Changes in Routine

      My son is back living in Minnesota.Covid followed by back to back major strikes in his industry plus just the overall high cost of living all were contributing factors. He's got a cushion to get started, and staying with me, he won't have housing expenses until he figures out where he wants to live. He had little furniture in California as roommates had the bulk in shared spaces and what he had wasn't worth moving. He sold, left for next roommate, gave away, or tossed what wasn't worth moving or couldn't fit in car, but could be replaced here. He's living with me for the time being, but once he decides his next move, I've got his old bedroom set he can take, plus a reach out to friends and family would yield the essentials I'm sure. It's likely no less than 6-9 months though he'll be here. With my pending knee surgery, that will be a help. 

     He's both looking for regular steady work, while tapping into some faster freelance opportunities. First task is getting his car transferred to Minnesota and updating car insurance, savings $100 per month. Gas is generally cheaper here too than California, but we have to drive farther distances it seems day to day. But, some of his past errands can be combined with mine, saving time and money. No coin laundry either. While months out, even a small condo if he purchases will have washer and dryer in unit. I, of course am not charging him rent, so he can put anything he would have spent towards a future home purchase. It'll be nice to both split cooking duties and share meals together when it works schedule wise. 

     Kitten is declared healthy, though his total healing is another four weeks. His mom and him are back in their apartment. I'm sure he misses my front and back windows, natural Cat TV, but they do have a big window that faces some trees so he'll see birds and maybe squirrels. He will not miss the dogs. Grandpup is back weekdays, though has two doggie daycare days. I missed him since my daughter picked him up Thursday, and I met her Monday morning. She wasn't feeling well all weekend so didn't come for lunch on Saturday or Easter. 

     I've got another in person work day Thursday. A full Professional Development Day, at a west Metro highschool. It'll add 20 minutes to my already long commute, both ends. I have chili ready to go for supper. My son can just put it in crockpot before he's up and out. I'll make a pot of basmati rice. That's how we like to eat our chili, over rice, topped with sour cream and cheese. It's vegan chili, so when my daughter comes for the dog after a late shoot, she'll have a good supper waiting. 

      No updates on the family vacation, other than I politely declined to join. With both my oldest and youngest in precarious and unknown employment situations, it's a challenge for either to commit to next winter yet, the dates now being proposed. If not being able to say a definite yes means they aren't included, so be it, but it might be good for them to get out of winter for a week. My older daughter is like me, in terms of wanting space, but surprised me by responding she'd be able to make the dates work. She knows it's important to her grandma. That's about all I have, but routine is going to be anything but for a few weeks, but we'll find our way.


  1. It is wonderful that you have a soft place for your son to land while he figures out his next step.. Just having someone else in the house might be wonderful for you, even if it does mean a change of routines.

    1. I hope his time living with me takes pressure off him to really figure out what he wants to do here and is able to get things set to do so.

  2. I'm sure you're thrilled to have your son back in Minnesota! It will be such a big help to have him there for your TKR. I'm happy to hear the cat is on the mend. Binx spends hours watching all that goes on out our windows. I hope your in person work day goes smoothly. Have a great day!!

    1. The professional development day was actually very enjoyable and traffic, at least there, was much better than I expected. It will help me having someone here all the time.

  3. It's good to be able to help isn't it? I'm enjoying having KL and her little family living with us, even though it was a big upheaval for everyone. I'm pleased to hear that the kitty cat is on the mend. Bold used to spend ages in the conservatory watching the birds when he was here. We can't look after him now because KL and J are both allergic.

    1. You're family is fortunate that you have so much grit to get things sorted and make it work. I imagine your grandson is growing so fast and being able to share in seeing that daily is a source of joy.

  4. I am so happy your son is home with you. Changes in routine are sometimes tough but you guys will manage just fine. I hope he finds good work opportunities!

    1. It's a big house even with two people so we don't have to be on top of each other. As for work, I hope for the best.

  5. Crossing my fingers for your son and finding a good fit of employment! Having him home will be an adjustment for you but the good out weighs the not-so-good just having him nearby(well home really). And if he is there for your surgical recovery all the better! Government Covid policy was a nightmare for many and it will take years for children in school to catch up, young adults to get their bearings, etc. At least it brought some companies into the 21st century as far as being able to work remotely. Having your kids far away is hard....ask me how I know. ;-)

    1. It's going to be a new way of life for him, and while here me too. I'm glad though he made a decision to return as it's been a rough 4 years.

  6. Love that you have space for your son, and will get this time together with him as well. Good for both of you, I'm sure. Everyone will be able to help each other. (Hawaii Planner)

    1. Life throws what it will at us. I'm glad he felt it would be a good thing to relocate back and not keep floundering in the unknown week to week.

  7. Jre that will be nice to have your son home with you. It will especially help him to amass some savings to jumpstart his next living situation. My youngest son lived with me for several years before he bought a house. He helped out a lot (mechanics, snow removal…) and my house is so big and I was doing shift work then so we were often like ships that passed in the night ha! He also helps my oldest son farm so long/varied hours. Are you having a TKR? Your kids will be a big help. ( this son was also my biggest helper and slept over my first night) I have a CNA granddaughter who loved helping as wants to go to nursing after graduation and works in a nursing home. If you are doing the total knee my advice is get the ice machine that wraps around your knee. I think mine was a polar and the TKR kit from Amazon they were a life saver.

    1. I appreciate the insight on the TKR. I will be researching and following all my doctors recommendations and ask questions based on others experiences. I know this is not to be taken lightly and recovery will be hard.

  8. Sounds like a good solution for both of you. Your son will be able to save money while he looks for a job, and you will have some help while you heal from your knee surgery. Glad the kitty is doing better too.

    1. Having him here while I recover will take pressure off me and my daughter's. My sister's will be a help too.

  9. It's so nice your son can land for a while with you. I'm sure it gives him a great sense of security, and you get to enjoy his company too. Glad to hear Kitty is doing well. I hope your daughter is all healed from the dental surgery now.

    1. All patients doing well. I am hopeful this is a good move for him, but temporary.

  10. It will be nice for you having son home, I am sure. He will be a major help right in the house with you after surgery.
    Let me ask you--will you have exercises to do before surgery to strengthen muscles you will need in recovery? My friend had exercises to do for several months before her surgery. Another friend was given no exercises before her knee surgery.
    I am quite sure your son is glad you are there to help him as he navigates this new season. What kind of jobs will he pursue?

    1. I don't know what pre-surgery guidance is yet. My son is open to many options.

  11. I enjoyed having my son here for nine months when he was getting divorced/during lockdowns. It forced me to cook "more deliberately" - although I always cook - and he saved a small fortune (of course) and was easily able to buy his apartment at the end of his stay. It'll be exciting when your son gets round to looking for a place, I'm sure!

    1. Easily buy might not be the end result, but hoping he can get towards something more suitable than his California two roommate situation, though it was a good size condo. He'll be an on the go guy, so suspect townhouse or condo will be the route he goes, unless he happens to meet someone and they decide another dwelling is better.

  12. Sometimes change works out good. Hope your son has great success in finding a new life there in your state. Nice he will be there when you have surgery.

    1. I am hopeful it all works for him. In the meanwhile, I m glad to have him here as long as he wants or needs.

  13. I am glad he is there to help during knee deal. Hope he finds a better job (not just $$ but all around) there.

    1. Thanks for saying the all around. I want him to find work that fulfills him to, even if on the side to a pay the bills job.


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