days, or with certain people, the humor might not be funny at all as it hits home maybe a bit too much and without a laugh. I can't see my youngest seeing humor, but scary reality as she tries to figure out life. At least for now. Also, if you're offended by cursing, you might be off put. I feel there is a real time and place when inserting a swear word fits. 

     I'm taking it as an antidote to the syrupy platitudes I dislike immensely. I feel so many well intended phrases cheapen and dismiss the real rawness of hard experiences. On the flip side, being told that no one is coming to save me. I'm the adult, with a "So sorry" after, while dark,  is also very true. But, it's also has a certain empowering feel to it as well. 


  1. So many classics! I loved it & shared it with a few former coworkers. Glad you have a boss who says what she things, and is willing to admit when she's made a mistake. Those folks are few & far between! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. It won't be funny or even amusing to some. But, I don't see it bad to point out in humor, that yeah, life isnt always great, and we might have to just accept a d buck up.

  2. I guess this is not to my taste. Not that I'm not realistic but having a reputation of spouting the obvious doesn't do much for me. Life is full of ups and downs and often runs parallel of itself, and how we deal with it is who we are. Good or bad. These, while supposedly humorous, just seem to be saying the obvious. I'm sorry. I guess it's just not for me. Many others must appreciate it, especially if he now has a book of the same kind of rhetoric. And despite what I've written here, yes, I do have a sense of humor and there are many memes that I do enjoy. I guess each to their own. I hope you take this in the spirit it's meant.

    1. Fair enough, and why I put the warnings/ disclaimers. I find that sometimes calling out the true and obvious is looked upon as bad, so people dance around with fakey positivity. I don't overthink dark or negative humor, so just was amused that it was out into print.

  3. LOL! I love this! The realness of it all is spot on!

    1. Admittedly, so we were not funny, just kind of .ran. But, a few hit an accurate note.

  4. Thanks for that link, Sam! We've obviously got a similarly dark sense of humour. Dave Tarnowski's memes had me in stitches! I detest those positive thinking quotes with sunsets and tropical islands, I've forward the link to a few of my mates who I know will love it as much as me. xxx

    1. Some were purely for humor and not to overthink.

  5. Too funny!
    Yeah, life sucks sometimes, and it is ok to say so.

    1. On my bad days, sometimes brutal honesty, but with a hug is ok.

  6. I think they’re funny but I have a dark sense of humor AND work in a horrific environment that doesn’t tolerate humor, barely allows friendship and would never admit they were wrong. So there’s that lol. JoAnn

    1. That sounds ghastly. My work stress has almost always been about too much with too little resources and expectations. I've had good people, just a lot of egos and barely or not competent ones directing the show at times ( hence the untenable work load.)

  7. I thought these were hilarious! When tragedy has struck for me, people are appalled at some of my dark humor. Yes, they cringe. I think I need that book to enjoy all the time. These are so true! Or, it is just another way of looking at things. Thanks.

    1. I don't think I'd want these said within the worst situation, just later to appreciate.

  8. Words hurt
    And in my grief I prefer silence
    I don’t want to hear what people think will make me feel better
    Siobhan x

    1. I too just wanted, want, people to care, not try to talk away my grief. Silence was often the best.

  9. I couldn't download it. I'll have to look him up!

    1. I hope it wasn't my link to Instagram. The other was a book review, but I'm sure it's easily searchable.


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