
Showing posts from September, 2024

A Check-in

      I'm amazed how people that I've only met virtually can become such good friends and a support system. I've not been feeling like blogging for several months and not sure when I'll resume. However, I feel I owe so many of you that have checked in by comments or emails to at least let you know I'm still here, still getting from day to day.      I had a successful knee replacement back on August 7th. Recovery has been slow, but is progressing in the manner the surgery and PT team say they aim for. Getting the 0° leg extension, and the 120°+ bend has been the challenge. I'm battling fatigue when trying to walk as long as I'd like and restlessness at night, but pain has been very manageable. I'm working intermittently and will through the rest of September. In October, I'll work around weekly formal PT appointments and daily rounds of  continued PT exercises on my own. A few other health issues came to light or resurfaced in preparing for surgery, m