Did I have Goals for April?

     It's mid month and while going into April (just wanted March done), I had things to get accomplished, I didn't really make goals. None the less, I'm inspired by a few bloggers doing mid month check-ins. Here's my accomplishments for the month so far.

Create space for my son. This is ongoing as I keep pushing myself to purge useless, unneeded, and unloved items from the house. He's here and has a bed to sleep in, place for his stuff, but we're a bit on top of each other, and he doesn't quite have a great storage system. It'll get sorted. 

Purge computer hutch and surrounding area. I want my son to have the back end of the family room as sort of an office, gym space. Why is this task so hard for me? Nothing done yet. My son can do it, but there's things I might want to keep. Maybe I should just use the arm method- swipe my arm and let it all fall into a garbage bag and not even look. 

Update house title and the car my youngest drives in my name. Last Thursday I got the house paperwork transferred. Nothing on car done yet- have to get duplicate title. It's cheaper right now to keep car in my name as to transfer to her would be treated as a sale and fees are ridiculous. She still uses my address as her permanent one. Insurance includes her name on that car so she has coverage. 

Finalize fence timeline. I've secured the permit and paid the down payment. This is going forward with dates for the property line survey and post footings set in May. Tree clearance has been done. We still need to move the fire pit and pavers back, or just get rid of it all together. 

Get grass seed down. I haphazardly spread this past Saturday, but my technique caused too much in some areas and none in others. I bought more seed and my son did a more even distribution.

Clean front porch and wash porch railings. Sort of- at least got everything but chairs and small table stored elsewhere. I'm still leaning on getting a prettier set up, but I've leaked money with fence, despite the more affordable tree trimming, and this works for now. 

Help daughter with taxes. Actually, my older daughter helped her last Sunday. She already has her state back. Not sure if she's getting Federal. 

Visit or host my MIL or take her out somewhere. As nothing is planned next weekend, either might be good days to drive her to the lake. My husband would do that on his Thursdays in the spring and fall. Hopefully my nephew will be much healthier by then and she could enjoy a day away without worry 

Plan and do at least one fun thing per week. So far in April I've had book club, volleyball team meetup, cards at my sister's, and a meet up with an old colleague. Coming up is a Chanhassen Dinner Theater Matinee. Nothing planned for this week or weekend so need to think about it.

Start planning vegetables and flowers. Minnesota can fool us with near 80 one day and overnight frost a day later, so not rushing outdoor. But, I started a sunflower pot, cosmos, and peppers and zucchini in indoor makeshift sort of green house. I have a brown thumb but am hoping the directions I followed will yield good sprouts. Once fence is in, I think it aligns with when deemed timely for outdoor planting. 

     Maybe I'll do this sort of goal setting for May. It might feel motivating to get a few things listed then accomplished. 


  1. I think writing down monthly goals and doing a mid month review is a great idea. For me, the days just go so quickly the month is gone before I realize it. It sounds like you've been really productive which is always a good feeling. I hope the rest of your month is also productive. Also, hope the doctors visit today goes well.

    1. I'll try and add to my routine. Routine seems to give me focus elsewhere than my overthinking head.

  2. These are good goals! As you can probably guess, I'm highly motivated by setting goals, regular check ins & the like. :-) - Hawaii Planner

    1. You do such a good job planning and tracking.

  3. You are setting really great goals - personally I like the arm swipe method for sorting , but that’s not a long term gain !
    Your porch already looks lovely - I like finding tablecloths in charity shops ( thrift stores) and using those on tables in the garden - they are pennies and make my seating area pretty - add a couple of candles and a cushion and you make a really relaxing space

    I know how hard it is creating space when adult children return home . You seem to be focused on making this work for both of you ( indeed all of you ) , and that’s brilliant
    Good luck with the goals - you are inspiring
    Siobhan x

    1. I do have a small table and four chairs. The patio furniture is kind of like a little lounge. It's comfortable in the front porch area so no rush to get something I don't truly love.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Vix. I'm trying to keep going- some days even forward.

  5. It's good to have both goals and fun things planned - keeps you focused. Well done.

    1. I am so overwhelmed with work, so at least trying to keep order at home is helping.

  6. You're going brilliantly. We employed the ' get rid of it all' method to make space for KL and her family, and I haven't missed any of it. We have so much to sort out with the revamp, the allotment,
    and making the garden safe for the little one , and I know it will get done, but waiting on these results is all encompassing at the moment.

    1. I need to be more ruthless and less emotional with purging. I know it has to be done, even if my son didn't move back.

  7. I have some modest goals for April, mainly because I know myself and it’s highly unlikely that I will accomplish anything more than that. I unfortunately tend to sit on my arse after dinner is put away and essentially waste my evenings. However, my list includes a few errands for my dad, cleaning under the bathroom sink and ripping apart the pantry, washing and storing coats and winter gear and culling through blankets and sheets. I believe I’ll get all those done and hopefully more. Starting with the bathroom, which I’m off to go tackle now :) JoAnn

    1. Slow progress is is progress right? I get in a bad habit on rainy days, but refuse to leave kitchen or bathrooms messy before going to bed. My day starts lousy if I wake to a mess either spaces.

  8. We have been out of town and having house guests. Now I need to settle down and get to work sorting through a different room. I have found if I keep 3 boxes with me, keep, trash, donate and give myself no longer than 10 minutes in any area, I get things done. If I don't limit my time I wander, either mentally or physically and nothing happens. Plus how much $#!+ is one home legally allowed to have. (Excluding my dishes/china/crystal___I am not ready to part with any of them yet)

    1. I do well on my Fridays, but haven't had a real one off in months it feels like- since vacation. Yes, keep your china as long as it makes you happy.

  9. This region is treacherous when it comes to planting veggies outside too. It had been scorching hot and then just yesterday the snow line moved back down to 1,000 metres (I'm at 800 metres). You'd think I'd have learned by now, wouldn't you! Oh and I could never do the "swing the arm" method of decluttering as I like to go through everything before pitching it. The "sod it" method works quite well for me, though!

    1. Sure enough, first warnings. I'm glad I cwas patient.

  10. Sounds like a great plan writing down your goals and then checking your progress.

    1. These were more just a list but I'll be more thoughtful maybe for May.

  11. I can never do the arm swipe. I have to pick up each piece of tiny trash and toss it. I have to put everything where it goes even though an arm swipe is tempting. I can do that to Tommy's table but not mine.
    Is your son back in the room he had as a child?
    Your posts have become more optimistic and less despairing since he moved back!

    1. Not the same room. I don't think my past posts were dispairing, just honest as to what I'm now needing to deal with on top of missing my husband. Of course having my kids close will help strengthen my support system.


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