On 3 Days, 3 Weeks, 3 Months

      When the girls adopted their pets, we read about the 3 day, 3 week, and 3 month transition process. It takes 3 days for the pet to recognize you as a familiar person. They'll have their guard up, wondering who you might be and wondering where they are. The next three weeks, they're exploring their new space, figuring out the lay of the land, and wondering if you'll still be there. Article after article said by the three month mark, the pet, particularly a rescue, will have developed trust with you and your home is now their forever home too. Grand pup certainly fit that timeline, and just in time as we lost my husband just at the four month marker, and we needed him as much as he needed us. 

     The kitten just owned us all from almost day one! My daughter had a class this past Saturday and her roommate was gone for the weekend so they spent it with me. He's such a sassy little thing, but so darn sweet. He cuddled when he wasn't exploring. Pup just seems to ignore him mostly, but isn't a fan when the kitten runs. Grand pup wasn't here at the same time until Sunday afternoon- that's an evolving dynamic. 

     I had a point to bringing up the 3 day, 3 week, and 3 month time frame. I feel like a stray myself, not really sure where my life is headed. I could just keep working year after year, or stick to the timeline my husband and I had. I could retire even earlier, but I have no idea how to then spend those days. I don't know what's around the corner, in days, weeks, months, or years. Instead of overthinking, I think I'd be better off continuing to think about the future, to focusing, on short bursts. 

  • What's my plan for the next 3 days? Have I showered and washed my hair? ( Seriously I need to ask myself this.) What needs to get done? Did I get any sleep and should I try to go to bed earlier? Do I need to eat healthier, get more exercise? When will I blog or journal just for myself? ( I'd like to aim to get in a 2-3 day a week posting habit) Is it a work day or a day off? (I have  to think about this as well as days blur into each other.) If work, am I maximizing what needs to get done to keep unnecessary stress at bay? If a day off, how do I make sure I don't just crash in front of mindless t.v.?
  • In 3 week stretches, what's on the calendar? Have I conscientiously made plans to see friends? Have I made sure bills are paid or are in the cue to be paid? Am I taking care of the things that need more attention in the house? Daily/weekly tidy's are fine, but at least every three weeks, every space needs a deep clean, rotation wise perhaps- am I doing this? Have I scheduled a day or two over the three weeks to invest in writing, even if it goes no where but in my hard drive? 
  • What do I need to plan or prepare for over the course of the next 3 months? Am I looking out for dates or events that might be sensitive triggers and set myself up to get through them with any semblance of stability? Do I have at least one get away planned, getting myself out of the house and neighborhood for more than an hour, the office not included,  even a day trip? Have I taken care of both putting money away in my sinking fund account and either paid or have scheduled to pay, those intermittent expenses that could get lost and forgotten until past due, like car insurance? Have I scheduled maintenance items for the coming three months? Have I reviewed medical, eye, dentist, etc. appointment needs? Have I assessed where my retirement portfolio sits so I can evaluate when retirement is right? I figure I don't need to give more than three months notice once I do decide.

    When it was both my husband and I planning, he had a virtual roadmap designed to get us from the present to where we wanted our future to be. I'm overwhelmed to think so far out alone. But I figure if my days can take care of the weeks, and the weeks take care of the months, slowly I'll get my own map planned. The irony is that no matter how perfect the plan might look, ultimately, I learned it's still not a given it'll work out. So the 3,3,3 idea might help me figure out how to make my life in the present a little better. 


  1. I think the 3-3-3 plan might be good for us all. Thinking of you as you continue to adjust to life.

    1. Thank you Anne. Well, I have something special in my calendar in three weeks so that's a good start.

  2. I think this 3,3,3 idea is a wonderful plan for everyone. It's pretty much how we live our lives. We do all we can to save for the future but plan more for the day, week or month. There are so many things that can come up or happen when trying to plan so far out. When you wrote 'days can take care of the weeks, and the weeks take care of the months' this is SO true. Take care Sam!!

    1. I hope so. I'm not going to be tracking or anything, more a thought process.

  3. I love this plan. Structure is always helpful, and even if not always set in stone - it gives you your own roadmap. And the kitty makes it clear, it is OK to lay down and snuggle once in a while too :)!

    1. I hope this is more a change in mindset, thinking ahead but not do far I forget today.

  4. As one who supported my sister when she widowed unexpectedly at a young 57y, I think you are doing marvelously. Some days getting out of bed and brushing a tooth is a big success! Give yourself the Grace to be in your grief. Through it you can move forward a bit at a time.

    This 3-3-3 sounds like an amazing philosophy and it's wonderful that you found something that resonates for you.

    Be kind to yourself :-) Hugs.

    1. Time will tell if this thought process is helpful. When one of my sister lost her husband 12 years ago at just 54, she had so much to deal with. Sadly we lost her to a brain aneurysm less than two years later. I've since had two more sisters lose their partners before me, plus one sister that lost her first husband 287 years before. I'm surrounded by people who understand and by those that don't.

  5. What a great idea, gives you a good structure. I'm glad you've got the animals....I smiled at the idea of the 'evolving dynamic' between grand pup and kitty.

    1. He's just so big and curious and the kitten is so tiny! I hope to see them evolve into friends.

  6. I like this - it is such a good idea for all. Thank you for posting.

    1. More a mindset adjustment. I hope I get more clarity in life.

  7. As others have noted, this 3,3,3 planning is a really good idea. I am thinking how I could use it as well. I wish you the best with this.

    1. I just got to stop spinning in my own head.

  8. Days blur more when you retire if you don't have outside activities. Just a heads up.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. I can see that happen. I e got ideas for retirement days, but yes, know if I get lazy, they will blur and be wasted.

  9. I like that plan too! To be honest, I need to get back onto some kind of plan because even though I'm retired I do let things slide (or maybe that's BECAUSE I'm retired). No point wasting our precious retirement days when we worked so hard to get here!

    1. I know it's easy on my days off to spend too much time online, or watching TV etc. I hope this mental adjust gives me a focus.

  10. This seems so sensible I think I may try it myself. Thank you for the idea.

    1. Sense is in short supply here, but hopeful.

  11. Love the pet photos!
    I always count in threes so the plan makes perfect sense. I'm not much of a planner, I start to feel trapped if my calendar looks full so dealing with life on a three day basis suits me fine. xxx

    1. I think it'll help me both be flexible, but not neglectful. Somethings have to be planned, but I don't think anyone needs to know my business more than 3 months out, including me.


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