Sunday Waiting On the Storm

      We're supposed to get the really first big winter storm of the year. By midday they say the snow and blowing starts, will be all night, turning to rain Monday, then back to snow overnight into Tuesday. If that's all correct, what a mess. I'm heading to church then will stop for a few things that we'll likely run out of by Tuesday night for my daughters soft diet, and my preferences.

     Once home, we are in for the day other than get pup a walk. I have a list of sorts to get accomplished.

  • Clean and purge the "office" cupboard in the kitchen. My daughter went for a scissors and crash! Too much miscellaneous junk with unstable stacking must be remedied. 
  • Bake homemade bread
  • Make another batch of soup for daughter
  • Go through at least two boxes of my daughter's clothes while she's here.
  • Miscellaneous laundry.
  • A bit of life admin like cross check checking, get end of month bills in order to pay
     I'll check to see what NCAA hoops games are on, but think the ones I'm following already played. Between the highschool tournament and men's and women's college, games were on the TV in the background all day yesterday. We'll be instead maybe snuggle up with a fire going and watch a movie together later. I hope the weather breaks and plow and sanding trucks get out as my daughter has to go into her office for part of the day at least. My older daughter is planning to work from home Monday for sure, possibly Tuesday, so we'll play it by ear when she brings grandpup, or I meet her. He's going to doggie care anyway while the kitty is here recuperating. Happy 🌼🌱 Spring. 


  1. BINS are my solutions to those avalanches. It is amazing that you are having first winter storm while I am watching trees bloom. What exactly did your daughter have done that is keeping her on soft food? Stay warm.

  2. Hope the storm isn't as bad as expected. We have had a bunch of rain, but managed to squeeze in a very windy pickle ball lesson yesterday afternoon. Nick's soccer game was windy & drizzly, but much better than a full rain storm. He missed his second game (injured his foot in game one) & that one poured buckets, so I wasn't sad to miss.

    I organized my toiletries yesterday, and woo! There was a ton there. I gave away a bunch on Buy Nothing, and gave everything a wipe down. It looks much better. I'm very much a minimalist, so was asking myself where all of this stuff comes from. I think I bring stuff home when I travel, as they are either novelty items, or I think to myself, "just in case". I need to stop doing that. It's wasteful, sometimes the items spill & make a mess, but mostly...I just don't need it & don't want to spend future time purging it.
    (Hawaii Planner)

  3. I saw that a storm was coming in your area. I say take advantage of it and snuggle up and watch movies and eat lots of good food. Hope your daughter and kitten both fully recover soon. Stay safe and warm!!

  4. Stay safe and do not venture out if it gets very bad. Stay in and enjoy life for a day or two.

  5. Put your "Fargo" hat on and stay warm and safe inside! ;-)

  6. Snow??? It's almost April! Although I do love the pictures from storm chasers but it seems so late in the year for that!

  7. Toronto got a bunch of snow Friday - only for it to melt off by Saturday, lol. Stay cozy and safe!

  8. I hope that it wasn't too bad for you. We've definitely not seen the last of the wintery weather in my part of the world yet if the weekend was anything to go by! Arilx


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