Low Spend March and April


      I decided that whatever cash I had left from my vacation was going to be rationed out as my entertainment budget for March and April. A few things to use it for include retirement dinner for sister M (last Friday), hosting family for a cards night (minimal as mostly snacks, wine I already have and BYOB) for sister C's birthday, a show choir competition(past Saturday), 50+ church group outing, and a few trivia nights. I haven't played trivia since the last Wednesday in December due to repeat January illness and February conflicts.

      I'll hopefully meet friends again for outdoor walks ( which may include a stop for an adult beverage or coffee depending on time of day) which are high value entertainment with little to no cost. One curve ball in this plan is tickets to the Chanhassen Dinner theater for the Carol King musical Beautiful, but that's my big outing for spring and it's not coming out of this planned leftover vacation cash. I have a supply of gift cards to a few coffee places and local restaurants I can tap into for other splurges if I feel a need. I probably need to schedule dinner or lunch with my MIL this month too, but (not that it's not enjoyable) I wouldn't consider that my entertainment budget if I take her out. I might just invite her here with the kids. 

     It's warmish again so I think my heating use will continue to be low. I'm on the budget plan so hope I see a drop when they recalculate. I'm diligent about turning off lights and unplugging appliances not in use, keeping my electric bill low. I need no new clothes, will use up household and personal supplies fully, and get back to my simple but nutritious eating, using up freezer items and pantry. All I've bought for groceries/household since getting home on the 25th, just at Kwik Trip, was milk, eggs, bananas, cheese, tomatoes, and a loaf of bread. My daughter brought some veg from her house though to add to spaghetti sauce Sunday night. I sent a hefty portion home with my younger daughter along with other odds and ends so she'd start her week easy.

     I paid house insurance by credit card last month, no fee, but the statement needed to be paid last week. April 15 (or is it May?)is property tax payment date. Then come the end of May, I'll have boat expenses to ready for summer. I'm keeping a tight rein on my spending the next few months so these high irregular but planned for expenses are taken care of. Cash flow is stretched right now through July at least.

      My biggest adjustment in my brain in having just one income is that there's no secondary source in the tight months. We'd have experienced that after my husband retired as we planned to live on just my income if possible until I retired with him, letting his investments and social security mature. I know lot's of you have had this as your norm for a long time or forever. Still, it feels challenging. But, I'm fortunate it's doable without being deprived of needs and simple wants. 

     I'm enjoying reading or watching programs about thrifty living, budget yet delicious meals, energy savings, and waste mitigation. My mind needs creative outlets; just pulling out the checkbook or credit card for any want or need is not creative and could be disastrous financially. I have busy work days/weeks, but evenings and weekends sometimes feel too long. Investing time rather than money on a quality life seems appropriate for my lifestyle and money goals right now.



  1. What a great plan on using up the extra funds from your trip. It sounds like you have some fun times in the near future.
    It is at that time where heat in minimal and AC not needed yet - so that sure helps the budget.
    You have some good goals!

    1. Low key kind of fun. I'm trying to plan for retirement so this two month exercise will be practice.

  2. Best of luck with reigning in the spending for March and April. As for yearly irregular bills, I have kept a chart each year listing when and how much these big bills hit in the year so I can visual see when these are due. That has helped me keep on track with those. 8-)

    1. Knowing when they're due isn't an issue. I deposit into a sinking fund just for them. It's the timing this spring, one time, if extra boat expenses so I'm trying to be lean.

  3. Been one income my entire life. Yes, you cut back on some fun things but just need to be aware of yearly bills so not surprised. My insurance pays for a gym membership and that has been a lifesaver for social interaction and fun…….plus helps with maintaining or losing needed weight. Yes, weekends are hard…..a time for families, of which I have none….especially on Sunday after football season is over. You have much to look forward to, just by having a family and not being alone. You can do it. I keep envelopes….a “ fun and a save” when fun is depleted…..I get very inventive…..but what works for me. Much luck to you……

    1. I know I'll manage, but the variation and large payments still make me grimace. If the cash system works for fun, maybe I'll start that like you suggest.

  4. I'm like anon above, on my own since becoming an adult. In three months I'll retire, and am recalibrating my spending for the income cut. I want to delay social security for a few more years. Thankfully I get a pension, not a lot but livable for one. I hope you figure out those weekends. Read, craft, garden in summer, whatever works for you. Maintaining your friendships and family connections is so important. Never a waste of money for that when done wisely.

    1. I'll have a smallish pension too, but I plan to retire at 60, and leave that until at least 66. I think once I can get on with the yard work, my weekends will fill and I'll be exhausted at night. I'm thinking of starting to try card making as a craft.

  5. I’m just trying to catch up on my blog reading while I’m away. It’s great to see you had such a wonderful time on the cruise and are now getting back in your stride. I look forward to seeing how you get on. PS two more nights in Thailand for me then I’m off home! Anna

    1. I had a relaxing time. I'm not a die hard cruiser. I liked the beach day a lot. I'll like to read your recap of your trip.

  6. I divide irregular bills by 10 and put that amount in savings each month. Started that when late Husband died, continued it when Hubby and I got married. He struggled with it at first but now automatically says something about it being in savings.

    1. Dividing by 10 is interesting. You get a built in cushion when you deposit each month. I learn from you every week.

  7. Tony and I live frugally and I love to read how others do the same.

    1. I just don't have many needs or wants right now - just people.

  8. Excellent point--I think many of us plan our retirement assuming we will have retirement income from both spouses, not thinking that it may not end up that way. I'm so glad you are continuing to blog as you navigate through your life now, I am learning a lot from your posts!

    1. I was able to consolidate his retirement with mine, but we lost 9 months of his salary and contributions, plus only one social security, which I can't tap into until I'm past 60. Some days expenses of course are lower with just me, but so many large are still as high.


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