Thrown Together Meals

A few posts ago I mentioned that a savings strategy was eating unconventional meals- meals just thrown together, though nutritionally balanced, with whatever we had on hand. Here's a few recent meals to end the month if October. Bung It Chili: Canned tomato and assorted beans from freezer, miscellaneous vegetables to use up with lots of spices, just thrown in crockpot and forgot until people were hungry. Picture is horrible but couldn't be bothered to retake. The clump in middle is still frozen black beans. Seasoned rice with ; mashed acorn squash, sweet potato wedges, and steamed carrots. Black bean, pepper, onion, and diced potatoes in the last two tortillas , folded burrito style and grilled. I had a can of Pace cheese sauce lingering in the pantry, heated and poured over. Thai chili tuna on leftover brat ( hotdog) buns topped with sliced Colby cheese with cottage cheese and fruit. Salad plate-that's why it's heaping. Hal...